poster koumsTHURSDAY, 26 SEPTEMBERMembers of Universiti Malaysia Sabah Cooperative (KoUMS) are invited to attend the 8th Annual General Meeting which will be held tomorrow starting at 9.00 am at the Galeri, UMS.

The meeting will discussed some agendas that needs the final decision of its members.

According to a statement issued by the cooperative, among some of the agendas to be discussed were the election of four Cooperative Board of Directors Members, to deliberate and agree on the Budget for the year 2013/2014 including considering and widening of scope and investment limit from the surplus of cooperative monies.

Other agendas to be discussed included the approval and consideration of any suggestions to the amendment of minor rules of the cooperative, the division of profit and other agendas.

For further enquiries, please contact KoUMS office or call 088-320714. – FL

By Salbinous Saribun

                                                                                                                                                                   Chancellery Department

ilmu falakTHURSDAY, 26 SEPTEMBERA talk on ‘Astronomy’ was held at UMS Mosque yesterday.

The talk which was organised by the Customer Services Section, Mosque and Islamic Affairs Unit (UHEIM) was presented by an officer from the Mufti Office Sabah, Ustaz Mohd. Jumat Abdul Razak.

In his talk, he explained the meanings of astronomy and its importance to our everyday life.

A total of 17 participants comprising staff and students of UMS attended the talk.

UHEIM also welcomes the public especially staff and students of UMS to join spiritual programmes such as this, in future.

The talk organised by UHEIM is held every Wednesday at UMS Mosque. - FL

By Mohd. Affzanizam Mohd Amin

                                                                                                             Chancellery Department

qurban13WEDNESDAY, 25 SEPTEMBERTo mark the Aidiladha celebration this year, the Mosque and Islamic Affairs Unit (UHEIM) invites staff and students of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) to join in the ibadah qurban and aqiqah chargeable at RM460 for one portion.

According to a statement released by UHEIM, the UMS ibadah qurban will be held on 17 October 2013 (Thursday), starting at 7.00 am at the premises of UMS mosque.

The closing date for the receipt of payment is on or before 4 October 2013 (Friday). Entry form can be downloaded through the official portal

UHEIM is also inviting all staff and students of UMS to its Aidiladha Prime Banquet 1434 Hijrah which will be held at 1.00 pm on the same day.

For more enquiries, please call UHEIM office at extension 2747 or Ustaz Jimmis at 014-3781928. – FL

By Faezah Mohamad Dun

Chancellery Department

helmet hepTUESDAY, 24 SEPTEMBERUniversiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) students are urged to always abide to traffic rules to ensure road safety.

According to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs and Alumni UMS, Assoc. Prof. Datuk Dr Kasim Md Mansur, road users especially students who are riding motorbikes should be mindful of the rules and regulations to avoid from unwanted tragedies.

“Students should also steer clear of unhealthy activities such as illegal motorcycle racing besides ensuring that their helmets are worn correctly and is according to SIRIM safety standards,” he said this when officiating at the Correct Wearing of Helmet Campaign held at Anjung Siswa Student Affairs Department (HEP), UMS. Also present was the Director of Road Safety Department Sabah (JKJR), Herdiansah Abdul Karim and staff of HEP.

Earlier, Herdiansah in his welcoming speech said that the organising of the safety awareness programme for motorcyclists and their pillion rider was timely and should be increased from time to time in efforts to reduce the rate of road accidents in the country.

He also announced a collaboration initiative between JKJR and the Student Representative Council (MPP) which will be implemented in the near future.

The programme which was jointly organised by JKJR, HEP Department and SIRIM QAS International Sdn. Bhd. also witnessed the handing over and use of helmets to motorcyclists comprising UMS staff and students. – FL

By Salbinous Saribun

                                                                                                            Chancellery Department

ZeroTBWorldKoreaSPU2MONDAY, 23 SEPTEMBER – A ceremony to mark the launching of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Community Tuberculosis Centre (CTC), Tuberculosis Research Unit and Zero TB World Korea Programme was held at the Galeri, Chancellery Building, UMS today. It was organised in collaboration with UMS TB Research Unit, Zero TB Korea and the Sabah State Health Department.

Prof. Dr. Shahril Yusof, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Research and Innovation who represented the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah when officiating at the function said that steps should be taken to help bring down TB cases in Sabah.

“Tuberculosis or TB is a contributor to infectious disease and a major cause of death worldwide,” he said.

He said there were 22,710 cases of TB reported and of this amount, a total of 4,426 or 19% of cases were detected in Sabah and is the highest compared to other states in Malaysia.

Earlier, the Dean of the School of Medicine (SPU), Prof. Dr. D Kamarudin D Mudin stressed that it was important to have close links with the District Officers, Hospitals and Regional Health Care Provider in the fight to eradicate TB.

At the press conference after the function, representatives from Zero TB World Korea clarified that Sabah was their pioneer overseas project with cash allocation including a van, equipment, medicines and trainings. A mobile x-ray was also planned and will be included in their next project.

Also present at the function was Dr. Richard Avoi of the Sabah State Health Department; delegates from Zero TB World Korea led by the Secretary-General Park Sam-bong; representatives from Community Chest of Korea led by Lee Sang-ik; representatives from Korea Foundation of International Healthcare (KOFIH) led by their Secretary-General, Sir Won-seok and Pn. Dyg. Rukiah Awg Amit, UMS Head Librarian.

By Feria Lee

Chancellery Department



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