Thank You, Tan Sri Henry Chin Poy Wu

By Faezah Mohamad Dun

Photo: Johaidi Ismail

TUESDAY, 17 NOVEMBER – The former member of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Board of Directors Tan Sri Henry Chin Poy Wu was honoured at an appreciation dinner that was held at the Pacific Sutera Hotel Ballroom, last night.

In his speech, Tan Sri Henry Chin who held the post of board member for almost 15 years expressed his gratitude and appreciation for being honoured with an appreciation dinner.

“Although no longer holding office as a member of the Board of Director of UMS, for me this is not the end of my relationship with this beloved university.

“I am ready to give my all and contribute to UMS at any time through the sharing of knowledge and experience, especially in management  and governance, security and so on,” he said.

Earlier, Chairman of the Board of Directors of UMS, Tun Zaki Tun Azmi in his speech, described Tan Sri Henry’s contributions to UMS as invaluable.

“Thank you for helping us in driving UMS towards excellence over the years.  We owe you,” he quipped.

A biography book on Tan Sri Henry entitled ‘A Gentleman and an Officer’ was also launched at the dinner. – (fl)




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