Centre for Co-curriculum and Student Development


About Us

The Centre for Co-Curriculum and Student Development (PKPP) was founded on 1st of June 2002 with the aim of shaping undergraduates who will be balanced in the aspects of intellect, spirituality, emotion and corporal, whilst upgrading their physical, mental and spiritual resilience, alongside promoting creative, innovative, productive and proactive mindset as well as instilling self-esteem and perseverance to face challenges. The management orientation of the Centre for Co-curriculum and Student Development is to provide excellent services, in the implementation of teaching and learning processes of the compulsory co-curricular courses, and to develop student’s potential to attain interpersonal skills through student development activities. The co-curricular program which is being offered stems from various field of studies with relevance towards societal needs and the contemporary job requirement. Every student who study at Universiti Malaysia Sabah must take one of the listed co-curricular courses and the grades will be included in their CGPA.

The co-curricular course will be assessed as a three (3) credit hour subject, to be completed in one (1) semester, except for the Reserved Officers Training Unit ROTU (Army, Navy and Air Force)) and Voluntary Police Unit (SUKSIS) a six (6) credit hour subject, which will be evaluated by one (1) credit hour for each of the six (6) semesters, Student Civil Defence Unit (SISPA) four (4) credit hours subject to be evaluated by one (1) credit hour for each of the four (4) semesters while UMS Siswa JatiDiri (UMS SEJATI), three (3) credit hours will be evaluated by one (1) credit hour for each of the (3) Three semesters. Undergraduates who successfully complete ROTU, SUKSIS and SISPA will be conferred in accordance to their respective teams, whilst UMS-SEJATI students who successfully complete the courses will be awarded certificates by respective organisations. Lectures and practical training for the co-curricular course will be conducted on every weekends with 3 contact hours each week or in order of the registered courses. The breakdown for the co-curricular course is 30% of theory and 70% of practical training/studio performance . Students are also encouraged to participate in sophomore activities through co-curricular courses and succeed in the Co-curricular Carnival held on the final week of each semester. Every student is expected to conduct activities appropriate to the courses taken at the carnival like conducting/managing art and cultural performances, exhibitions, competitions, as well as leadership and self-improvement programmes.

Courses conducted through the centre is designed to mould students’ physical, mental and spiritual resilience besides forming creative and innovative thinking, instilling confidence and also preserve to handle all challenges, in line with the Centre’s motto, ‘ To Generate Excellent Mind through Magnificient Steps Forward.”

Mission and Vision

To attain the mission and vision of UMS, the Centre for Co-curriculum and Student Development aspires to achieve its aims through:

  • Stimulation of students’ development of excellent mindset, churning of talents and potentials through healthy sophomore activities with a precision in motive, in particular leadership and community services as well as other outreach programmes that hone interpersonal and self-improvement skills.
  • Producing highly motivated and esteemed future leaders, honing students’ potentials to shape charismatic and also skilled sportsmen along with artist, who are the producers of such co-curricular course to represent UMS at the state, the institutes of Higher Learning in Malaysia. As well as national levels while being capable to compete at the international arenas too.
  • Moulding and developing self-motivation as the citizens of Malaysia who have immense patriotism, high perseverance, noble and kind characteristics, in addition to affectionate as well as sensitive values.


Contact Info:

ico-addressPusat Kokurikulum dan Pemajuan Pelajar, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Bangunan Dewan Canselor, Jalan UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

ico-phone+6088-320000 (ext. 4337/4108/4106/4107/4104) ico-fax +6088-320885

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