biasiswa-temuramahFRIDAY, 12 APRILTwo recipients of the Tun Said Keruak Scholarship were thankful for being chosen to receive this award.

For Shaiful Huzairi Mohd. Kahil, a student under the History Programme at the School of Social Science described the grant as a blessing and will take advantage of the offer to fund his research on the Involvement of Sabah Bajau Leaders in Malaysian Politics (1963-2000). 

The student who hailed from Semporna, Sabah said that he did not expect his application would be approved but insisted that the grant is a boost for him to produce a research of high impact in line with the call made by the Vice-Chancellor of UMS, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah.

The second recipient, Amirulnizam Jamaludin expressed the same sentiment when met by the reporter from the Information and Media Section Corporate Relations Division.  For someone who hailed from Peninsular Malaysia he said, the scholarship means a lot especially when it comes from a prominent leader in Sabah.

A visit to the Kota Belud Tamu in 2008 proved to be the spark that ingnites his deicision to conduct a research on ‘Decoration In Cultural Objects and Its Connections With the Bajaus of Kota Belud’ as the chosen topic of his study.

“I saw the Bajau warriors clad in their unique traditional gears riding their horses and this attracted my attention.  I have never seen such culture in the Peninsular, and from then onwards I have implanted in me an interest to pursue this culture,” he said.  Amirulnizam also holds a Degree in Visual Arts Technology from the School of Arts Studies, UMS.

Both students received their scholarship from Datuk Seri Panglima Salleh Tun Said Keruak at the Galeri, Canselori Building UMS in a handover ceremony.  Shaiful received RM42,526 whilst Amirulnizam RM32,101.

By: Salbinous Saribun/Feria Lee

Photos by: Martubat Jamlan

                                                                                                         Information and Media Section, Corporate Relations Division 

biasiswaFRIDAY, 12 APRIL – The best weapon that a person has is not their physical ability but the strength of their mind which will shape them into someone with great personality and strong mind.  Having a strong mind and a great personality will make one resilient.  This was said by the Speaker of the Sabah State Legislative Assembly, Datuk Seri Panglima Salleh Tun Said Keruak in his speech at the handing of the Tun Said Keruak Scholarship Award to two recipients of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) postgraduate students.

According to him, as a university student, they are indirectly responsible to assist the surrounding community to be a knowledgeable society that contributes to the peace and robust development of the country.

“Strength should be emphasised to ensure that wholesome development could be successfully implemented,” he further added.

Touching on the setting up of the scholarship, Datuk Seri Salleh said that it was created to enrich efforts in the development of youngsters especially the local ethnics of Sabah.  He said, the ethnic diversity and cultural practices are seen to be the bridge that can instill the spirit of unity amongst the community.

“Thus in the context of racial customs in the eyes of the world, this scholarship hopes to assist in producing a high impact research study on ethnic groups of Sabah across the board, and becomes a reference material for researchers all over the world,” said the former Chief Minister of Sabah.

Earlier the Vice-Chancellor of UMS, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah said that the setting up of the Tun Said Keruak Scholarship was a noble move that gave UMS students who were less priviledge but were excellent academically, to continue with their education to a higher level.  He was thankful that the scholarship was set up and hoped that all recipients would make full use of the grant given.

“I challenge all recipients of this scholarship to use it to produce high impact articles and journal not only to be made a reference material locally but also internationally,” he said.

At the ceremony, Datuk Seri Salleh awarded scholarships to postgraduate student from the School of Art Studies, Amirulnizam Jamaludin and postgraduate student from the School of Social Sciences, Shaiful Huzairi Mohd. Kahil.

By Salbinous Saribun/Feria Lee
Photo: Martubat Jamlan

                                                                                                     Information and Media Section, Corporate Relations Division

martubatTHURSDAY, 11 APRILUniversiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Vice-Chancellor Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah reminded all staff to value time and to make full use of it especially when executing their duties as government staff in UMS. 

