pilihan rayaTHURSDAY, 31 OCTOBERPolling at Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Campus Election (PRK) went on smoothly at UMS Lecture Halls.

A survey by UMS Chancellery Media at 11.30 am today saw students taking their turns to vote.

Among some students met on site expressed their high hopes for the candidates who would garner majority votes.

For Mohamad Hafiz Kasroll, a Geography student of the School of Science and Technology (SST), he hoped that those selected to be a representative of the student council members would be responsible in performing their duties besides acting as a bridge between students and UMS management.

He was on wheel chair after involving in a road accident recently, but urged other fellow students to practise their rights in casting their votes to choose the new line-up for the Student Council members for the 2013/2014 academic session.

Meanwhile, a special need student, Wong Hui Yean considered the online voting system, e-voting as being easy and did not take up so much of their time.

The year 1 student of the Counselling Psychology Programme, School of Psychology and Social Works (SPKS) said that it only took her about five minutes to cast her vote.

“I hope my friends would be able to cast their votes as well and choose the candidate of their choice,” he added when asked to comment on the turn out of students this morning.

This was supported by Nurul Jannah Yahya, a year 3 student of Physics and Electronic Programme, SST.

“Maybe some of them are still in class making PRK this year not as exciting as last year’s. However, for me, it is an important responsibility to decide on the best line up who will represent us in voicing out any suggestions, sharing or problems faced, to the university’s management,” he said.

Meanwhile, Elleiancly Yuli, a year 3 student of the same programme said that each successful candidate should be able to bring together all students to contribute towards the achievement and excellence of the university.

“Don’t just offer lips service and cannot fulfil their obligations,” she said.

For the record, UMS has 15,848 students who are eligible to vote this year. Polling started from 8.00 am and will end at 5.00 pm simultaneously today for the Main Campus as well as for Labuan International Campus (KAL). As for UMS Branch Campus in Sandakan, all students won uncontested at the Nomination Day last Monday. – SS

Media Division
Chancellery Department

kongres profesorWEDNESDAY, 30 OCTOBERThe Prime Minister of Malaysia, Datuk Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Abdul Razak emphasised on National Reconciliation at the post 13th General Election which stimulate academicians across the country to discuss the issue in greater depth in a congress to be held on 9 and 10 November this year.

National Professors Congress 2 organised by the National Professors Council expected to attract over a thousand academicians from amongst Professors, Associate Professors and lecturers to brainstorm and reach to a solution ways to unify Malaysians.

The congress which was held at Istana Hotel, Kuala Lumpur will be officiated by the Minister of Education II, YB Dato’ Seri Idris Bin Jusoh at the same venue. Co-Director of the congress, Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Syed Arabi Idid in a press conference at the School of Social Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) said the congress themed ‘Towards A United Malaysia’ would involve five panellists.

The five panellists would discuss issues relating to national unity, such as the concept and challenges on unity, socio-economic justice, science and education, self-identity and patriotism, as well as globalisation and national strength.

Dr. Syed added that the focus on national unity will also spotlight on uniting the ethnic groups and territories; Peninsular Malaysia with Sabah and Sarawak. He said that this congress would like to see the basic values among Malaysians be the crux to national unity.

At the end of the congress some resolutions were made and would be handed to the Prime Minister. – MA


Media Division
Chancellery Department

ANet3MONDAY, 28 OCTOBER – Ants play a vital role in maintaining the nutrient cycle and aeration in the ecosystem and maintenance of organic matters.

The Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah in his speech said that ants, being one of the world’s tiniest creatures, have been identified as one of the most important organisms in regulating the balance of ecosystems.

His speech was read by Dyg. Rukiah Awg. Amit, Head Librarian of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) at the official opening of the 9th ANet International Conference and Meeting organised by the Institute For Tropical Biology and Conservation (IBTP) for the second time at UMS. 

“If ants were to disappear overnight, the land’s ecosystems would collapse, soil would lose its fertility and many plants would no longer be pollinated,” she said at the opening ceremony which was attended by more than 60 local and foreign participants.
Earlier, President of International Network For Study of Asian Ants (ANet), Dr. Himender Bharti said that ANet had been successful in generating interests among young researchers in Asia.

“It’s about time Asian myrmecologists apart from cataloguing the ant biodiversity should also explore other avenues like molecular biology, ecology and phylogenetic etc., so as to generate a holistic view regarding Asian ants,” he added.

Dr. Himender was speaking at the opening ceremony of ANet Conference with the theme 'Ant Ecology, Evolution and Taxonomy - Asian Myrmecology in the 21st Century'.  The objective of the conference was for ant researchers especially those working on ants of Asia to update their ant research activities and foster potential research collaboration between institutions.

Also present at the event was Acting Director of Institute For Tropical Biology and Conservation (IBTP) UMS, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Charles S. Vairappan and Prof. Datin Dr. Maryati Mohammed of Universiti Tun Hussein Onn who was the pioneer Director of IBTP and First ANet President. – FL

Media Division
Chancellery Department

prk2013FRIDAY, 25 OCTOBERThe date 31 October would be the decision maker for students in choosing the next line-up of Student Council (MPP) members in the coming Campus Election (PRK) for Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS).

According to a source from the Student Affairs and Alumni Department (HEPA), the nomination day will be held on 28 October at Anjung Siswa, adjacent to the department’s building. Voting day for student council members is on 31 October which will be held at the Main Lecture Hall 2, UMS.

The Deputy Vice-Chancellor of HEPA, Assoc. Prof. Datuk Dr. Hj. Kasim Md. Mansur will act as the Chairman at this year’s PRK, whilst the election’s operation committee members is headed by the Director of Co-curriculum and Student Development Centre, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Raman Noordin.

As with previous years, the election will be held through e-voting, and results will be announced on the night of the election. The new line-up of Student Council Members for the 2013/2014 academic session will be formed in 24 hours after the results were announced. – FMD

Media Division
Chancellery Department

greentech talkFRIDAY, 25 OCTOBER – Green Technology should be applied to our environment to ensure its sustainability.

According to a lecturer of International Islamic University Malaysia, Engr. Shamzani Affendy Mohd. Din, concepts such as the management of green chemistry, green nano technology, green buildings and green information technology should be taken into account during the application.

“Besides ensuring a green environment, green technology aims to encourage continuous innovation, development and resource reduction,” he said. He said this when presenting a talk on green technology at UMS Research Gallery.

Referring to the need of green building, he said the application of this concept was timely as building development were increasing rapidly everyday resulting in the need to use high energy. He added, corporate organisations should also check the pollution and environmental degradation as part of its corporate social responsibility.

Meanwhile, Head of CMW Design Strategies, LLC, Augustine Wong said when presenting his talk, green concept roads in the town area would be another method to support a sustainable environment.

He said, for this purpose, management of flood prevention from occurring on roads in the city areas should be made a priority. He clarified that continuous research besides collaboration with local agencies were important to ensure flood waters flow to the right waterway naturally. – MA


Media Division
Chancellery Division



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