debatakhir2 2014WEDNESDAY, 14 MAY – The debate team from the National Defence University Malaysia (UPNM) topped the 16th Royal Debate when they emerged champion in the Malay Language Main Category Debate defeating Universiti Tun Hussein Malaysia  (UTHM) in the finals held at the Recital Hall (Dewan Resital) UMS.

At the competition, both teams debated on ‘Patriotism is Heritage’, with UPNM being the government and UTHM opposition.

The win saw UPNM taking home a cash prize of RM5,000 plus trophy, whilst UTHM received a cash prize of RM3,000.

The success of UPNM debate team was boosted further when their third debater, Wan Azizul Wan Zulkifli crowned the Best Debater bringing home a cash prize of RM1,000.

Host UMS won the Malay Language Young Category debate when they beat International Islamic University Malaysia (UIAM) to emerge champion, winning a cash prize of RM4,000 plus trophy. UMS debater, Mohd. Faisal Abd. Raub was adjudged the best debater taking home a cash prizeof RM1,000.

UIAM further outshone other teams in the English Language Main Category when it beat Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) to take home a cash prize of RM5,000. UIAM debater, Syed Saddiq Syed Abd Rahman also emerged as the best debater for this category.

However, in the English Language Young Category, they lost to UiTM, who also took the best debater award in the said category through Jasmine Ho. UiTM team won a cash prize of RM4,000 and a trophy whilst UIAM received a cash prize of RM2,000.

The prizes were presented by the Head of State, Tun Datuk Seri Panglima (Dr.) Haji Juhar Datuk Haji Mahiruddin. Also present were UMS Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah and Chairman of the Malaysian Universities Debating Council (MADUM), Prof. Datuk Mizan Hitam. – MA (fl)


Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

debatakhir1 2014WEDNESDAY, 14 MAY – Debate Competition is a platform to uncover talents through the development of ideas besides being able to express ideas and arguments.

Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah said it can indirectly empower creative thinking and uplift the credibility of students as undergrads who have superior knowledge literacy.

“This is because debaters need to master certain knowledge and knowledge that are related to current issues. In addition, they also need to deepen their skills in public speaking. The arguments put forward should be thoughtful and supported by authentic facts. This combination would persuade the audience to believe on the ideas presented,” he said when delivering his speech at the finals of the 16th Royal Debate Competition. Also present was the Chairman of the Malaysian Universities Debating Council (MADUM), Prof. Datuk Mizan Hitam.

Datuk Dr. Harun added, as an undergrad the desire to keep on learning and studying should always be within us and to practice what we have learned for the benefit of community and ourselves.

He further advised the undergrads who had the debating skills to always use the skills sensibly without  touching on sensitive issues that could affect harmony and prosperity of the nation.

“As Malaysians, being educated, knowledgeable and logical, we should bear the responsibility entrusted and together maintain peace and harmony in our country. Indirectly, we also help to produce a generation who are excellent, bright and with credibility,” he added.

Officiating the event was the Head of State, Tun (Dr.) Haji Juhar Datuk Haji Mahiruddin cum Chancellor of UMS. – SS (fl)


Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

obimpoduli speWEDNESDAY, 14 MAY – Hotelier Club of Faculty of Business, Economics and Accounting (FPEP) recently succeeded in realising a community service programme with the villagers and students of Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Sinua, Sook and Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Tulid Keningau.

Among the activities of the programme was decorating the classroom and library of SK Sinua, telematch games and giving motivational talks on the Primary School Achievement Test (UPSR) to Year Six students.

These activities were run entirely by the students of the Hospitality Programme which saw them fully applying their communication skills learned in the lectures.

The talk on the importance of education was also held for the villagers. It included explaining the importance of knowledge in improving their living standard.

Meanwhile at SMK Tulid, a motivational talk was given to Form Five students which was conducted by FPEP lecturer, Zuraidah Jamrin. The talk not only emphasised on the importance of examinations and the direction after the Malaysian Education Certificate (SPM), but also provided an introduction to Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) as one of the best choice for secondary students.

Themed ‘Obimpoduli Yahai’ which meant ‘We Care’, the three-day programme aimed at giving educational exposure  to the interior communities. – SS (fl)

Source: Faculty of Business, Economics and Accounting

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

nabawan1MONDAY, 12 MAY – Travelling 250 kilometres through mountainous terrain from Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) did not dampen the spirits of a group of UMS undergrads to spread the education agenda through the programme ‘Seerat Kasih’ which was held at Padang, Village Sapulut, Nabawan.

One of the participants, Khairul Azlee Mohd. Yunus, an undergrad from the Faculty of Psychology and Education said, since the arrival of UMS delegation to this village, they were pleased with the hospitality of the villagers who warmly welcomed them.

‘Even though this village is remote, we do not have problems with the accommodation and facilities available here, in fact the warmth shown by the village community strengthened our determination to give back to the community here through education, health and preaching,” he said.

He explained that during the three-day programme at the village, UMS Rakan Masjid held a number of activities such as lectures on agriculture, agricultural activities with the villagers such as upland rice cultivation and vegetables side-planting, free health screening, Prayer Clinic, Wayang Pacak and gotong-royong were held around the village.

nabawan2Meanwhile, a villager, Julia Lindas, 60 praised UMS efforts in exercising beneficial programmes in the village.

He clarified that the average villagers there including herself were newly converts, hence the preaching and teaching of Islam helped them to live according to the practice of Islam.

‘Six years ago, I converted to Islam upon invitation of my third child. It was followed by several close family members who desire to embrace Islam.

“Since we are new to this religion and its teachings, the presence of a number of visiting parties including UMS delegation has indeed made our day,” she said.

Present at the programme was UMS Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah. He had also donated food, rice and seedlings as a sign of support and gave aid to the villagers. – (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

paediatrikMONDAY, 12 MAY – About 500 participants attended the 1st Borneo Paediatrics & Paediatric Surgery Conference 2014 which was held at the Main Auditorium, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sabah on the 9 and 10 May.

The inaugural seminar was jointly organised by the Women and Children’s Hospital Sabah in conjunction with UMS 20th anniversary with the theme ‘Healthy Children, Better Future’.

According to the State Health Department Director, Dr. Christina Rundi, the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (formerly known as the School of Medicine), UMS had produced many graduates who were now building their career and became specialists at the Ministry of Health.

“We at the State Health Department are grateful with UMS for the contributions made in increasing the ratio number of doctors to patients in the state,” she said when declaring open the conference.

He added that the participants were fortunate to be able to share their experiences with some paediatricians who were specially flown in from Australia, New Zealand and Brunei.

Earlier, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences UMS, Prof. Dr. D. Kamarudin D. Mudin said students will take courses in paediatrics in the forth and fifth year and surgery in the third and fifth year.

“Every year, UMS students are sent to the Women and Children’s Hospital Sabah and we thank the hospital for accepting our undergrads,” he said.

During the two-day conference, a total of two keynote papers were presented by Paediatric Cardiologists UMS, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Asmiati Abd. Hamid entitled ‘Congenital Heart Disease: Facts We Should Know’ and the President of the Australian, New Zealand Association of Paediatric Surgeon (ANZAPS), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Deborah Bailey entitled ‘Transportation of Ill Children’.

In addition, a total of 12 research papers would be presented during the six sessions involving paediatrics from within and outside the country. – CD (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department



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