“Value time when executing all tasks entrusted to us.  We should also be at the office early and to waste no time in empty talks.  In short, use more time to work,” he said at the Chancellory Department Monthly Assembly.  Also present were the Director of the Centre for Academic Advancement (PPSA), Prof. Dr. Marcus Jopony; Director of the Centre for Occupational Safety and Health (PKKP), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shamsul Bahari Shamsudin; Director for International Affairs, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Janie Liew; Head of Chancellory Department, No’man Datuk Hj. Ahmad; Head of Corporate Relations Division, Samasuddin Hj. Yusop, Head of Internal Audit, Ismail Abdul Jalil and all staff under the Chancellory Department. 

Datuk Dr. Harun also reminded all staff to adopt the green culture in support of EcoCampus.  This included copying documents front and back to reduce the use of paper which in turn will help in reducing the felling of trees.

Before he concluded with his message, the Vice-Chancellor also reminded all staff to go all out to exercise their rights as voters at the coming 13th General Election.  At the function, he also gave away First Aid kit to all heads of Centres under the Chancellory Department before giving away certificate of appreciation to Best Staff of the Month for March.

The assembly was held at the Galeri, Chancellory Building which saw Dr. Shamsul Bahari presenting a knowledge sharing session. 

By: Salbinous Saribun/Feria Lee

Photo: Suzeanywati Gasinin

                                                                                                          Information and Media Section, Corporate Relations Division

mpp penampilanWEDNESDAY, 10 APRILThe very element needed to form one into someone of quality is appearance.  A leader should be well-groomed and possess good personality with the right dressing according to his or her own body proportion and personality.

Hence, Universiti Malaysia Sabah through the Student Affairs and Alumni Department (HEP) organised a grooming session to its Student Representatives Council (MPP) session 2012/2013.  This course was held for two days at the Courtyard Hotel, 1Borneo Kota Kinabalu.

According to the course coordinator, Norhana Nordin, the course was organised as an effort by HEP under the patronage of Deputy Vice-Chancellor Assoc. Prof. Datuk Dr. Kasim Hj. Md. Mansur to transform the image and professional ettiquette of its MPP so as to be more assertive and confident in executing their duties as representatives of undergraduates of UMS.

“Image should be given top priority to develop the pull factor as a leader.  When we have mastered the communication skill, image and makeup, some other important factors are equally important in building this pull factor on other students.  This is important so that others around us will feel at ease thus giving the full support needed,” Norhana added when met by newsman from the Information and Media Section, Corporate Relations Division.

At the same time, she also expressed her appreciation to HEP Senior Deputy Registrar, Mohd. Raffie Janau and other officers from the Student Development Division who had given their full assistance in the organising of this programme.  She said the close links established between them were apt and exemplary to other MPP to be always united when executing their responsibilities as student leaders at UMS.

The programme also included dressing and makeup ethics for attending various official functions of the university were also conducted by the licenced facilitator, Wawa Idris.

By: Salbinous Saribun/Feria Lee

                                                                                      Information and Media Section, Corporate Relations Division

takrawWEDNESDAY, 10 APRIL – Team  ‘Ini Kali Lah’ emerged as winner in the Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Undergraduates Mass Sports Competition 2013 in Sepak Takraw which was held at UMS Sports Complex recently.  The team beat ‘Asal Boleh’ with 15-11, 12-15, 16-14 before beating ‘Gila-Gila Regu’ 15-12, 16-14.  By beating these two teams at the semi-finals which adopted the league concept, the winner which comprises Sharif Idrus Abdul Taib, Syafiq Edul and Mihammad Fakhrullah Abdul Muda received a trophy, medals and hamper.

1st Runner-up was ‘Gila-Gila Regu’ whilst ‘Asal Boleh’ 2nd Runner-up.  Each team received the championship medals for their feat.  The prize giving was done by UMS Youth and Sports Assistant, Douglas Eric Elisa Tar.

Besides Sepak Takraw which involved 12 teams, various sports activities were also organised.  Among them were futsal, netball and volleyball.  The good weather adds up to the fine performance by our UMS students.

The organising of this championship among others was aimed at giving opportunities to UMS students to be active in sporting activities and a ground to uncover new talents that can be included in major sporting events.  It was also a step to cultivate healthy lifestyle through sports and recreation. – FL

Source: Sharif Idrus Abdul Taib, BT11110152 & Muhammad Safiuddin Husin, BT11110099.

                                                                                       Information and Media Section, Corporate Relations Division



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