isra uheim1THURSDAY, 22 MAY – In conjunction with the of Israk and Mikraj events of Prophet Muhammad SAW on 27 Rejab, equivalent to Gregorian calendar 27 May, the Mosque and Islamic Affairs Unit (UHEIM) UMS held a talk on the definition of the wisdom of the Great Prophet Muhammad SAW Israk Mikraj at UMS Mosque.
The talk was delivered by Head of UHEIM, Dr. Muhammad Suhaimi Taat had brought those present to deepen the secrets and sacredness of the Prophet on the Israk Mikraj event.
“Israk Mikraj was a sacred journey and it was then that Prophet Muhammad received the mandate to perform the five daily prayers. These prayers become the very essence of Israk Mikraj,” he said.
He explained further that prayers are obligatory to all Muslims and have unique features compared to other religious obligatory duties.
He added that prayers that were done whole-heartedly would prevent any detestable actions which would diminish Muslim faith.
“Remember, all practices, whether good or bad will still get what they deserved for their actions,” he concluded. – SM (fl)
Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

THURSDAY, 22 MAY – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah said the development and application of technology in society had changed the landscape of communication and the job search scenario.

“The use of technology has enabled us to explore the opportunities offered in the job market more easily,” he said at the closing ceremony of the Student Career, Research and Industry Linkages (EXPOSuRe) 2014 yesterday.

His speech was read by Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International), Prof. Dr. Shariff Abd. Kadir Omang Al-Haj.

Hence, he said, graduates should take advantage of technology to find the best and suitable job for them.

JOEExposure2“The development of technology has made networking with industries and job seekers closer and facilitate all parties involved,” he added.

Meanwhile, Datuk Dr. Harun also praised the involvement of Talent Corporation (TalentCorp) Malaysia in organising the expo which had attracted more than 300 visitors including UMS students and the general public
Datuk Dr. Harun also advised students to wisely apply the knowledge gained and translate their excellent academic achievements to a mentality that was always ever ready.

Also present at the ceremony was the Organising Chairman, the Dean of the Centre for Postgraduate Studies, Prof. Datin Dr. Mariam Abd. Latip and the representative of TalentCorp Malaysia Berhad, Nor Kamilah Shahidan. – ZMD (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

pdg sukanWEDNESDAY, 21 MAY – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) will be the first Public Higher Learning Institute with a first class international level artificial turf field.

This was announced by UMS Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah at the UMS Sports Awards 2014 at 1Borneo Grand Ballroom last night.

He said the course was intended to support the government’s efforts to improve the sports quality of the country particularly in Sabah.

“The new field will cost RM2.5 million. Thus, tonight we are launching a trust fund which will finance the construction of the field,” he said.

Datuk Dr. Harun said that so far, UMS managed to raise a total of RM1.5 million.

“Pro-Chancellor of UMS, Tan Sri Yeoh Tiong Lay has contributed RM500 thousand; RM20 thousand from the Ministry of Youth and Sports whilst the rest comes from other sponsors such as Carino and Jesselton,” he added.

The launching of the trust fund was done by the Minister of Youth and Sports Sabah, Datuk Hj. Tawfiq Datuk Seri Panglima Hj. Abu Bakar Titingan. – SS (fl)

Photo: Ernest Berinus

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

Laura dan SimonWEDNESDAY, 21 MAY – Eldy Sham Irlon and Laura Simon were crowned Sportsman and Sportswoman of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) 2014 last night, at the Sports Award Ceremony held at 1Borneo Grand Ballroom.

Both were selected as recipients of the awards for their outstanding achievement in their field of sport.

For Eldy, his prowess in the 400 meter hurdles was to be proud of. His achievement in snatching gold in the Higher Education Sports Championship (SUKIPT) 2014 and another gold in the Malaysian Universities Sports Competition (MASUM) 2014, besides being the Sportsman at Inter-UMS schools had qualified him to win this award.

Laura’s agility in the Epee Fencing event made her the only female athlete to qualify for the Sportswoman award. She was the gold medalist of the event in SUKIPT 2014, Sukan Malaysia (SUKMA), Hong Kong Open and Shenzen Open.

Both received a trophy, blazer, certificate and cash prize of RM1,000 each.

In the meantime, the KATA UMS Women team was hailed as the Best Team award recipient, whilst Jesyntha Chong Yee Shim won the Coach of the Year award.

The Hopeful Sportsman and Hopeful Sportswoman went to Cheong Pui Siong and El Said Abdul Aziz respectively.

The award presentation ceremony  was officiated by the Youth and Sports Minister Sabah, Datuk Hj. Tawfiq Datuk Seri Panglima Hj. Abu Bakar Titingan. Also present were UMS Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah; Deputy Vice-Chancellor Student Affairs and Alumni, Assoc. Prof. Datuk Dr. Hj. Kasim Hj. Md Mansur and the Director of UMS Sports Centre, Mohd. Asyraff Fong Abdullah. – SS (fl)


Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

TUESDAY, 20 MAY – An accountant needs to be intellectual, have superior physical and emotional energy and integrity in conducting their daily work.

Such was the statement by the Bursar of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Hj. Rizal Othman at a forum on ‘Bridging the Gap Between Academia and Industry’ which was held at the Auditorium of Centre for Postgraduate Studies UMS today.

Hj. Rizal who is a member of the Certified Practising Accountants (CPA) Australia, said that students should have courage and high self-esteem to become successful accountants.

Meanwhile, the Director of Accounting UMS, Dr. Sulaiman Tahajuddin said so far no study had said that there was a gap between university and industry.

forum2“Perhaps the myth which stated that there was a gap, refers to the technical ability and attitude of a person, who needs to learn the technical know-how themselves,” he said.

Meanwhile, Head of Tunku Abdul Rahman College Sabah branch, Chu Wen Tyng advised students majoring in accounting to equip themselves with soft skills besides academic skills in preparation for the workforce.

He said in addition to communication skills, an accountant needs to have social skills, ability to lead a team and have good time management.

“The workforce currently seeks graduates who are balanced both in academic and soft skills as these are advantages to being a possible job candidate,” he added.

A total of 250 students majoring in accounting from UMS, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Sabah and Lok Yuk Secondary School attended the forum jointly organised by the Malaysian Institute of Accountants, State Education Department, Bursar Department and Accounting Centre UMS. – ZMD (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department



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