cerebral palsyTUESDAY, 05 MAY – A total of 19 children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) received wheel chair in an event held at the Seminar Room of the Faculty of Psychology and Education (FPP) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) recently.

Contributions from Alumni Look East Policy Society (ALEPS) was held for the first time in the state jointly organised by the Malaysian Advocates for Cerebral Palsy (MyCP), Psychology and Social Health Research Unit UMS, Audit Sabah Sports and Recreation Club (KESKAS).

Meanwhile, the Director of Welfare Department Sabah, Mohammad Noor Wahab said this when reading the speech of the Minister of Community Development and Consumer Affairs Sabah, Datuk Hajah Jainab at Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Ahmad Ayid said, the contribution was a noble effort in supporting the welfare of children with CP and the community.

“We hope that this effort would improve and enrich the quality life of these children with difficulties in brain control.

“The government has always given strong support to any activity that may increase the participation of persons with disabilities (OKU) in the community and raise public awareness on the need to be independent,” he said at the handing over of wheel chair to children with CP.

Meanwhile, Chairman of MyCP, Zatul Hejanah Abdulila explained, the event was a continuation of a similar event held in Kuala Lumpur, Kelantan and Sarawak.

He said, MyCP believed this effort would be the main catalyst to create a Cerebral Palsy facility in Malaysia.

Also present were Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International), Professor Dr. D Kamarudin D Mudin and the Assistant Director of National Audit Department, Sabah branch, Jalalemping Kihampau. – MA (fl)

Photo: Musaab Umair, BPK

Media and Citra Division

1malaysia greenTUESDAY, 05 MAY – A total of 100 ‘Silat Cekak Pusaka Hanafi’ (SCPH) exponents of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) participated in the ‘1Malaysia Green 1Malaysia Clean’ programme at the Likas Bay Public Area Kota Kinabalu, recently.

According to the President of SCPH UMS, Mohd Syaffezh Edham Ahmed, the programme organised by the Ministry of Tourism and Culture Malaysia Sabah together with SCPH was aimed at attracting the participation of youths in martial arts and self-discipline.

“The participation of volunteer students from UMS is one of the club’s way of supporting the programme that can benefit the youths,” he said when met by media after the programme.

He added the SCPH’s participation in the programme was also to promote ‘My Silat My Fest 2015’ which will bring together as many as 50,000 silat exponents across the country on 29 August in Kuala Lumpur.

He said, My Silat My Fest 2015’ will create history in the World Guinness Book of Records for the biggest silat category thus raising the martial arts sport in the eyes of the world on par with Taekwondo and Karate.

“SCPH created history in the Malaysia Book of Records for the category on biggest silat performance and an all-women silat presentation back in 2010,” Syaffezh added.

‘1Malaysia Green 1Malaysia Clean’ saw various interesting activities done including the cleaning of Likas Bay area and a silat presentation from the SCPH exponents, Silat Seni Gayung Fatani and Silat Raja Pukulan Awang Daik. – ZMD (fl)

Source: HEP

Media and Citra Division

debat english borneoTUESDAY, 05 MAY – The Borneo Debate Championship organised by Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) English Debate Club (EDC) recently was participated by 22 teams.

According to UMS EDC Advisor, Rohani Hadi, the programme held at the YTL Auditorium UMS was also participated by teams from Indonesia and China.

“All the debaters presented impressive arguments and ideas and made the whole affair became more energetic and exciting,” she told media when met after the programme.

Earlier, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International Affairs), Professor Dr. D. Kamarudin D Mudin said such championship should be intensified in order to develop leadership skills in addition to nurturing students to have confidence and soft skills.

He said the debate programme would enable students to think critically and creatively thus train them to express themselves through effective communication techniques.

“At the same time, this debate championship can be described as an academic programme that gives knowledge on current issues locally or even globally,” he added in his speech representing the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah.

At the championship, The Bator team from Indonesia emerged champion bringing home cash prize of RM2,000, a trophy and certificate.

Second place went to World School Debating Championship, a debate club that trains students from various secondary schools in Malaysia to compete in World Debate Championship.

The team received cash prize of RM1,000, trophy and certificate.

The closing ceremony and prize presentation was officiated by the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment, Datuk Seri Panglima Masidi Manjun. – (fl)

Photos: Student Affairs Department

Media and Citra Division


sukarelawan hari MPPJUMAAT, 01 MEI - Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) mempelawa mahasiswa untuk bersama-sama menyemarakkan Hari Terbuka Sukarelawan UMS.
Menurut Presiden MPP, Alfarid Abraham, hari terbuka itu telah bermula sejak 27 April lalu dan akan berakhir pada 03 Mei ini.
“Pelbagai aktiviti kita jalankan sepanjang tempoh program ini yang merupakan inisiatif MPP dalam mempromosikan aktiviti luar bilik kuliah bagi menambah penglibatan rakan mahasiswa,” katanya kepada media UMS.
Ujarnya, aktiviti-aktiviti yang dijalankan adalah berbentuk sukarelawan bertujuan untuk memupuk serta menerapkan budaya sukarelawan dalam diri mahasiswa.
“Kami tidak menjanjikan perubahan besar pada diri anda untuk menjadi sukarelawan, namun kami sediakan platform yang kami yakin dan percaya mampu mencorak semangat kesukarelawan yang mapan.
“Bersama kami jadikan kampus UMS sebagai pusat tarbiah yang melahirkan sukarelawan yang menepati kehendak agama, bangsa dan negara,” tambahnya lagi.
Mereka yang ingin menyertai forum sukarelawan hari ini katanya, boleh menghubungi Emmanuel Atin ditalian 019-5880053, manakala esok untuk aktiviti ‘ODEC Second Wave’ boleh menghubungi Saiful Amir Hamzah (017-7278722) dan Farahani Irma (013-3980228) untuk Program Sukarelawan Rumah Kanak-kanak di Kota Kinabalu. –SS

Bahagian Media dan Citra
Foto: Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar

Rentas Borneo PelepasanTHURSDAY, 30 APRIL – Members of the university must be versatile and should not spend too much time in classroom alone.

Vice-Chancellor of UMS, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah said, steps taken by the academics and administrative staff to reach out to others in remote areas was a noble effort and should be emulated.

“It will not only be able to reach rural communities but even produce greater range of ideas in order to help empower rural communities to increase awareness on academic achievement,” he said this when launching the 2nd Rentas Borneo at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, this morning.

Datuk Harun also thanked volunteers from UMS 4WD Club who was the main organiser.

On behalf of UMS, he thanked all those who had helped in organising this challenging programme thus bringing the name of UMS to the interior of Sabah namely Pagalungan.

“Indeed, UMS hopes that each programme organised would bring an impact to the community and the people of the Land Below the Wind.

“Being at the top leadership of the university, I place high confidence that UMS staff would always place priority in doing community work,” Datuk Harun added.

The opening ceremony of the 2nd Rentas Borneo will be officiated by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department and Member of Parliament for Pensiangan, Tan Sri Joseph Kurup, on 2 May at Pagalungan.

The Rentas Borneo expedition last year saw UMS involving 26 4WD vehicles crossing Beaufort, Sipitang, Tenom, Keningau, Nabawan, Kalabakan, Tawau, Lahad Datu, Tg. Labian, Sandakan, Beluran, Paitan, Pitas, Kota Marudu before ending in Kota Kinabalu. – SS (fl)

Photo: Ernest Berinus

Meida and Citra Division



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