Announcement From: Corporate Communication Centre 


Assalamualaikum wbt, Salam Sejahtera & Greetings,


YBhg Tan Sri/Datuk/Dato'/Datu/Prof/Assoc Prof/Dr/Ir/Ts/Ar/Sr/Sir/Madam, 


The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak is delighted to invite you to the Borneo Business Research Conference, 2023 (2023 BBRC) in conjunction with the UNIMAS Innovation Technology Exposition 2023 (INTEX 2023). The conference is organized by the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) and co-organized by Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Sarawak branch with the theme “Circular Economy and Business Resilience”.


The 2023 BBRC provides a platform and the opportunity for academicians, students, researchers and  practitioners in academics, industries, and governments to explore and share the new ways of thinking in research to address economic and business challenges amidst the global economic and business uncertainties today, from geopolitical tensions to energy crisis, that demands businesses and policy makers identify decent policies and strategies to address these challenges in meeting 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.


The 2023 BBRC will be organized physically and the details of the conference are as follows:


Date:           23rd August 2023 (Wednesday) 

Venue:        RAIA Hotel and Convention Centre, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia 


The conference mainly focuses but not limited to four broad areas; (a) economics, (b) business, (c) finance, and (d) accounting. Specific sub-themes can be as follows:

Circular Economy, Accounting, Banking & Finance, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Digital Economy, Financial Technology, Entrepreneurship, Corporate Governance, International Business, Marketing, Management, Quality & Productivity, Hospitality & Tourism, Sustainable Development

Important dates: 

Registration Deadline:                      15th July 2023

Notification of Acceptance:               20th July 2023

Participation Payment Deadline:        31th July 2023

Full Paper Submission:                     31st July 2023

Submission of PowerPoint Slides:      31st July 2023


More information on the conference is available on the conference website. If you have any queries, please contact us at Alamat emel ini dilindungi dari Spambot. Anda perlu hidupkan JavaScript untuk melihatnya.. Please feel free to share BBRC 2023 invitation and information with your colleagues, friends and students. 


We look forward to seeing you physically in Kuching during the conference. 

Thank you for your support. 



Warm regards, 


Dr Muhammad Asraf Abdullah


Borneo Business Research Conference, 2023 (2023 BBRC)

Faculty Economics and Business 

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak 

94300 Kota Samarahan, Sarawak  



Pengumuman Daripada: Pusat Kokurikulum dan Pemajuan Pelajar



Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera ✨ Karnival Kokurikulum kini bersua lagi dengan tema “Back to School” untuk Semester 2 Sesi 2022/2023 🎉🎉dengan pelbagai aktiviti yang lebih menarik, bertenaga dan kehadiran anda amatlah dialu-alukan. Karnival ini akan diadakan seperti ketetapan berikut🥳:

Tarikh   : 8 Julai 2023 (Sabtu)
Masa    : 8.00 pagi  - 5.00 petang
Tempat : Dewan Canselor, UMS

✨Terdapat pelbagai aktiviti menarik menanti anda pada kali ini, seperti👇🏻 :

🔹Pameran Aktiviti Pelajar🎪

🔸Persembahan Menarik Pelajar🤩
 👉🏻Persembahan istimewa dari setiap kursus kokurikulum🎬🎭

🔹Cabutan Bertuah 🎡💰💰

🔸 Pertunjukan Fesyen 📷🕶️

🔹Kempen Derma Darah💉

✨Terdapat juga gerai-gerai jualan yang dibuka khas untuk pengunjung bagi menikmati pelbagai makanan yang mampu menaikkan selera anda semua. 🥐🍞🥖🥨🧀🍳🍟🍔🌭🍗🥓🍕🥙

✨Ayuh jangan lepaskan peluang!! marilah datang beramai-ramai dan memeriahkan lagi Karnival Kokurikulum ini yang mana pelbagai aktiviti menarik menanti anda.🤗🤩 Yang pastinya akan membuatkan hari anda lebih Ceria dan bermakna 🎉🎉Jumpa anda disana.🎪🥳 


Pengumuman Daripada: Penerbit UMS (PUMS)


Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera YBhg. Prof. Datuk/Prof./Dr./Tuan/Puan, 


Bagi meningkatkan mutu perkhidmatan kami secara berterusan, YBhg. Prof. Datuk/Prof./Dr./Tuan/Puan adalah dipohon agar dapat mengisi soal selidik kajian kepuasan pelanggan Penerbit UMS melalui imbasan kod QR di poster atau pautan berikut;

Maklum balas YBhg. Prof. Datuk/Prof./Dr./Tuan/Puan amatlah dihargai dan didahului dengan ucapan ribuan terima kasih.



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