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Universiti Malaysia Sabah Curriculum Carnival (KARKUMS) Semester 2 2023/ 2024 Session

01 Jul, 2024

Universiti Malaysia Sabah Curriculum Carnival (KARKUMS) Semester 2 2023/2024 Session ESG Themed on 29 June 2023 at the Chancellor's Hall,...
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News Article "UMS-SPRINT Module: ESG In Forming Holistic Students"

14 May, 2024

Program bersama Jabatan Perikanan Oleh: Profesor Madya Dr. Jurry Foo (jurryfm@ums.edu.my) UNIVERSITI Malaysia Sabah (UMS) mengambil inisiatif dalam menerapkan konsep ESG...
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Director Message

Associate Professor Dr. Jurry Foo
Centre for Co-Curriculum and Student Development


  • Student
  • Innovation
  • Co-Curriculum Carnival
  • Trainer
  • Offer Terms Agreement
  • Various Advance Application
  • Teaching Claim
  • Staff / UMS JFPIB
  • Transport Booking
  • Facilities Reservation
  • Public / Outside Agency
  • Job Vacancy
  • Facilities Reservation
  • UMS-SPRINT Community Service


A walkthrough some of student art that made from their co-currriculum courses learning experience  and their self mind expression.

Student Co-Curriculum Activity

Provide students with co-curricular based activities in order to cultivate soft skills. Enter to see the list of activities.

Courses Offered

List of courses offered by Centre for Co-Curriculum and Student Development for University Malaysia Sabah's student.

Article Resources

Let's take a look through our source of articles regarding the activities, event and news related to the Centre for Co-Curriculum and Student Development, Universiti Malaysia Sabah


Research corner


UMS Co-Curricular objectives.

Students respond information  regarding co-curricular  activities.


  • UMS Map
  • Open Data
  • Sabah State Government Portal
  • Minister of Higher Education(MCHE)
  • MyGovernment Portal (MyGov)
  • UMS Investment Holdings Sdn. Bhd.


  • Staff Directory
  • Staff Portal
  • Student Portal
  • SmartUMS
  • E-Respon
  • Covid 19: UMS Update




Pusat Kokurikulum dan Pemajuan Pelajar,
Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Jalan UMS, 88400, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
 Tel : (+6088) 329032
(+6088) 320000 ext. 206500
Email : pkpp[at]ums.edu.my


Frequenty Asked Question

1. When was The Centre for Co-curriculum and Student Development (PKPP) established?

The Centre for Co-curriculum and Student Development (PKPP) was founded on 1st June 2002 with the aims of shaping undergraduates who will be balanced in the aspects of intellect, spirituality, emotion and physical, developing physical, mental and spiritual endurance of students, generating creative, innovative, productive and proactive thinking and instilling a sense of confidence and persistence in meeting challenges.

2. Where is PKPP located?
PKPP now operate at three (3) UMS campuses. The main office is located in UMS Kota Kinabalu campus located at Teluk Sepanggar, facing the South China Sea, about 14 kilometres from the Kota Kinabalu International Airport. The branches office is at UMS-Labuan International campus and UMS-Sustainable Agriculture Faculty, Sandakan.

3. What co-curricular courses are offered?
PKPP are offering: -

  • Three (3) & two (2) hours credit co-curricular courses.
  • Uniform and Rescue Unit Component co-curricular courses.

4. How many semesters are there for co -curricular courses?

  • Three (3) & two (2) hours credit co-curricular courses - 1 semesters
  • Uniform and Rescue Unit Component co-curricular courses
  • UMS Sejati Course - 3 semester
  • SISPA - 4 semester
  • Land PALAPES, Airborne PALAPES, Navy PALAPES, SUKSIS - 6 semester

5. How to register co-curricular courses?

6. How to drop and/ or add co-curricular courses?

  • A student who has verified his course registration in week one is allowed to drop and/or add courses during the first three (3) weeks of a semester.
  • Co-curricular courses drop and/ or add application can be made through Student Information System (SMP) – UMS within the first three (3) weeks of a semester.
  • Student need to obtained approval from Dean of the Faculty/ Centre and academic advisor by fill in the course drop form and forward it to PKPP for Uniform and Rescue Unit Component co-curricular courses student’s that want to change their current co-curricular courses.
  • After the end of registration week, adding co-curricular courses are subject to the availability of the courses vacancy and to apply student need to fill in the add courses form.

7. How to withdrawal from co-curricular course?

  • The duration to withdraw from a course commences from week four to week nine of the semester concerned.
  • Student need to obtained approval from PKPP by fill in the course withdrawal form.

8. How to register for short semester co-curricular course?

  • A Short Semester may be conducted:
    • if a Faculty/Centre offers it in any year of study; or
    • a program of study is permitted to do so.
  • Student need to obtained approval from Dean of the Faculty/ Centre and academic advisor by fill in the course registration form (short semester) and forward it to PKPP.

9. What co-curricular course component are there in PKPP?

  • Leadership and Community Services Component
  • Recreational and Sports Component
  • Art and Culture Component
  • Business, Technology and Agrotech Component
  • Martial Arts Component
  • Uniform and Rescue Unit Component

10. What are the facilities provided?

  • Chancellor Hall
  • Chancellor Hall Square
  • Banquet Hall
  • Graduates Courtyard
  • Outdoor Development Centre (ODEC)

11. Who should I contact for further information?

Any further question click e-Respon

(For further information, please contact:)
Centre for Co-curriculum and Student Development (PKPP)

Level 1, Chancellor Hall Building,

Jalan UMS, 88400, Kota Kinabalu.
: (+6088) 329 032 : (+6088) 320000 ext. 2062500


Labuan UMS International Campus Tower,

87000 Labuan, Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan.
: (+6087) 503 000 extension 100857 / 101281 / 103707


UMS Faculty of Sustainable Agriculture,

Jalan Sungai Batang, 90509 Sandakan.
: (+6089) 634 000 extension 103500
