Announcement From: Centre for e-Learning, UMS



CALL FOR PAPER (Virtual Conference)


THE 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOCIETY & TECHNOLOGY 2021 (ICST2021) CALL FOR PAPER (Virtual Conference) UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SABAH (UMS) invites professors, academic staff, teachers and students to submit abstracts and full research papers for oral presentation during the 1st INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOCIETY AND TECHNOLOGY 2021 (ICST2021) under the theme “SOARING ABOVE PANDEMIC CHALLENGES – INNOVATIVE & CREATIVE PRACTICES”.




1. Interactive Learning Technologies.

2. Learning & Instructional Design.

3. Open Educational Resources (OER).

4. Virtual and Augmented Reality.

5. Blended Learning & MOOCs.

6. Psychology and other related fields.

7. Education and other related fields.

8. Industrial relations, international relations, geography, communication, business, economy, management, anthropology & sociology and other social sciences related fields.

9. History, religious studies, ethnic studies, literature and language and other humanities related fields.

10. Music, creative arts, visual arts and other fine art related fields.


However, innovative contributions that do not fit into these areas will also be considered since they might be of benefit to the conference attendees.




Based on the recommendations by the Scientific Committee, selected full papers will be channeled for possible publications in Scopus/WoS indexed journals, subject to the fulfillment of journal requirements.




Deadline for Abstract submission: 31 AUGUST 2021

Deadline for Abstract Acceptance: 15 SEPTEMBER 2021

Full paper submission: 30 SEPTEMBER 2021




Normal fee : RM150(Local) / USD100 (International)

Student fee : RM50

Non-presenting Participant : RM50


For submission or further information, kindly refer to our official conference website at or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




ICST 2021


Announcement From: Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, UMS



Hello UMS-ians ??


We are conducting✨ FREE ✨ COVID-19 Antibody testing!


Irrespective of your Covid-19 vaccination status, we welcome your participation in this survey if you also met the 3 criteria stated in the recruitment poster.


If you are interested, you can simply walk in to our place at Makmal Hemostasis, FPSK, UMS. We are open at

⌛️9 am-12.30 pm (AM hours)

⌛️2 pm-4.30 pm (PM hours)


If you are interested, please fill out this survey:


? This is our location ?: Ground Floor, Block D, Makmal Haemostasis, FPSK, UMS


 You can contact us for any inquiries:


? 011-37674063

? 014-3516739

? 011-25255714


For more info, feel free to visit our Instagram ?:




Announcement From: UMS Library



Don't miss out on this AUGUST 2021 WEBINAR


?️03 August 2021 (Tuesday)

?10:00 AM (GMT+8)

? ZOOM : Register to Join


Empower your research with Scopus:

?Read and understand research metrics

?Identifying source titles indexed in Scopus

?Journal and article level metrics

?Author profile search and metrics

?Affiliation search for research excellence


Save your date☑️

Thank you




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