MONDAY, 22 AUGUST – The Sustainable Minds Centre (PML) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) held a ‘gotong-royong’ activity in an effort to clean and beautify its surroundings.

According to Director of PML, Aidah Noordin, these activities could directly foster mutual cooperation and closer relationship among the staff.

“This gotong-royong is also supported by the company that manages the landscaping, FADA Enterprise and cleaning services, DES Dynamics at PML as part of their social responsibility in giving back to the community,” she said.

Meanwhile, Assistant Registrar of PML, Faddili Kasin said, child safety becomes the top priority for PML and cleanliness is one of the key factors in ensuring that they are always surrounded in a clean and healthy environment.

“Besides, physical security is also taken into account and PML must take the necessary precautions to ensure that PML is not exposed to physical danger.

“Therefore, this programme will become an annual activity to ensure that the areas surrounding PML is always well-maintained, fostering good values such as teamwork, tolerance and  harmony to produce responsible employees and to instill a sense of belonging to their place of work,” he concluded.

Source: Faddili Kasin, PML

FRIDAY, 19 AUGUST – A total of 20 participants from 11 countries will take part in the third round of the Third Country Training Programme (TCTP) 2016 in Sabah starting 8 September.

The 21-day programme organised by the Institute of Tropical Biology and Conservation (IBTP), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) in collaboration with the State Government, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

UMS IBTP Director, Professor Dr. Charles S. Vairappan disclosed that the participants were from India, Uganda, Botswana, South Africa, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Cambodia, the Philippines and Thailand.

“The programme includes formal classroom activities, video presentations, field trips to a variety of protected forest areas, interaction with the local communities in the rural and suburban protected areas and meeting with those involved with conservation efforts at grass root level.

“The training programme incorporates knowledge acquisition and skills related to integration, planning and financing, the implementation of research and education, park management and public awareness,” he said in a press conference held at IBTP Seminar Room, yesterday.

Dr. Charles hoped that through this programme participants would be able to enhance their knowledge and skills related to conservation management (planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation) and achieving the same for conservation purposes.

According to him, through the programme themed, “Biodiversity Integrated Course and Ecosystem Conservation Training”, participants would also be able to learn the experience from Sabah rangers in various aspects of wildlife and forest conservation.

Also present at the press conference were Senior Geologist of Natural Resources Office Sabah, Gerald Jetony and Chief Advisor of JICA, Hiroyuki Hatori. – SS (fl)

FRIDAY, 19 AUGUST –  The Chancellery Department, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) successfully organised a seminar on “Dangers in Get-Rich-Quick Scheme” for staff and students of UMS.

Held at the Main Auditorium of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, the seminar among others touched on debts, get-rich-quick scheme financial crime, and financial planning shared by three invited speakers namely, Director of Islamic Centre, UMS, Dr. Muhammad Suhaimi Taat; Senior Executive of Bank Negara Malaysia, Tonarusli Tonamli; and an officer from the Counseling and Credit Management Agency, Gracy Nealda A. Dukim.

In his sharing titled “Borrowing from the Perspective of Religion”, Dr. Suhaimi explained that Islam allowed borrowing but only in emergency cases or forced situation.

“Each loan must be cleared as debts could become part of us, debts even a single sen would still be claimed in the hereafter.

“Quite simply, we should spend wisely, and do not get caught in debts,” he advised.

Meanwhile, Tonarusli in his talk titled, “Financial Crime” urged all to not be influenced by any investment schemes that promise unreasonable and high returns with relatively little investment.

“Such schemes have their own modus operandi, which uses commodities such as gold as their investment product, and their targets are government employees and students,” he disclosed.

Gracy Nealda in her sharing entitled. “Starting and Raising Family” also explained the importance of financial planning to individuals, by balancing one’s income and expenses each month.

“The percentage of bankrupts in Malaysia is 60 per day, with car loan being the chief contributor to that number.

“Among the main reasons for this high indebtedness are living a luxurious lifestyle, failure in financial planning, and greed,” he said.

Touching on investments, he said that investments are usually done to protect against inflation, increase returns, and a way to achieve our goal in life.

More than 200 people attended the one-day seminar. – MA (fl)

WEDNESDAY, 17 AUGUST -  In conjunction with the National Day celebration, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) is organising a run called ‘Larian Merdeka 10km Ke Puncak UMS’ on 27 August 2016.

This event is organised by ‘Jawatankuasa Kebajikan, Rekreasi dan Libatsama Masyarakat’ (KARIB) under the Centre for the Promotion of Knowledge and Language Learning (PPIB) UMS.

According to a statement issued by KARIB, this run aims to strengthen the spirit of patriotism not only among members of UMS but also the public who are interested to participate in this event.

The programme is also seen to be in line with UMS in interacting with the public, and to lead a healthier lifestyle through this recreational activity.

The statement also added that the run is divided into two categories; men’s and women’s and the fees are RM 30.00 for university and secondary school students, RM 50.00 for adults (open to all).

A fee of RM60.00 is imposed on walk-in registration. The fees are inclusive of the event T-shirt and a running-kit.

Runners who complete the 10km route will receive a certificate of participation.

The three fastest runners for the men’s and women’s category will win a trophy and a certificate of participation, and the first 25 finishers in each category will receive a medal and a certificate of participation.

Entry forms are available on the event’s official Facebook page Larian Merdeka 10km ke Puncak UMS, as well as at the PPIB administration office.

For registration and more information, please contact Erwin Rusfian at 014-3335392.

WEDNESDAY, 17 AUGUST – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) through its Psychology and Social Health Research Unit (UPPsiKS), Faculty of Psychology and Education recently organised a Student Motivation Programme at Banggi Secondary School, Kudat.

The programme was attended by 150 Form Five students of the school in preparation for their sitting in the Malaysian Education Certificate (SPM) examination later this year.

According to UPPsiKS Head, Dr. Ferlis Bullare, the motivation programme was one of UMS’ community service programmes to the community, especially to school students.

“Besides doing research activities, community service programme is one way for UPPsiKS to approach and interact with society outside.

“Among the aims of UPPsiKS running this activity is to bring awareness to the community outside of the campus on the existence and services in psychology offered to the community and society in Sabah,” he said.

Dr. Ferlis also hoped that their efforts in organising such events would help students in relation to their personality and increase their motivation in facing the upcoming examination.

The one-day programme among others expose students to know their personality, learning style according to their personality, emotional management skill and identify their emotional intelligence. – (fl)

Source: Psychology and Social Health Research Unit UMS



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