teater tuaranTUESDAY, 29 APRIL – A group of 20 undergrads from the School of Arts (SPS) consisting of 10 who majors in Theatre under the Creative Arts Programme and 10 in Writing became pioneers in promoting theatre in education when the Theatre in Education Programme Tuaran District Level was launched for the first time recently.

The group under the supervision of SPS lecturer, Haji Shahrifuddin Zainal launched the programme at a Joint Workshop Between Undergrads and the Community at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK)Taman Ria Tuaran.

Themed ‘Art For Life’, the undergrads were required to enrol in the Theatre in Education course which is compulsory and successfully organised a special production called ‘Rezak Production’ at this workshop. The undergrads also applied theatre games as a tool and and one of the ways to teach children to learn. Many benefits were derived through theatre games; among them were that students would be more daring to communicate, be honest, think creatively and critically.

This first workshop was held in the Tuaran District and were well-received by students from six schools, in addition to gaining strong support from parents, teachers, education officials and school principals. According to the Principal of SMK Taman Ria Tuaran, Tuan Hj Said Andong, workshops such as this should be carried out more often to have an impact on the students especially those who will be sitting for their examinations.

One of the workshop participants, Marcellus Nicholsonn Sanai gave a positive comment on the organisation of the workshop. “This programme gives me inspiration in guiding me to achieve success in life and it would be great if this theatre games be extended to enable participants to appreciate the value of each game,” he said.

This art-based workshop indirectly motivated students to learn the science of life such as interacting with each other, creative and critical thinking skills and to teach students how to solve problems in the fastest way. - (fl)

Source : Siti Badariah Zainon , SPS


Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

FrisbeeTUESDAY, 29 APRIL – A total of 45 Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)undergrads joined the Introduction to Frisbee Game at UMS Sports Complex recently.

The programme which was conducted by a staff of UMS, Macson Enrico; had attracted UMS undergrads to know more about the game.

According to Macson, the programme aimed to introduce a variety of new activities or sports to UMS undergrads besides making Frisbee a leisure activity.

“This activity is able to fill their leisure time as well as maintain their fitness level. The idea of introducing this game is based on the commitment given by the undergrads themselves,” he added.

Meanwhile, according to UMS Sports Science lecturer, Dr. Mohamad Nizam Nazarudin; Frisbee was an activity which involved cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, balancing, body coordination and agility.

“This game not only gives pleasure, but it can improve your health and fitness components based on health and motor related activities besides fostering teamwork to beat an opponent,” he reiterated.

One of the programme participants, Nurul Ashikin Embok Upek believed that Frisbee was one of the sports that can give pleasure to students and to provide them with a new experience.

“My friends and I hope that this game will become popular, and can be held at a higher level,” she said.

The undergrads were exposed to the introduction and rules of the game besides practical sessions using the proper techniques. – ZMD (fl)

Source: School of Education and Social Development (SPPS), UMS

Media and Citra
Chancellery Department

unit integritiTUESDAY, 29 APRIL – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah yesterday announced the establishment of an Integrity Unit in UMS.

He clarified that this was to ensure all government servants practice an ultimate work culture with distinctive moral characteristics and ethics in the implementation of the six main thrusts on governance namely strengthening integrity, detection and confirmation, complaints management, compliance and discipline.

“Over the past year, two cases of disciplinary offenses were recorded and until April this year, one case was recorded. Thus, the establishment of this unit is to curb criminal misconduct and violation of code of conduct and organisational ethics among public servants.

“Hopefully, this Integrity Unit will contribute towards zero disciplinary cases in the future,” he said. He was speaking at the closing of the 4th Integrity Month celebration at the Dewan Resital (Resital Hall), UMS.

He also called on UMS community to embody the nature of these four characters as the backbone of integrity; honesty, trustworthy, wisdom and delivery.

“I believe the two main adversaries of integrity namely money (the cause of corruption) and power (the cause of power abuse) can be solved by practicing these four habits in our daily routine,” he stressed.

Various activities have been organised to celebrate UMS Integrity Month which started last March. Among them were promotion competition at JSPIU level, speech competition, a lecture by Chairman of UMS Board of Directors, Tun Dato’ Seri Zaki Tun Azmi; debates and workshop in enhancing integrity among UMS staff. – MA (fl)


Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

hari oshMONDAY, 28 APRIL – All parties need to cultivate awareness and enhance safety in their organisations.

According to the Minister of Resource Development and  Information Technology Sabah, Datuk Siringan Gubat; every worker should play their role in reducing accidents involving consumers and employees.

“Every worker must provide a Standard Procedure in Safety and Health in their own premises as well as enhancing security, training employees to always be on the alert and to provide adequate training and courses,” he said when launching the State Level World Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Day at Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS).

He added that the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) also played an important role in advising, consulting and conducting research in the field of OSH since 2007 in addition to organising various seminars and conferences.

“Among those which had been organised were conferences relating to public awareness such as the introduction to the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA 1994), the understanding on the rules and regulations in OSH, practices and safe work procedures in the field of oil and gas, tourism, logging, agriculture and many more,” said Datuk Siringan.

Earlier, UMS Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah in his speech said the occurrence of accidents in the workplace left an adverse effect on the country in general and in particular the organisation involved.

The accidents may result to many losses, including damage to properties or equipment, loss of lives or loss of limbs as well as payments of damages, medical bills, compensations to families of victims and so on.

“Thus, the theme ‘Safety and Health in the Use of Chemicals at Work’ this time is appropriate in line with the risks of using chemicals that are often used in UMS research laboratories.

“I am convinced that the implementation of the theme this year will give a positive impact, such as increased awareness of safety and health in the use of chemicals in the workplace, particularly among UMS staff itself,” Datuk Harun added.

OSH Day is celebrated on 28 April every year around the world and UMS created history when it became the first public institution of higher learning to host the celebration at state level. – SS (fl)


Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

APK PPIBMONDAY, 28 APRIL – A total of 182 groups of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) undergrads under the Humanity cluster participated in the 10th Basic Entrepreneurship Acculturation Expo (APK) starting today.

Themed ‘Live Simply, Dream Big’, APK expo is a platform for all undergrads to think creatively in planning business proposals to penetrate a wider market.

Dean of the Centre for the Promotion of Knowledge and Language Learning (PPIB), Prof. Dr. Vincent Pang in his speech said that undergrads nowadays need to equip themselves with soft skills to face the world of business challenges and job opportunities in future.

“Thus, the organisation of this expo is not limited to students majoring in economics only thus proving that UMS undergrads are versatile and ready to take on any challenges,” he said when opening the programme.

He added that the APK also provided opportunity for undergrads to express their creativity in producing innovative products and services.

In addition to the sale of goods, he said that a blood donation campaign, recycling campaign, health campaign, Western Chess competition and Mud Ball preparation for cleaning of seawater would be conducted.

The Expo is held until 6 May and participated by undergrads from the Basic Entrepreneurship Acculturation Expo which is a compulsory course for all undergrads in UMS. – ZMD (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department



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