Innovation Carnival

Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Co-Curriculum and Student Development Centre (PKPP) introduced the Innovation Carnival starting on semester 1 2021 / 2022 session in an effort to foster a culture of invention among students. It is a new component of additional teaching and learning (PdP) for extra-credit co-curricular courses in line with sustainable lifestyles that require society to act proactively to produce realistic innovations in the present. The inaugural carnival are held online involving the three UMS campuses, namely the Kota Kinabalu Campus, Labuan International Campus and the Faculty of Sustainable Agriculture, Sandakan.


The innovation produced by the students themed is wate to treasure. aims to foster the development of university students as leaders in  in sustainability and environmental stewardship. By harnessing the power of innovation students have the opportunity to transform waste into treasure and shape a more sustainable tomorrow. Student innovation results will be judged by an experienced panel of evaluators and will be awarded Gold Awards, Silver Awards and Bronze Awards.

As a sign of encouragement to cultivate innovation, RM200 will be given as the main prize which is the Special Innovation Award of the PKPP Director, and quality inventions will be considered for competition at a higher level.

PKPP UMS Director

Dr. Jurry Foo

Language Usage

Each innovation can be sent in only two languages, namely Malay and English.


Each course must submit at least one entry or one entry for one course section.

Innovation Work Submission Guide

Please ensure that the poster and video adheres to the following guidelines

1. Clearly identifies the name of the co-curriculum course.

2. Includes relevant information in the poster/video such as:-

  •  Introduction (why you must create this product?)
  •  Repurposing waste material (describe your product: waste to treasure)
  •  Impact and sustainability (refer innovation evaluation)
  •  Commercial value (refer innovation evaluation)

Innovation Poster and Video Format

The format for innovation posters and videos must follow the specifications set by PKPP as below:-

Poster Format

1. Poster Size: A3 (11.69inch x16.53inch)

2. Limited to 1 page only.

3. The layout of the content in the poster is based on the students' creativity.

4. Posters are saved in jpg format with a maximum of 2MB.

Video Format

1. Duration 5-7 minutes.

2. Each project must submit only one (1) video recording for evaluation.

3.Video recordings should be uploaded to Youtube but should be made in "Unlisted" settings not in "Public" settings. So that the link can be opened and evaluated by a panel of judges only.

Medium of Delivery of Innovative Work

E-posters submit through the link as follows

Innovation Submission Application

Evaluation of Innovation Work Results

The following are the evaluation criteria for each innovation product competed

Evaluation Category



Innovation and Creativity

  • Originality and creativity of the idea
  • Uniqueness of the approach to repurpsoing waste materials
  • Innovation in transforming waste into valuable resources or products 


Impact and Sustainability

  • Potential environmental impact of the solution
  • Contribution to waste reduction dan resource conservation
  • Long-term sustainability of the project



  • Feasibility of implementing the project in real-world settings


Presentation and Communication 

  • Clarity and coherence of project presentation
  • Effectiveness of communication in conveying the project's objectives and impact
  • Quality of visuals, prototype, or demonstrations 


Commercial value

  • Potential economic viability and marketable ideas/products
  • Consideration of pricing, profitability, and market competitiveness
  • Identification of target markets and potential revenue streams


Total Mark



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