Presentation Link (Google Meet) & Proposal Evaluation Comment

Group 1

Group 2 

Group 3

Group 4

> Review Proposal Evaluation Comment <


Attention *

Please enter the presentation session by time that have been prerared for each course and exit when the presentation finish to avoid conferens video quota limit full.

Note *

1. Each presentation session from students does not exceed 10 minutes.

2. Presentation slides should be prepared using Microsoft Power Point format.

3. Make sure the presentation using Desktop computer application or Laptop, the use of Smartphone is not recommended.

4. Presentation slides do not exceed 10 pages. The things that need to be in the slides are:

    a) Title/ Date/ Place/ Day of activity

    b) Activitiy background based on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

    c) Activity objectives based on SDG

    d) Issues/problems exist and the relevant of the activity held in the chosen place (If related) 

    e) Community involvement/ Participation/ Target (including VVIP involved if any)

    f) Risk Management 

    g) Evaluation Method

    h) Budget

    i) Tentative

    j) Conclusion