1. Academic Services Division                                                       

 ~ 088 - 320 053 (Student Intake and Admission Section)                                                      

 ~ 088 - 320 103 / 088 – 320 701


2. Bursar Department

~ 088 - 320 194 (Kota Kinabalu Main Campus)

~ 087 - 466 915 (Labuan International Campus)

~089 - 248 100 (Sandakan Campus)

3. Student Affairs Department         
~ 088 - 320 666 (Counter)
4. BHousing Division
~ 088 - 320 000 Ext. 4160/4161

5. Residential Colleges

~ Kolej Kediaman E – 088 - 448 201

~ Kolej Kediaman Tun Mustapha – 088 - 320 000 Ext. 3680

~ Kolej Kediaman Tun Fuad – 088 - 320 000 Ext. 3491

~ Kolej Kediaman Kingfisher – 088 - 438 890

~ Kolej Kediaman USIA – 088 - 485 156

~ Kolej Kediaman Sri Angkasa – 088613 507 / 088 613 508

6. Centre For Postgraduate Studies                                                                    
~ 088 - 320 479  (PA to Dean's Office) / 088 - 321 026 (Counter)  
7. Corporate Relations Division                                                                              
~ 088 - 320 474 (Admin. Office)

8. Security Division

~ 088 - 320 111
9. Faculty of Science and Natural Resources     
~ 088 - 320 321(PA to the Dean’s Office)
10. Faculty of Engineering                                                                                          

~ 088 - 320 347 (PA to the Dean’s Office)

11.Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition                                                              
~ 088 - 320 256 (PA to the Dean’s Office)
12.Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy                                                     
~ 088 - 320 215 (PA to the Dean’s Office)
13.Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage                                                           
~ 088 - 320 177 (Admin. Office)
14. Faculty of Psychology and Education                                                                  

~088 – 320 246 (PA to the Dean’s Office) 088 – 320 364,                                                        

~088 – 320 358 (Senior Assistant Registrar’s Office), 088 – 320 117 (Faculty of Education Block)  

15. Faculty of International Finance                                                           
~ 087 - 460 486 / 087 - 466 719
16. Faculty of Computing and Informatics                                                 
~ 087 - 460 445 / 087 - 460 447
17. Faculty of Sustainable Agriculture                                                                        

~ 089 - 223 712 / 089 - 248 100

18. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences                                                      
~ 611001 (Dean’s PA) / 611010 (Admin. Office) / 611027 (Academic Division)
19.Centre for the Promotion of Knowledge and Language                                                            
~ 088 - 320 838 (Admin. Office)


Announcement: Reminder from MOHE
Subject: Survey Implementation Data of Best Practices in Gamification among Public Universities
Person to Contact: Prof. Dr. Fong Soon Fook, Ext : 1800
1.    In line with the aspiration for the use of flexible, innovative education methods, the Higher Education Minister, Dato 'Seri Idris Jusoh has suggested the application of gamification as an effective teaching and learning tool and to create better understanding of the local values and national identity among people and students.
2.    Gamification is defined as  game based learning and learning activities using games approaches that might not necessarily involve computer technology . Gamification makes the learning process to become more attractive, interactive and engaging.
3.    As a measure to help the Ministry of Higher Education to obtain information regarding the best practices in public universities,  a survey form entitled “Implementation Data of Best Practices in Gamification among Public Universities” have been prepared. It covers the following aspects:
·         Learning and Teaching (L&T)
·         Research
·         Publication
·         Consultation
·         Academic Supervision
·         Commercialisation
·         Talent Development Programme
The survey form as attached needs to be filled and submitted by 26 August 2016 to email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Prof. Dr. Fong Soon Fook, Coordinator of OER@UMS)



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