FKSW Organises Petronas Gallery Visual Arts Exhibition

pameran petronasTHURSDAY, 18 SEPTEMBER – Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) in collaboration with Petronas Gallery are organising the “Pertumpuan: Senusa Sejiwa”, a visual art exhibition held at the Sabah Visual Arts Gallery.

Through this collaboration, Petronas Gallery and FKSW Visual Arts Technology Programme will organise a series of lectures with Southeast Asian arts historian, Shereen Naziri at Theatrette Ahmad Nisfu, FKSW Building on 19 September. The lecture will explore the visual narrative on the history of Modern Malaysia, Malaysian Contemporary Arts in Southeast Asia as well as the Arts and Corporate.

In addition, on 20 September, an Arts Activity will be held at the Sabah Visual Arts Gallery. The activity will address three main topics namely, Malaysian Arts Now, Artists Need Space and New Art: New Media Experimental.

The Arts Activity will feature FKSW Deputy Dean who is also a lecturer in Visual Arts, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hj. Baharudin Arus as an invited panel, in addition to local active artist, Zaimie Sahibil and some panels brought in by Petronas Gallery that have extensive experience in the visual arts industry in Malaysia.

The “Pertumpuan: Senusa Sejiwa” which is a collection of selected works by Petronas Gallery emphasises on the art history bound by the Malaysian Contemporary Arts and patterns of thoughts embedded by the Malaysian landscape interpretation that continues to be volatile.

The exhibition will be on throughout the month of September and will end at the end of October and expected to be launched by the Head of State, Tun Datuk Seri Panglima Dr. Haji Juhar Datuk Haji Mahiruddin on 18 September 2014. - (fl)

Source: Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW)

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