FPEP-5820WEDNESDAY, 20 MAY – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with P. S. Yap, Isma & Associates, a chartered accounting firm based in Kuala Lumpur, on Tuesday.

An office called Business Solutions @ UMS – P. S. Yap, Isma & Associates is established at the building of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Accounting, which will be used for the purpose of training for UMS students under the Accounting programme.

UMS was represented by its Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah who signed the agreement, witnessed by Acting Registrar, No’man Hj. Ahmad, whilst Dato’ Yap Pian Seen signed on behalf of P. S. Yap, Isma & Associates, witnessed by its representative, Dato’ Ismaamri Ab Manan.

The event also saw the presence of UMS Board of Directors Chairman, Tun Zaki Tun Azmi, Board members, Tan Sri Sukarti Wakiman, Datuk Pengiran Hj. Mohd. Hussein Pengiran Hj. Mohd. Tahir and Datuk Ag Buhtamam Ag Mahmun.

Earlier, Datuk Harun in his speech said the main purpose of establishing an office in the campus in collaboration with the accounting firm was to facilitate the training of students, at the same time increase employment opportunities for students through the skills learned.

“The Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) recommends that accounting lecturers who do not have any experience working in the industry must now have at least 12 months of industrial training.

“Therefore, this is beneficial to the lecturers of accounting programme to undergo industrial training exercise in the campus without sacrificing their teaching time,” he added.

According to him, the establishment of Business Solutions @ UMS was also to meet the requirements set by MIA.

The new Business Solutions @ UMS office was officially opened by Tun Zaki Tun Azmi in a separate event. – MA (fl)

Photo: Ernest Berinus

Media and Citra Division


debat diraja hepWEDNESDAY, 20 MAY – The line-up of debaters representing Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) gave a stiff fight to other competitors at the Royal Debate 2015, held at Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), recently.

According to UMS Debate Team Manager, Rohani Hadi, UMS sent four teams, representing the Malay Language, Major and Junior categories as well as English Language, Major and Junior categories.

She added that this year’s participation by UMS was part of an effort by UMS to support and cultivate public speaking activities among students.

Meanwhile, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni) UMS, Associate Professor Dr. Ismail Ali said that the university fully supported the participation of students in debate and public speaking competitions.

“UMS wants to produce graduates who have the soft skills as well as high-confidence in preparation for the complex working world,” she quipped.

Despite not listed in the top three, the Major English Language team showed a remarkable achievement when they reached the quarter-final round and captured the eighth place out of 22 teams competing.

Bahasa Melayu category saw UMS at the 11th spot out of 44 teams competing.

For the record, UMS was the host of the Royal Debate Competition in 2014 and won the Bahasa Melayu Junior category. – ZMD (fl)

Source: Student Affairs Department, HEP

Media and Citra Division


TaekwandoTUESDAY, 19 MAY – A total of seven Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Taekwondo athletes are undergoing early training in preparation for the upcoming Malaysian Universities Sports Tournament (MASUM) in July.

Head of UMS Taekwondo athletes, Raymond Toh Meng Hui said, this early preparation was aimed at improving the quality of skills and self-confidence of the athletes.

“Our athletes undergo early preparation so that they would be prepared mentally and physically before facing their opponents in the MASUM tournament later,” he told UMS Media.

He said all athletes are now actively undergoing training at UMS Taekwondo Hall that are fully equipped with training facilities.

Raymond added, the training conducted five times a week was to maintain their performance in fitness and to avoid athletes from getting injured.

“Seven athletes who will represent UMS in the tournament are Mohd. Asrul Effendy Hassan, Yeo Kok Siong, Lee Kim Qin, Cheong Pui Siong, Kwong Chen Thong, Goh Chai Loon and UMS Head Taekwondo, Raymond Toh Meng Hui.

“Yeo Kok Siong, Lee Kim Qin and Raymond intend to reclaim the gold medal they won in the team event at MASUM 2013 tournament held at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM),” he disclosed. – ZMD (fl)

Source: Student Affairs Department

Media and Citra Division

pidato integriti azieTUESDAY, 19 MAY – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) recently sent a participant to the Integrity Oratory Competition that was held at Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI).

According to Student Affairs Department (HEP) Officer, Rohani Hadi, the sole participant was Azieyana Aziz, a final year student of the Faculty of Education and Psychology.

“Azieyana gave a stiff competition with her arguments and ideas and managed to include herself among the 15 shortlisted orators from among 60 participants,” she told media.

However, she added that luck was not on her side for the UMS representative was placed seventh at the quarter-finals.

Describing the competition was the best platform for students to improve on their soft skills, Rohani praised the performance by Azieyana that was fairly energetic and encouraging.

“It was also used as an exposure to familiarise students to be in front of a crowd and to build their self-confidence,” she further added.

The four-day competition was participated by all Public Universities, including Teacher Training Institute (IPG). – SS (fl)

Source: Student Affairs Department

Media and Citra Division


Gudon-5411TUESDAY, 19 MAY – The Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Community Networking Programme with Kampung Gudon, Menggatal held recently was not only a corporate social responsibility for UMS but also an attempt to foster closer ties with the residents of that village.

This can be seen with the various activities organised as prove that they were well received by the residents of the village and was praised by the village head, Mohadi Sabtu.

He said, such programme mattered most to the residents in the village, whilst at the same time further strengthen the existing bond of friendship between both sides.

“I represent the entire population of the village who are grateful to UMS especially the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah for taking the time to be with the residents of this village.

“it is hoped that the programme would continue in future,” he said, expressing a sense of pride to the Vice-Chancellor of UMS who originates from the village.

The four-day programme saw various activities undertaken including a gotong-royong (cleaning session) to clean the Muslim Cemetery, Community Hall, Mosque and Community Religious School.

Also held were student motivation programme, storytelling and poetry recital competition, health and nutrition talks and blood donation as well as Sabah dances workshop.

The closing ceremony and presentation of prizes to winners of the competition was presented by Datuk Harun.

Also present were Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs and Alumni, Associate Professor Dr. Ismail Ali; Acting Registrar, No’man Hj. Ahmad; Director of Curriculum and Student Development, Dr. Raman Noordin; Director of UMS Press, Dr. Asmady Idris; Director of Islamic Centre, Dr. Suhaimi Taat; Head of Corporate Relations Division, Azmi Jumat and the Principal of Sekolah Kebangsaan Gudon, Hjh. Ainie Hj. Omar. – SM (fl)

Photo: Ernest Berinus

Media and Citra Division



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