nasyid mppTHURSDAY, 24 OCTOBERUniversiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) students are invited to the Simfoni Expresi Mahasiswa (Students Expression Sympony) programme which will be held at the Postgraduate Auditorium tonight.

The programme which is an initiative of the Student Council (MPP) will start at 7.00 pm until 10.00 pm with a line up of interesting items.

According to the President of MPP, Mohd Juhar Harun, the items include an interview which will be conducted by the nation’s nasyid advocates, Hafiz Hamidun and Fitri Harris.

“They will touch on the topic ‘Between Love and Ambition’ besides presenting some nasyid songs,” he said.

Juhar said that the organising of this programme among others was a way to instil a knowledgeable culture while entertaining in a healthy way among the students.

He said this when contacted by UMS Chancellery Media. – SS


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eko kampus iscnTHURSDAY, 23 OCTOBER - Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) became the first Malaysian university to join the International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN) and participated in a global exchange between campus sustainability leaders to further best practices. 
This is one of the many Universiti Malaysia Sabah’s efforts in becoming the first and leading EcoCampus in Malaysia through benchmarking with other universities in ISCN.

The ISCN provides a global forum to support leading colleges, universities, and corporate campuses in the exchange of information, ideas, and best practices for achieving sustainable campus operations and integrating sustainability in research and teaching.
In 2009, the ISCN partnered with GULF, a World Economic Forum initiative bringing together the heads of 26 top global universities, to develop the Sustainable Campus Charter, which organises campus sustainability into 3 core principles, requires a commitment at the highest level of the institution, and includes annual reporting on sustainability goals, initiatives, and performance.
“We are delighted to welcome Universiti Malaysia Sabah into the ISCN and look forward to providing a platform for international value exchange and partnership on campus sustainability” says Bernd Kasemir, ISCN Program Manager. -SS

Chancellery Department

iclalisWEDNESDAY, 23 OCTOBERBeing an important organisation that spearheads education development in Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), the Centre For the Promotion of Knowledge and Language Learning (PPIB) organised an International Conference On Languages, Linguistics and Society (ICLALIS) 2013 for three days beginning yesterday.
According to the Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah, the organising of ICLALIS 2013 would be a good platform for students, academicians and interested individuals to share their knowledge and expertise especially in language.
“Language should be developed and promoted to meet all challenges which are seen to be getting complicated these days, thus helps to bolster the country’s community language,” he said.
He said this at the opening ceremony of the international conference held at Promenade Hotel, Kota Kinabalu. His text was read by the Dean of PPIB, Prof. Dr. Vincent Pang.
Earlier, the Organising Chairman of ICLALIS 2013, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jason Miin-Hwa Lim said, through this conference, all parties would be able to share their different approach and perspective in the usage, learning, teaching and language expansion.
ICLALIS 2013 is the first language conference organised by PPIB and had attracted more than 200 participants from 25 nations. – FMD
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Chancellery Department

tctp reaksiMONDAY, 21 OCTOBERThe Third Country Training Programme (TCTP) which ended today received encouraging reactions from its international participants.

When met by UMS Chancellery Media, all participants were amazed with our biodiversity and cultures of Malaysians especially Sabah.

For Botswanian, Keorapetse Jenamiso, his participation was the first and he was impressed with the uniqueness and beauty of the natural biodiversity of this state.

He said the first hand experience at the Wetlands of Kinabatangan-Segama downstream was priceless and hoped to bring those ideas back to his home country.

He added, the opportunity to be in Sabah gave him the chance to shop for pearls as souvenirs for his family, an item which was difficult to get back home.

Meanwhile, Zacharia Ambrose Wambura who originated from Tanzania said that he was excited with the Homestay programme which was run by the villages as a way to increase their income.

“Such efforts have not been introduced in my country yet. We see that this not only increase the tourists arrivals to our country but also raise the living standard in the village. I will bring this idea to Tanzania,” he said, where Zacharia is now serving at the Ministry of National Resource and Tourism in his home country.

TCTP participant from Philippines, Merlito Villar believed that Malaysia was way forward in its thinking.

“I originally thought that this country and especially Sabah would be concentrating on agriculture only. However, it is quite different from what I imagined. It is a great state with clear direction towards development and well balanced in preserving the natural state of beauty,” he said and this was the first time he sat foot in this country.

TCTP Programme which was held for 20 days was jointly organised by Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Foreign Ministry and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

The official closing ceremony was officiated by the State Secretary of Sabah and member of the Board of Directors of UMS, Tan Sri Sukarti Wakiman. – SS


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MONDAY, 21 OCTOBER – Malaysia was once a country that received assistance and trainings from donor countries.

However, State Secretary of Sabah, Tan Sri Sukarti Wakiman said that the situation had changed in recent years through the development and economic stability achieved by the nation.

“In fact, we have now become one of the donor countries in helping other developing countries,” he said when officiating at the closing ceremony of the Third Country Training Programme (TCTP) organised by Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

He added that Malaysia had now conducted more than 20 trainings in various specialised fields under the Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP) which was held at various institutions including UMS.

Tan Sri Sukarti who is also a member of the Board of Directors of UMS said the partnership with JICA helped to bolster efforts in conducting trainings and sharing with participants of third world countries.

He also expressed his pleasure for the fact that Malaysia especially Sabah was chosen as one of the locations for this international class training programme because of its various biology and ecosystem management.

“I sincerely hope that such programme would be enhanced and strengthened in the near future,” he added.

TCTP  which started on 29 September was participated by 13 participants from Papua New Guinea, Tanzania, the Philippines, Botswana and Vietnam.

Also present at the event were a representative from the Foreign Affairs Ministry, Mahrulzahrin Miskan; Acting Director of the Institute of Tropical Biology and Conservation (IBTP) UMS, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Charles S. Vairappan and JICA Malaysia representative, Shinobu Yoshizawa. – SS

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