Pengumuman Daripada: Perpustakaan UMS



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Pengumuman Daripada: Pusat Pembangunan Dan Kecemerlangan Akademik, UMS


Dimaklumkan bahawa Program PPKA SEMBANG RAMADHAN yang dijadualkan akan diadakan pada 12 April 2022 (Selasa/hari ini) terpaksa DITUNDA ke suatu tarikh lain yang akan dimaklumkan kelak atas sebab yang tidak dapat dielakkan.


Pihak PPKA memohon maaf atas penundaan ini. Sekian dan harap maklum.


Terima kasih.


JK Penganjur:



Pengumuman Daripada: Pusat Pengurusan Penyelidikan, UMS



The MSD Oncology Policy Grant Program aims to establish a global community of health policy researchers driving evidence-based and forward-looking health policy recommendations that will improve health outcomes for cancer patients. The program seeks to provide eight one-time grants in 2022. Each grant will be valued at up to $50,000 (USD) and will provide funding for health policy projects and opportunities to encourage dialogue and dissemination of findings as they relate to access to cancer care. Prospective applicants should note that the focus of this independent grant program is on health policy – in other words: government legislation, regulation, programs and actions related to cancer. This program will not consider grants for research focused on specific clinical therapies or the outcomes associated with such therapies. Grant disbursal is subject to successful completion of an up to two-month due diligence process for each of the selected applicants.



Grant requests should be succinct and clearly written. Grant requests are limited to no more than 5 pages, not including abbreviated CVs. Full application packages should be single-spaced, 12-point, Calibri typescript with one-inch margins.

Each request must include the following elements:


a) Cover page including:

a. Name of organization

b. Address and contact information

c. Name of principal investigator and co-principal investigators

d. Not-for-profit status of organization

e. 2-3 sentence summary of the grant request

f. Project dates

g. Budget summary

h. Lead applicant signature


b) An abstract of up to 100 words


c) A proposal narrative not to exceed three-pages

a. Brief summary of the project

b. Research hypothesis and corresponding literature review used to develop the hypothesis

c. Research objectives, methods and anticipated outcomes

d. Significance of the proposed research including expected contributions to existing knowledge, added value to the field of health policy and adequacy with the local social, cultural and policy context.

e. Full dissemination plan including stated dissemination requirements.


d) Estimated project timeline including:

a. Planned timing for research findings draft and revisions.

b. Planned timing of 1-2 local, researcher-led seminars to disclose research plan, preliminary hypothesis and allow for stakeholder input no later than Q2 2023.

c. Planned timing for manuscript submission to relevant peer-reviewed journal no later than Q4 2023.

d. Planned timing for publication of 1 or more pieces in grey literature (e.g. opinion pieces), to disseminate key insights from the primary research by the end of Q3 2023.


e) A bio-sketch, not exceeding one page, that includes:

a. Track record in completing independent, high quality health policy research

b. Key related publications and grants for principal investigator and co-principal investigators.

c. Professional appointments and degrees awarded to principal investigator and co-principal investigators.


The application shall be sent via e-mail to MSD Global Oncology Policy at Alamat emel ini dilindungi dari Spambot. Anda perlu hidupkan JavaScript untuk melihatnya.  



May 18th, 2022 Proposals due

September 30th, 2022 Contract signed

November 1st, 2022 Grants Disbursed


Pengumuman Daripada: Pusat Pembangunan Dan Kecemerlangan Akademik, UMS



Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera


PPKA Sembang Ramadhan : "Muhasabah Kewangan di Bulan Ramadhan"

-  Bersama En. Amer Azlan bin Abdul Jamal, Timbalan Pengarah PPKA


Tarikh: 12 April 2022 (Selasa)

Masa: 10:00 Pagi

Kaedah/Platform: Dalam Talian/Cisco Webex


Meeting No. : 26437862531

Meeting Password: Q4XjddXjE33


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