Centre for Occupational Safety and Health



About US
The Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (OSHA)(514 Act) was approved by parliament in 1993 and gazetted in February 1994. OSHA covers a total of 92% of labour force and employment exemption only for ships and military forces. It aims to foster and promote safety and health awareness among workers and those in the workplace. Organisations or employer will be more sensitive and responsive to the prevention of accidents and injuries among their employees. Implementation of the concept of self-adaptation arrangements tailored to industry or the concerned organisations. OSHA provisions complement the provisions of existing laws and if there are any discrepancies, OSHA 514 will be used as the main reference. Taking into account the scope and requirements of OSHA 514 and directives issued by the Ministry of Education (MoE) Malaysia, the commitment by the management of the university in compliance with OSHA 514 is critical and should be given serious consideration by all parties.

According to OSHA 514 (1994), states that all work activities including the public sector and statutory bodies such as universities are subject to OSHA 514 except work activities on the ship and military services. Failure of the organisation or employer to comply with OSHA 514 can be charged directly and legal action will apply.

The implementation of OSHA in UMS through PKKP will improve the competitiveness and quality to become one of the premier universities in the region. A safe and healthy university will help its employees and students to be more productive. Accidents and injuries at work would be detrimental to human resource and skills. UMS has the potential to be a model for a safe and healthy working environment, this will be an example to other higher learning institutions in Malaysia to implement similar programmes.

To comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Act (5124 Act) and the International Standards on Occupational Health and Safety Management (OHSAS 18001:2007) in Universiti Malaysia Sabah.

Cultivate a safe and healthy way of working through compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act (514 Act) and the International Standards on Occupational Safety and Health Management (OHSAS 18001:2007) among staff and students of Universiti Malaysia Sabah.

a.       Implement a systematic management of occupational safety and health in accordance with the International Standards on Occupational Safety and Health Management (OHSAS 18001:2007);

b.      Ensure the compliance to the Occupational Safety and Health Act (514 Act) and other acts and regulations related to occupational safety and health;

c.       Secretariat duties for Occupational Safety and Health Committee (OSHA) in addition to the monitoring and inspection of occupational safety and health in the workplace on a regular basis;

d.      Conducts accident investigation and accident study, dangerous occurrences, occupational poisoning and occupational diseases;

e.      Planning, preparation and implementation of suitable safety and health training programmes; and

f.        Responsible for matters relating to occupational safety and health management at the University and issue instructions thereon.

ico-address Centre for Occupational Safety and Health, Level 5, South Block, Chancellery Building, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Jalan UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

ico-phone+6088-320000 ext 1382/1151/1661 ico-fax +6088-320126

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