kimanisFRIDAY, 16 MAY – Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Assoc. Prof. Datuk Dr. Kasim Hj. Md Mansur today sent off about 200 participants of the Kg. Brunei Kimanis Papar UMS-SPRINT Community Networking Programme.

The programme was held in conjunction with the Premier Curriculum Carnival held every year organised by the Centre for Curriculum and Student Development (PKPP) UMS.

PKPP this year made a change when it was engaged with the local community through the host family programme with the theme ‘University-Community Engagement’.

According to Datuk Dr. Kasim, the co-curriculum carnival provided an opportunity for the undergrads to reach out to the community.

“The programme is able to introduce the local culture and tradition of Sabah to UMS undergrads who comes from Peninsular Malaysia,” he said.

kimanis2He added that local community involvement was also a new experience for the undergrads as an effort to produce competent graduates.

Participants were expected to carry out ‘mendadih’ (communal cooking activity) besides cultural performances and communal activity with the villagers.

The ceremony was expected to be officiated by the President of the Council of the Sabah Native Affairs and Bongawan Assemblyman, Mohamad Hj. Alamin. – ZMD (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

ekspresi seniFRIDAY, 16 MAY – With features that included elements of acting, poetry, poem, visual, singing and music, Year 1 undergrads of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Writing field presented their creative abilities successfully in the Mind Expression Programme recently.

The programme conducted at the Theatrette Ahmad Nisfu, the School of Arts involved 80 undergrads divided into four groups based on their tutorial classes by a Tutor in the field of writing, Jasman Bandar.

The programme themed ‘Art Expression Smart Minds’ saw the first batch of Writing Subject undergrads presented a poetry performance which depicted real life story of undergrads in UMS, among them portraying the implementation of responsibilities and overcoming challenges to continue fighting to achieve success.

The second group presented the story of Mother’s Day, which taught audience to love and respect their parents. The story included element of moral values and teaching teenagers not to be easily influenced with negative culture surrounding them.

The third presentation entitled ‘If I Become Pig’ by staging skits with elements of satire and advice so as not to do as one pleases and to teach others not to be prejudiced of others regardless of race, religion, rank and position.

The fourth group performed the skit of ‘Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih’, with the script creatively composed and made interesting when the actors were made up of men whilst the king was a woman. The story in this skit was to give lesson to the audience that for every action there would be a reaction.

In addition to fostering cooperation and the application of theoretical knowledge in the field of writing, the programme also aimed at boosting the morale and self-esteem and confidence of undergrads to express their views and acting in front of public, thus increasing the effectiveness of education conducted in UMS. - (fl)

Source: Jasman Bandar, Faculty of Humanities , Arts and Heritage

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

pic exposure
FRIDAY, 16 MAY – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) in collaboration with Talent Corporation Malaysia Bhd (TalentCorp) will organise EXPOSuRe 2014 on 20 – 21 May.

EXPOSuRe 2014 is a career expo, research and industry relationship that will accommodate lectures from leading industry figures, academic exhibitions, research, analysis and instrumentation, as well as direct interviews.

The two-day event will be held at the Main Lecture Hall 2 Complex, and is the first of its kind in Sabah involving 30 leading companies.

According to a statement issued by the organisers, the event will also be the point of meeting between university and industry to produce future collaborative programmes either locally or internationally.

Additionally, EXPOSuRe 2014 also opens up opportunities for students at Masters or Doctorate Level to get sponsorship and funding on academic research from the industry.

The statement added that the event will accommodate exhibitions on the 20th anniversary of UMS and Sector Focus Career Fair (SFCF) which focuses on the tourism sector, accounting, agriculture, oil, gas and energy.

SFCF is an initiative of TalentCorp Malaysia with the university to create a platform in efforts to give exposure to the students and graduates of the environment and career opportunities.

EXPOSuRe 2014 is expected to be officiated by the Deputy Chief Minister cum Minister of Industrial Development Sabah, Datuk Raymond Tan Shu Kiah. – ZMD (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

apc 2014THURSDAY, 15 MAY – “Changing our work culture begins with a sincere intention towards shaping a wise and mature thinking in evaluating and decision-making.”

So said the Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah at the Excellent Service Award (APC) 2013 held today at the Main Lecture Hall 2.

He cited an example of the Japanese, where a husband who comes home early from work would get a scolding from his wife who perceived it as being lazy and not serious in his work thereby affecting the livelihood of the family’s income.

“Where do we put ourselves among the Japanese? This becomes a question on how to change the work culture of UMS staff,” Datuk Harun stressed.

The changes he said, should start from the Head of Department as an example to their workers in implementing positive attitude.

At the event, a total of 1,801 staff received awards consisting of 212 Excellent Service Award, 1,452 Meritorious Service Award, 101 Dedicated Service Award, 33 Excellent Service Special Award and 3 Retiree Appreciation Award. – MA (fl)

Photo: Ernest Berinus

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

MemancingTHURSDAY, 15 MAY – Approximately 80 internal anglers joined a fishing competition recently.

The contest which was opened to Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) undergrads was held at the Outdoor Development Centre (ODEC) shoreline was to give an opportunity to undergrads as a healthy recreational activity for them while appreciating the environment.

One of the participants, Muhammad Fakhrullah said; the surrounding ODEC area was rewarding to them as there were many varieties of preferred fish such as grouper, Barracuda, white fish and many other species.

The categories on contest were; Heaviest Fish Category, Biggest Fish Category and Most Fish Caught Category.

For the Biggest and Heaviest Fish Category, the winner was Mohd Ridwan with his catch weighing 1.2 kilogramme, second was Mohd Amri (0.8 kilogramme) and third place went to Mohd Ariff (0.5 kilogramme).

The winner for the Most Fish Caught Category was won by Mohd Ariff who successfully hauled in 21 fish. Second and third places went to Mohd Alif Chu (12 fish) and Mohd Amri (6 fish) respectively. – SS (fl)

Source: Dr. Mohamad Nizam Nazarudin

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department



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