Mobility Programme: Welcome Back to University of Waikato (Maori Business), New Zealand to UMS!


Announcement From: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities


MOBILITY PROGGRAM: The FSSK (Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities) warmly welcomes back University of Waikato, New Zealand, to UMS campus on 21 May 2024. University of Waikato's last visit was in August 2023. 10 Maori students and 2 coordinators are taking part in a cultural exchange and panel discussion ("Representing Indigenous Business: Why It Matters") at the FSSK building followed by a campus tour of Borneensis Gallery, UMS Aquarium and Galeri Azman Hashim (GAH). The group will also tour the ODEC and spend time at UMS beach. KopivosianKia Ora! Selamat Datang!



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