Registrar Department Appreciate Staff with Excellent Performance

perhimpunan pendaftarTHURSDAY, 26th MARCH – In nurturing excellent work culture in organisation, UMS Registrar Department appreciate staffs that have shown excellent performance every month as examples and motivations for others in doing their daily tasks.

The appreciation was given during Registrar Department Monthly Assembly No. 3/2015, held this morning, at Galeri Majlis.

The Excellence Employee of the Month certificates were handed by Acting Registrar, No’man Hj Ahmad, to staffs that have shown excellent work performance for February 2015.

One of the Registrar Department staff, Mohd Afiz Mabni was among the few chosen. When met, he told the media that he did not expect that he was chosen to receive the recognition.

“This recognition motivates me to continuously provide better service in ensuring the university delivery service to be excellent,” he said.

Other staffs who also received the Employee of the Month certificates are Fauziyah Hj. Jakir from Academic Service Department, Mary Rachel Rebeiro from Administration and Governance Department and Jomin Mositil from Security Department.

The ceremony also held a launching for Registrar Bulletin Mobile Apps, apps developed by Information Management Division, Registrar Department.

Present during the during Registrar Department Monthly Assembly were Head of Human Resource Division, Luqman Ridha Anwar and Head of UMS Security Division, Lt. Col. Abdul Talib Arifin. -SM-

Photo:  Suzeanywati Gasinin, BPK

Media and Citra Division




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