MY TREE Programme Instils Love for the Environment

Tanam PokokFRIDAY, 06 SEPTEMBERA total of 175 new students of the School of International Tropical Forestry (SPTA) participated in the planting of trees yesterday which was named ‘MY TREE’.

The programme was aimed at exposing the new students at an early stage to the importance of environment conservation and at the same time interact among themselves including staff of SPTA.

The trees which were planted by the students included tongkat ali, agarwood, kapor, seraya, kayu malam, mahkota dewa, durian and cempedak and would be under their individual care throughout their duration of study in Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS).

According to the Vice-Chancellor of UMS, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah, the tree planting programme serves to remind the students on the awareness of forest besides instilling the love for environmental conservation.

His speech was read by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni), Assoc. Prof. Datuk Dr. Kasim Md Mansur.

Earlier, the Dean of SPTA, Dr. Normah Awang Besar @ Raffie said this programme which was now in its second year was organised in collaboration with UMS EcoCampus Management Centre with the intention of making UMS as an EcoCampus University by the year 2017.

Also present were the Director of UMS EcoCampus Management Centre, Dr. Awangku Hassanal Bahar Pengiran Bagul and the Director of UMS Alumni Centre, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mahmud Sudin. - FL


By Faezah Mohamad Dun

                                                                                                                                                                   Chancellery Department





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