Prof felix banjir lumpurTUESDAY, 16 JUNE – Residents staying near Mount Kinabalu are urged to make a report if they saw nearby rivers blocked by large stones and wood chips.

According to Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) lecturer of Geology, Professor Dr. Felix Tongkul, this compound has the potential to get stuck in narrow river valleys and areas where there is a bridge that would prevent the flow of water.

“As I said before, if it happens, water and mud will get stagnant at the river mouth and will form a temporary dam…this is very dangerous if the dam bursts, more dangerous than what had happened (Saturday evening),” he told UMS Media.

About 4.00 pm yesterday, the study by the Director of Research and Innovation Centre UMS last week came true when the much dreaded mud slides hit Ulu Sungai Kadamaian and Sungai Mesilau.

In this regard, Professor Felix advised residents living along the rivers in the area to always take precautionary measures. – SS (fl)

Photo: Viral on Social Site

Media and Citra Division


kesumba 1MONDAY, 15 JUNE – The Housewives and Women Staff Club (KESUMBA) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) was urged to remain active in implementing creative ideas for the benefit of its members and to have an impact on the local community.

According to the Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Professor Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah, the expertise of each KESUMBA member should be shared in order to be able to add value to others, especially regarding women and current issues.

“I hope KESUMBA will continue to work together and make use of their existing expertise at all departments in UMS to implement joint activities, this collaboration would surely initiate ideas that would benefit KESUMBA in reaching its goals,” he said at the opening of the 18th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of KESUMBA at the Gallery, recently.

Earlier, the President of KESUMBA, Datin Baidah Ibrahim in her speech said, KESUMBA would continue to adhere to the club’s motto ‘Maju Sehati’ and adopt love, harmony and sincerity as their rule towards achieving success together.

“This club is voluntary, where all activities done need the dedication of all members regardless of time and its return,” she said.

Recently, KESUMBA also established ‘Puteri KESUMBA’ aimed at attracting the younger generation to showcase their activities that are more creative and innovative.

“We hope Puteri KESUMBA’s efforts will continue and will attract more members and provide useful input to carry out attractive activities that appeal to them and are close to their hearts,” she added.

As a boost to their membership drive, the club also held a ‘Cabaran Kilauan Cincin’ in conjunction with their 18th AGM with the intention to encourage existing members to recruit new members.

A total of three existing members namely Suriani Saini, Noryanti Jekoron and Hammie Roudah Suhaimie won the challenge, and for their effort they each receive RM300. – ZMD (fl)

Photo: Suzeanywati Gasinin

Media and Citra Division

Lawat Pulau Sains SukanISNIN, 15 JUN -  Sebagai usaha menyokong industri pelancongan tempatan, seramai 39 pelajar tahun tiga, Program Sains Sukan Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) menganjurkan lawatan sehari ke Pulau Sapi dan Pulau Manukan baru-baru ini.

Pengarah lawatan itu, Jacky Jack berkata program tersebut bertujuan mengalakkan minat pelajar melancong destinasi menarik dalam negeri sambil mengamalkan aktiviti riadah.

“Program ini juga bagi memenuhi tuntutan yang diwajibkan dalam Kursus Sukan dan Pelancongan sekali gus membantu mahasiswa meningkatkan kemahiran insaniah pelajar khususnya berkaitan kualiti pengurusan aktiviti luar,” ujarnya ketika dihubungi Media.

Sementara itu, Timbalan Pengarah program lawatan, Nur Idzaty Yahya Azmi berkata sangat gembira kerana perancangan program tersebut terlaksana dengan baik dan sempurna.

“Kami bertolak dari Jeti Jesselton sekitar jam 9.00 pagi...Pulau Sapi adalah destinasi pertama dan kemudiannya kami ke Pulau Manukan.

“Antara aktiviti yang dijalankan di Pulau Sapi adalah parasailing dan snorkeling, manakala bola tampar pantai dan frisbee dijalankan di sekitar Pulau Manukan,” katanya.

Beliau turut menyuarakan rasa terima kasih kepada Katering D’Saiful dan krew Beachbums yang sama-sama membantu menjayakan program tersebut

Salah seorang peserta, Nur Amalina Ahmad memberitahu, program yang dirangka dalam kursus Sukan dan Pelancongan itu telah meningkatkan kesedarannya untuk lebih menghargai dan menjaga alam semula jadi.

“Pogram sebegini juga dapat mengeratkan hubungan antara pelajar dan pensyarah di samping menjadi kenangan manis kepada kami selepas tamat pengajian nanti,” ujarnya lagi. –SS

Bahagian Media dan Citra
Sumber: Program Sains Sukan

Sumbangan gempa RanauISNIN, 15 JUN – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) bukan sahaja berperanan sebagai gedung ilmu tapi juga sentiasa menghulurkan bantuan kepada mereka yang kurang bernasib baik.

Atas keperihatinan itu, satu Misi Bantuan Gempa Bumi diketuai Naib Canselor UMS, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah telah diadakan di Dewan Kinabalu, Kinabalu Park, Kundasang pada Ahad.

Datuk Dr. Harun telah menyampaikan sumbangan berjumlah RM24,000 kepada empat waris keluarga mangsa dan juga kepada Persatuan Malim Gunung.

Menurut beliau, sumbangan itu adalah hasil kutipan daripada kolej-kolej kediaman UMS dan juga warga UMS sendiri.

Justeru beliau berkata, sumbangan itu serba sedikit diharap dapat meringankan beban keluarga mangsa malim gunung yang terkorban sambil menyatakan rasa hiba dan berharap para keluarga sentiasa tabah menghadapinya.

Antara yang hadir termasuklah waris keluarga mendiang Robbi Sapinggi, mendiang Valerian Joannes, mendiang Joseph Salungi dan waris mendiang Ricky Masilin.

Turut serta dalam misi tersebut, Timbalan Naib Canselor Hal Ehwal Pelajar dan Alumni UMS, Prof. Madya Dr. Ismail Ali; Pemangku Pendaftar, No’man Datuk Hj Ahmad; Pengetua Kolej, barisan kepimpinan MPP dan JAKMAS Kolej kediaman.

Rombongan UMS disambut Timbalan Pengarah Sabah Park, Mac Larin Hj. Lakim.-NB

Foto : Johaidi Ismail
Bahagian Media dan Citra
Sumber: Norhana Nordin HEPA

presiden MPP fraidFRIDAY, 12 JUNE – President of the Student Representatives Council (MPP) of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Mohd Al-Farid Abraham was appointed as a member of the Board of Trustees/Board of Directors of the Student Volunteers Foundation (YSS).

The appointment was announced at the 3rd Annual General Meeting of YSS at the Malaysian Parliament Tower chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

Al-Farid was selected based on his excellence in academics as well as active in the field of volunteerism.

He had led a Green Summer Volunteer Campaign Mission 2014 in Vietnam in addition to receiving the UMS Excellent Student Leader Award 2015 and UMS Excellent Active Volunteer 2015.

He is also the Vice President of the Borneo National Student Consultative Council (MPPK). – SS (fl)

Source: MPP

Media and Citra Division

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