Datuk MaryThursday, 05 June – Leadership in education profession is essential in shaping balanced human capitals.

Malaysia Deputy Minister of Education I, Datuk Mary Yap Kain Ching said every educator must shows exemplary through leadership for the students to example.

She said during her keynote speech to the International Conference on Education 2014 (ICEdu14) participants, organized by Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) and Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ).

She also suggests the educators to always practiced effective communication techniques to cultivate the students’ self-confidence.

“This will also nurtured excellence personality for the students whom are also mastered in communication skills and have high level of self-esteemed,” she added.

Datuk Mary advised every school to have an approach by making close relations with the parents.

According to her, parents’ contribution is essentials and proven effective in order to increase students’ performance in schools.

Prof. Dr. Shahril Yusof, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Prof. Dr. Ismail Ibrahim Dean of Faculty of Psychology and Education were also present during the conference.
Photo: Johaidi Ismail

Bahagian Media dan Citra
Jabatan Canselori


icedu14Thursday, 05 June – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) and Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) collaborations especially in education is able to acculturate academic programmes in both university.


Sabah Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment, YB Datuk Seri Panglima Masidi Manjun said, both universities should move forward together in a group in order to compete with other higher education institution at the global level.


“UNJ will be celebrating its 50th year’s anniversary while Universiti Malaysia Sabah will turn 20th years. The difference between the years is not important; the importance is achieving goals to improve this region’s educations which demanded both universities to unite,” he said when inaugurated the International Conference on Education 2014 (ICEdu14).


He also salutes the profession as educators whom have been contributing a lot to the nation’s children progress even though it was a heavy burden.


“Educator as a profession are less appreciated and less paid. However, the educators are always serious in engaging in education field without hoping to gains profits.”


“For the educators, the profits will be the communities’ education development, making educators as respected careers,” he added.


He also hope this two days conference is able to discuss topics regarding enhancing the status and qualities in education through presentations quality papers.


The conference is the first conference organised by Universiti Malaysia Sabah and UNJ. With the “Empowering Educators, Acculturating Education and Honouring Teaching Profession” theme, the conference accepted 217 presentation papers; 77 presenters are form UMS, 89 presenters are from UNJ while the rest are from the regions education institutions.

buku2THURSDAY, 5 JUNE – Two books from Faculty of Psychology and Education (FPP) Universiti Malaysia Sabah become the best-seller books during the Kuala Lumpur International Book Fair 2014 held recently.

The book ‘SPPS Prinsip dan Analisis Data dalam Sains Tingkah Laku’ written by Chua Bee Seok, Ferlis Bullare @ Hj. Bahari and Jasmine Adela Mutang become the best-seller with 173 books sold.

Publication Unit stated that, the book is sold RM64 per book was among 20 best sellers Malaysian Scholarly Publishing Council (MAPIM) books.

‘SPPS Prinsip dan Analisis Data dalam Sains Tingkah Laku’ introduced reader to ways to data file preparing, data screening and transformation, and various analysis techniques suitable to be used in Psychology, Social Sciences, Health, Economics and Geography.

45 books sold, making ‘Teori-Teori Kepimpinan Dalam Psikologi Industri’ as another best-seller, is written by Nurul Hudani Md. Nawi, Mohd. Dahlan Hj. A. Malek, Chua Bee Seok, Ismail Maakil and Muhamad Sophian Nazarudin.

Interestingly, the books touched about the theory of development, theories main issues, and assessment on Theory’s Trait, Behaviour Theories, Contingency Theory, Information Gateway Theory, Situation Model Theory, and Change Theory Leader-Follower.

UMS was also participated during the PBAKL event for eleven days started from 24th April until 4th Mei 2014 at Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur.-ZMD (JA)

Media dan Citra Division
Chancellery Department

karya pemikiran

WEDNESDAY, 4 JUNE 2014 - Feelings, life experiences in and out-campus was able to be translated to become creative piece, proven by a group of creative arts students for their final year project recently.
Noranizah Othman, final year creative arts student, majoring in writing, produced a short stories anthology ‘Owner Love’ with love as the theme for her writing. She explains that the short stories were written based on the seven types of love: love to God, love to parents, love to Adam and Eve, love to your friend, love oneself, love to the natures and love the county.
“Three pieces of the short stories with love to your friend theme is based on my experience during my school years in Kedah. It is indeed easy for me to write the short stories when it was based on my personal experience,” she said as the winner of the best short stories writing for their final year project.
Norasitah Abdul Kinu chooses writing a novel to be her final year project and raise religious issues in her novel titled ‘Pilihan Untuk Tidak Memilih’. The novel is based on her experiences with her friends in campus including her experienced as a Police Undergraduate Voluntary Corps (SUKSIS) with a few fiction stories injected to instill the religious element in the story.
“In this novel, I slipped a few negatives stories, i.e. killing and sins, to shows that ignorance and strayed group of students in university are not everlasting but can be changed,” she explained.
Mohd Hafizol Abdul Wahab expressed his feelings through collections of poems in his ‘Koleksi Puisi RIntihan Jiwa’ works. The book, took him almost 8 months to be completed depending on his idea and inspiration.
“The entire lament, exhaustion, grief, happiness and my frustration was in my poems. As a poem fans, it is easy for me to express my feelings through writing poems.”
“God’s willing, these poems will not be stopped here, but I will keep on continues to inspire produce and develop more poems in the future,” he added. He looks forward to A. Samad Said, the Malaysian famous linguists, and making him as his idol.

Photo : Johaidi Ismail

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

udar 14Tuesday, 3 June -34 UMS Science Sports final year students took advantage the geographical area of Pulau Udar, Sepanggar as their sports and recreation camping programme. Pulau Udar, is also known as the Sailing Centre of Excellence to The Royal Malaysian Navy.

With ‘Recreation Generating a Balance, Healthy Physical and Mental’ theme, this four days three nights programme aims to expose students to sports and recreational activities and skills needed in conducting those activities. The aspects included activity, socialization, psychology, social value and culture. This programme is also giving opportunity to the students to experience conducting sports and recreational activities in real situation.

During the programme, students conducted a few interesting water activities. With guidance from the Sailing Centre of Excellence’s Navy officers, there conducted water confident, kayaking to Peduk (Jiwa Murni) Island, scuba diving, and sailing. Beach cleaning to conserve the cleanliness and beauty of the area is done by the students, in hope to instil the participants to love the nature.

The camp programme director, Mathew Madau anak Yok explains the programme had given basic knowledge on water sports to the students and taught the students to do activities in group while doing the water activities. The recreational and sports activities done during the camp was also contributing to the increased of physical and mental fitness ability and also increasing unity.

“The participants will be able to understand and explain sports and recreational concepts, applied skills in those activities, managing and conducting the activities and also shaping the students personalities to be leaders and dynamic person.”

“We hope this programme will be done regularly to produce students with sharp minds, competitive, competence, proactive, and feasible and also develop the mental and physical endurance,” he added.

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department



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