Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy


Congratulation to all students that have been selected and successful to pursue their studies in Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Especially to the new Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy students.The success to enter the university is a symbolic to your abilities as an undergraduates’ students. You are also among those few selected from thousands applicants that wish to enter the university. It is certainly a big effort and perseverance in acquiring knowledge is the difference between the successful and unsuccessful applicant.

Due to this, all students should be thankful with the opportunity that they have now; and also instilling perseverance as their attitude because tertiary education is challenging and need the confidence and perseverance. I also urge the students to be actively involved in students’ activities, inside or outsideof campus and gains knowledge and experiences that is beneficial for them.

Lastly, good luck to all of you, students of Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy.


Contact Info:

ico-addressFaculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Jalan UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
ico-phone+6088-320000 ext. 1413,1520,1519 ico-fax +6088-320360
ico-emailAlamat emel ini dilindungi dari Spambot. Anda perlu hidupkan JavaScript untuk melihatnya.




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