WEDNESDAY, 18 DECEMBER - A group of 85 Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) students of the Public Speaking Class under the Centre for Co-Curriculum and Student Development (PKPP) visited ‘Sekolah Dalam Hospital’ (SDH), Hospital Wanita dan Kanak-kanak Sabah (HWKKS), Likas recently as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility Programme under UMS Siswa-Siswi Prihatin (UMS-SPRINT).

Consisting mainly Year One students who were undertaking their co-curriculum subject this semester; the undergrads learned to draft Working Papers and performed related tasks leading to the programme.  They donated textbooks and workbooks for primary and secondary students besides decorating the classroom, wrapping of text books, making and gifting of handmade keychains and fruits with motivational quotes attached for children at the paediatric ward of the hospital.

The visit started with a briefing and a Question and Answer session by Asfar Abdul Hamid, the first teacher posted to teach at SDH, HWKKS. 

“The main reason SDH was formed is to give opportunity for the children who could not attend normal school session to have an education like normal children do”, he said.

For Mohd Shah Mizal bin Mohd Sharizal, 20, who is taking Sociology and Social Anthropology Programme at the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW), UMS, this visit was a first for him and commented that the children were delighted to spend time with them.

“Despite their health condition, the children at the ward were active and excited to interact with us,” he said.

This visit was also joined by UMS international undergraduates from Gabon, Japan, Korea, Pakistan, and Timor-Leste.

An international student from Pakistan, Hafiz Abdul Rahman s/o Muhammad Mushtaq, 21, who is studying Mechanical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering, UMS had mixed feelings about the children at the ward.

“I enjoyed the short but quality time with them and getting to know them better”, he expressed.

The visit was led by instructors of Public Speaking, Mohammad Norazmi Haris for Section 1 and Feria Lee for Section 2.


By: Mohamed Nasseir Bin Mohamed Hamzan & Abdul Qawi Bin Kamran (Year 1 students)

TUESDAY, 10 DECEMBER - An on-site learning program for the construction of Kingfisher Sandakan Condominium by a total of 61 students of Civil Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) recently could take the student a closer look into the 3D (Difficult, Dangerous, and Dirty) elements which can be seen and understood better in a real construction site.

According to UMS Lecturer, Sr. Asmawan Mohd Sarman, the program’s objectives is to promote on how to apply the knowledge the students have learnt in the classroom into a real construction environment outside the university.

“One of the reasons why program is held to make the students aware with the surrounding and environment of a real construction site.

 “With the early exposure to the real construction site’s environment, the students can be more prepared for their internship programme during their third year and their future career, and it will make them be extra cautious when they are on site he said.

Meanwhile, the site Safety Officer, Fauzi Ibrahim when giving the briefing to the student said construction site of a project contains all the elements in 3D and this can be very beneficial for the students to understand clearly with what they have learnt during the lecture class.

“This is very important as the very first thing that an engineer will face on site is difficulties of a constructing a project.

“They need to understand that it is also very dangerous, life-threatening and will not be very comfortable if safety measures are not taken seriously,” he said.

Also present during the programme the representative of Hap Seng Properties Development Sdn. Bhd., Chong Kyun Ket and the program’s director, Yee Yi Zhen




AHAD, 24 NOVEMBER - Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) merupakan tempat pengajian yang menjadi penanda aras dalam ketamadunan intelektualisme mahasiswa sekali gus pembekal sumber manusia yang berkualiti untuk negara dan bangsa.

Naib Canselor UMS, Prof Datuk ChM. Dr. Taufiq Yap Yun Hin berkata, UMS merupakan tanda aras ketamadunan intelektualisme iaitu di mana para pelajar mempelajari tentang budaya, menghayati ilmu, mencanai minda dan mewarisi sebuah tamadun bangsa.

“24 November 2019 genaplah usia 25 tahun penubuhan UMS dan pelbagai pengalaman sama ada pahit atau manis yang menggembirakan namun berkat komitmen tidak berbelah bahagi daripada warga UMS universiti ini kekal teguh berdiri hingga ke hari ini.

