Undergraduate Programme

Bachelor Of Information Technology with Honours
(Multimedia Technology)


Bachelor of Information Technology with Honours (Multimedia Technology) is an undergraduate degree programme offered by Faculty of Computing and Informatics at Labuan International Campus.

This programme will provide students with skills in the areas of interactive media, graphics arts, audio technology, animation, video and publishing.
Students will be exposed with the latest and widely utilised multimedia tools as well as programming languages. This will enhance students’ techniques in design and develop multimedia application.

A Brief

Programme Info

  • Programme : Bachelor of Information Technology with Honours (Multimedia Technology)
  • Code : UH6481003
  • Mode Study : Full Time
  • Duration : 4 Years (8 Semesters)
  • Campus : Labuan / Kota Kinabalu

Accreditation Code : MQA/FA10951
For more details please visit UMS website
Entry Requirement

Programme Track Timeline

2021 - Current

Bachelor of Information Technology with Honours (Muiltimedia Technology)

Sarjana Muda Teknologi Maklumat dengan Kepujian (Teknologi Multimedia)

2021 - Current

2012 - 2020

Bachelor of Science with Honours (Multimedia Technology)

Sarjana Muda Sains dengan Kepujian (Teknologi Multimedia)

1999 - 2011

Bachelor of Science (Multimedia Technology)

Sarjana Muda Sains (Teknologi Multimedia)

1999 - 2011

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muzaffar Hamzah
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muzaffar HamzahAssociate Professormuzaffar[at]ums.edu.my
Dr. Nur Faraha bte Hj. Mohd Naim
Dr. Nur Faraha bte Hj. Mohd NaimSenior Lecturerfaraha.naim[at]ums.edu.my
Ryan Macdonell Andrias
Ryan Macdonell AndriasLecturerryan[at]ums.edu.my
Laura Penny Jack
Laura Penny JackLecturerlaura[at]ums.edu.my
Nuraini Jamil
Nuraini JamilLecturer (Study Leave)ainjamil[at]ums.edu.my
Dr. Carolyn Salimun
Dr. Carolyn SalimunSenior Lecturercarolyn[at]ums.edu.my
Dr. Mohammad Fadhli Bin Asli
Dr. Mohammad Fadhli Bin AsliSenior Lecturerfadhli.asli[at]ums.edu.my
Ahmad Rizal Ahmad Rodzuan
Ahmad Rizal Ahmad RodzuanLecturerarizal.arodzuan[at]gmail.com
Annecia Yoag
Annecia YoagLecturer (Study Leave)ainnecia[at]ums.edu.my



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Reach Us

Faculty Of Computing And Informatics
Jalan UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu,
Sabah, Malaysia.

+6087-503131 - Labuan Campus

+6088-329720 - KK Campus


+60 87 503 114

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