Psychology and Social Health Research Unit



About Us


Sabah is in a unique position to foster quality research which will be of great benefit to Malaysia. Such research may not only assist government policies, but can contribute greatly to the discipline of psychology generally. In the field of psychology and social health, research in the Sabahan context has much to offer of both practical and theoretical significance. Psychological services in the community are very few, and research is needed into many psychological issues affecting the community.

The country is grapple with social ills such as substance abuse, rape and violence, bad morals, depression and suicides, stress and family breakdowns. Looking at world trends, we are concerned over the price we are paying for progress. Development without positive mental health, good character and relationships is meaningless.

Realising this importance, Universiti Malaysia Sabah established the Psychology and Social Health Research Unit (PSHRU) in 1998 to undertake a wholistic research which focus on stress, depression and anxiety and cross-cultural family psychology which includes children, adolescent and ageing population.


A dynamic and high quality Research and Learning Center, focusing on human capital development and the prosperity of society in state of Sabah Malaysia.

UPPsiKS mission is to produce high quality research and conduct a proactive role in solving psychological problems and challenges of today's society through multidisciplinary approaches as follows:

1. Research and Development
2. Education and Training
3. Community Involvement and Support
4. Network Research Unit of Psychology and Social Health at the national and international level

UPPsiKS objective is to establish a research infrastructure in the field of social psychology and health benefitting to the community and country in the next decade.


  • To carry out applied research to improve knowledge of current issues and the psychology of society.
  • To establish a center of excellence in research and information center in the field of stress, and family psychological evaluation psychological testing and measurement.
  • To create a high level forum among researchers, scholars, politicians, policy makers and technology experts to discuss issues related to the psychological and social health.
  • To set up a think tank that will act as a database that can deliver information to the policy makers.
  • To provide training to researchers in post-graduate and post-doctoral levels.


Contact Info

ico-addressPsychology and Social Health Research Unit, Faculty of Psychology and Education, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Jalan UMS, 88400, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

ico-phone+6088-320000 ext 8079/8104 ico-fax +6088-320440

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