KITA Carnival, 18-20 March

THURSDAY, 18 FEBRUARY – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Mandarin Language Club will be organising a KITA Carnival from 18 March to 20 March.

KITA Carnival, an acronym from the words Keharmonian (Harmony), Integrasi (Integration), Toleransi (Tolerate) and Asimilasi (Assimilation) will be held at Padang Kawad, UMS from 4.00 pm until 10.00 pm.

The carnival among others, are intended to highlight the uniqueness of the 1Malaysia concept and local culture to students of various races here in UMS.

The KITA Carnival will include food stalls, exhibition, games, shows and many more.

The three-day carnival is open to the public, and the local community in particular UMS community is invited to attend the carnival. – (fl)

Source: Mandarin Language Club, UMS



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