5th International Conference on Southeast Asian Natural Resources and Environmental Management (SANREM 2021) (Virtual Conference)


Announcement From: Faculty of Science and Natural Resources, UMS


5th International Conference on Southeast Asian Natural Resources and Environmental Management (SANREM 2021) (Virtual Conference) (.pdf)



5th International Conference on Southeast Asian Natural Resources and Environmental Management (SANREM 2021) (Virtual Conference)

28th-30th September 2021 – Universiti Malaysia Sabah


“Towards Sustainable Development Goals”



Dear Prof./Assoc. Prof./Ir./Dr./Mr./Mrs.,


May this invitation find you at your peak health.


The Faculty of Science and Natural Resources (FSSA) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) is organizing the  ‘5th International Conference on Southeast Asian Natural Resources and Environmental Management (SANREM 2021)’, which will be conducted  from 28th to 30th September 2021 in an all-virtual, web-conference format due to COVID-19 pandemic.


‘SANREM 2021’ aims to be an excellent platform for researchers to exchange knowledge, share experiences and research findings specifically in Natural Resources and Environmental Management fields. 


We cordially invite the public to join the followings:




🗓️ 28 September 2021 (Tuesday)


⏱️ 8.30 a.m.-10.35a.m.


📡 Grand Virtual Room 1: https://ums-edu-my.webex.com/ums-edu-my/j.php?MTID=ma4d3a630b371b6a3be98856fe4818208


 FB live streaming: https://fb.me/e/5Btc5B0vO


1. Opening ceremony:

Welcoming address by Prof. Datuk ChM. Ts. Dr. Taufiq Yap Yun Hin (Vice-Chancellor, Universiti Malaysia Sabah)


Opening remarks by YB Datuk Haji Yakub Khan (Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Sabah)


2. Keynote Speaker 1: Prof. Dr. Riri Fitri Sari

Title: The Roles and Contributions of University toward the achievement of SDGs- UI GreenMetric Experiences


3. Keynote Speaker 2: Prof Dr. Zulkifli Yusop

Title: Challenges and Opportunities in Making Water a Sustainable and Competitive Sector in Malaysia




🗓️ 29 September 2021 (Wednesday)


⏱️ 9.00 a.m.-9.40 a.m.


📡 Grand Virtual Room 3:  https://ums-edu-my.webex.com/ums-edu-my/j.php?MTID=m0777ca94c583db1863874435ed4d2824


FB live streaming: https://fb.me/e/3jCqkJfmg



Keynote Speaker 3: Prof. Dato’ Dr. Woo Wing Thye


Title: The Key Hardware, Software, and Power Supply Obstacles to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Malaysia




🗓️ 29 September 2021 (Wednesday)


⏱️ 12.45 p.m.-13.45 p.m.


📡 Grand Virtual Room 3: https://ums-edu-my.webex.com/ums-edu-my/j.php?MTID=m0777ca94c583db1863874435ed4d2824


FB live streaming: https://fb.me/e/j3gBGq7pI



Closing Ceremony and Award Presentation:


By Prof. Dr. Jualang @ Azlan Abdullah Gansau (Dean, Faculty of Science and Natural Resources, Universiti Malaysia Sabah)




Kindly visit the ‘SANREM 2021’ website at https://sanrem0.wixsite.com/sanrem21 for more details and updates on the conference.




For further inquiries, please do not hesitate to send us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..




We look forward to meeting you virtually at ‘SANREM 2021’.




With our best regards,






Faculty of Science and Natural Resources,


Universiti Malaysia Sabah,


Sabah, Malaysia.




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