“Sejajar dengan motto keramat UMS iaitu “Bertekad Cemerlang” yang bererti tekad inilah para pelajar UMS mampu merealisasikan dengan beberapa kecemerlangan yang selama ini ingin dikecapi,” katanya dalam ucapan pada sidang kedua Majlis Konvokesyen UMS ke-21 yang berlangsung di Dewan Canselor, UMS, kelmarin.

Datuk Taufiq Yap menambah, UMS merupakan universiti yang unggul dengan membudayakan kecemerlangan bukan sahaja dari segi kokurikulum, bahkan lebih cemerlang dalam penyelidikan dan penerbitan.

“Ini dibuktikan dengan pencapaian UMS mendapatkan kedudukan 801-1000 universiti terbaik di dunia oleh Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings dan pencapaian ini merupakan kejayaan buat seluruh warga UMS.

“Pencapaian daripada para penyelidik UMS turut menyerlah dalam pertandingan penyelidikan peringkat Kebangsaan dan Antarabangsa pada tahun ini seperti Pertandingan dan Ekspo Ciptaan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi (PECIPTA 2019), UMS telah memenangi lima pingat Emas, lima pingat Perak, dan dua pingat Gangsa,” kata Datuk Taufiq Yap.

Pada sidang kedua Majlis Konvokesyen UMS, Datuk Taufiq Yap menyampaikan skrol ijazah kepada 820 graduan Fakulti Kemanusiaan, Seni dan Warisan.

(Artikel disediakan oleh Al Hidayah Awang, Pelajar Tahun Tiga Program Komunikasi FKSW)


FRIDAY, 23 AUGUST - Borneo Tourism Research Centre, under the Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) and Faculty of Business and Management, Quest International University Perak (QIUP), signed a letter of intent recently to strengthen cooperation, coordination and mobility in the field Tourism and Sustainability during the Sustainability Seminar 2019 at QIUP, Ipoh, Perak.

Prof. Dr. Jennifer Chan Kim Lian, Director of Borneo Tourism Research Centre and Mr. Nicholas Goh, Chief Operating Officer, Quest International University Perak, signed the Letter of Intent at QIUP Auditorium.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Awangku Hassanal Bahar Pengiran Bagul, representing Assoc. Prof. Dr. Raman Noordin, the Dean for the Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy, UMS and Prof. Dr. Loke Siew-Phaik, the Dean for the Faculty of Business and Management, QIUP, witnessed the signing.

The Letter of Intent outlines ways for the two institutions to cooperate in the exchange of students or staffs, collaboration in educational projects and academic activities such as trainings, seminars, workshops and conferences.

Meanwhile, Nicholas Goh mentions that it is important for both institutions to work in the field of tourism and sustainability to ensure the widest influence and benefits.

“I welcome this collaboration as there are many things that both institutions can learn from each other especially from both own unique experience on tourism development and sustainability,“ he said.

The LOI signing was followed by Sustainability Seminar 2019, chaired by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sofiah Kadar Khan of QIUP with the theme of Towards Sustainable Tourism in Malaysia and involved speakers from UMS, QIUP and Universiti Teknologi Petronas.


FRIDAY, 2 AUGUST - The third edition of the Accounting Research Seminar was successfully organised by Accounting Centre, Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy (FBEA), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) at MBA Seminar Room recently.

With the objective to provide an avenue for UMS academic staff in the accounting field to present output from completed and on-going research, the seminar involved presenters and participants from a few local institutions of higher learning including Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) and Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Sabah,

With a total of 20 participants include the participation from FBEA Postgraduate students, twelve academic working papers presentation were made by academic staff and postgraduate students

In addition to the presentations, seminar participants also took the opportunity to exchange ideas as well as to network within the accounting research field.

Also present were FBEA Dean, Associate Professor Dr. Raman Noordin and Director of Accounting Centre, Jainurin Justine.



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