UMSKAL-FPEPTHURSDAY, 02 APRIL – A total of 40 students from Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy visited the Federal Territory of Labuan, recently.

The delegation led by the Head of International Business Programme, Rini Suryati Sulong also visited the Labuan Financial Services Authority (Labuan FSA) at the Labuan Financial Park Complex and Labuan Liberty Port Management Sdn Bhd (LLPM) at Merdeka Port.

They obtained various information about the economic and industrial fields as well as ports and shipping, which also boost the economy of the Federal Territory of Labuan.

According to Rini, the delegation comprised first and second year students were exposed to the local and global economy, offshore financing, career opportunities and functions of FSA and LLPM.

“Students also had the opportunity to find out more about the field of management in Labuan FSA and LLPM, two agencies that help stimulate the economy,” he said.

He was speaking after a courtesy call on the Director of Labuan International Campus (UMSKAL), Associate Professor Dr. Murnizam Haji Halik at his office at Level 13, Tower Building.

Dr. Murnizam said various activities can be participated by students including water sports and beach activities that have became an icon in UMS Labuan.

The students also organised community activities at Kampung Pantai that exposed them to village atmosphere in this duty-free island.

Rini hoped the three-day visit to Labuan was able to open up the students’ minds about the industry and the rapid development which was booming as a result of commitment by the federal government through the Ministry of Federal Territories and Labuan Corporation since 1984. – ZMD (fl)

Source: Azri Onn

Media and Citra Division


badan beruniform vcWEDNESDAY, 1 APRIL – The future of the country depends on the quality of its teenagers or undergraduates today.

This was stated by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah at the opening of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Uniformed Bodies Parade at Padang Kawad (Parade Field) of the Reserve Officers Training Unit (PALAPES).

He said such activity of the uniformed bodies aimed to strengthen discipline among students at university level.

“At the same time, it is in line with the government’s vision to develop human capital with good values and moral, and a positive and responsible attitude,” he said.

Meanwhile, Datuk Harun advised the Uniformed Bodies Parade that it was also to foster the spirit of patriotism, camaraderie and cooperation coinciding with realising the country’s integration concept of 1Malaysia.

“The country places high expectations on the younger generation as you are the successors in shaping the country’s future to always be advanced and highly competitive,” he added.

At the ceremony, Datuk Harun also saluted the uniformed bodies consisting of PALAPES Army, Navy and Air Force, as well as the Students Police Volunteer Corps (SUKSIS) and Students Civil Defence Corps (SISPA).

Also present were the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs and Alumni cum Assistant Commissioner of Civil Defence, Associate Professor Dr. Ismail Ali. – SS (fl)

Photo: Ernest Berinus

Media and Citra Division

pampletmaster500TUESDAY, 31 MARCH – The Faculty of Medicine and Public Health (FPSK) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) is offering a Master’s Programme in Public Health (MPH) on a fulltime basis for the 2015/2016 academic session in September.

According to a statement issued by FPSK, applications to this programme would need applicants who have a Doctor of Medicine qualification or medical doctor recognised by the University’s Senate and the Medical Council of Malaysia with a minimum CGPA of 2.50 points.

The statement added that applicants must have working experience for at least one year as a medical officer houseman-ship.

When contacted, FPSK Postgraduate Programme Coordinator, Dr. Aza Sherin Mohamad Yusuf said applications can be made through and the duration of study is one year.

For more information, please visit the website or send an email to or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Applicants may also contact 088-320000 extension 611026 for more details. – ZMD (fl)

Media and Citra Division

kembara sandakanWEDNESDAY, 01 APRIL – The Knowledge-acquiring Programme and Community Service organised by Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) in collaboration with the Sandakan Municipal Council (MPS) and the Duchess of Kent Hospital (HDOK) successfully held a knowledge-Acquiring Programme and community service that provided added value to the local community.

According to the President of MPS, Datuk Ir. James Wong, such programme could be used as a way towards relation-building between MPS and the community as well as other government agencies.

“We totally support and greatly welcome UMS, the centre of knowledge excellence, to Sandakan.

“Knowledge-acquiring Programmes such as this suits the different walks of life of the community here as there is also a book exhibition with attractive discounts that would be appropriate for the students, teachers and the public,” he said.

He was speaking at the Opening Ceremony of the Knowledge-Acquiring Programme and Community Service 2015 at the Sandakan Community Hall, recently. His text was read by the Deputy President of MPS, Haji Mohd Hamsan Awang Supain.

He added, as a follower of knowledge-based books, a discussion focusing on books provided visitors an opportunity to share their experiences and ideas as well as participated in a book review session.

“This is to answer our government’s call to cultivate the reading habit among the community,” he said.

The five-day programme which began on 27 March until 31 March among others also aimed to promote the culture of reading among students and community, increasing awareness on the importance of seeking knowledge without limits and boundaries.

Also included in the programme was a career-guidance talk and education opportunities in the public and private universities, health talks and blood donation programme with HDOK. – MA (fl)

Photo: Johaidi Ismail

Media and Citra Division

Dekan FSMPWEDNESDAY, 01 APRILHalal food for Muslims must adhere to some set criteria according to the tenets of Islam such as food that does not contain animal products or materials from non-halal animals or not slaughtered according to Islamic requirements, contains no banned substances, questionable food preparation etc.

Awareness on the importance of halal food creates a new dimension, especially for non-Muslims to learn more about the methods and types of food according to Islamic law.

Dean of the Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition (FSMP), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Associate Professor Dr. Sharifudin Md. Shaarani said, halal had become a phenomenon in the world of food and nutrition, and many countries had shown a keen interest on halal for health and tourism factors.

“Many people are aware of the process on the preparation of halal food in food producing but no organisations or nutritionists involved in the process of auditing halal products.

“Thus, UMS in cooperation with AO Consultancy will have a Certified Global Halal Auditor (CGHA) programme developed on the basis of its urgency in understanding the aspects of a comprehensive halal management system,” he said.

He further added that there were three main components that will be highlighted in this programme which included the understanding of halal matters related to Islam itself, eg. GMO, HACCP and others and the correct auditing method.

“This programme hopes to develop a world-class standardising system thereby consolidating any disagreement as soon as possible, besides upgrading the halal system in the world ranking so that those who are involved in the halal industry will be more competent and knowledgeable,” he explained.

The CGHA programme will be held at UMS from 6 April to 11 April 2015.

Among the experts who will be sharing their expertise were Associate Professor Dr. Sharifudin Md. Shaarani, Associate Professor Hjh Mariam Abdul Latif, Nor Azlan bin Sulaiman @ Oppier and Nor Amin bin Mohd. Nor.

Any enquiries regarding this matter can be forwarded to Associate Professor Hjh Mariam Abdul Latif (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or at 017-8729749 or Nor Azlan bin Sulaiman @ Oppier (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) at 018-7813721. – CD (fl)

Media and Citra Division



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