THURSDAY, 22 SEPTEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) finished third at the Creative Dance Open Category at the recent Borneo Arts Festival 2016 organised by the Federal Territory of Labuan.

UMS, represented by Cul’Art Dance Group under the auspices of the Culture and Arts Department of the Student Affairs Department received cash prize of RM3,000 and a trophy.

Cul’Art comprising 12 UMS students took to a dance named “Godu” that tells the story of a mysterious grasshopper that becomes a belief by the Kadazans and Dusuns of this state.

The group trained by coach Suhairin Abd Kadir competed with 17 other dance groups, which was also participated by Brunei and Indonesia.

The champion for the Creative Dance was won by Putera Puteri Group, Kota Kinabalu while first runner-up was Sanggar Budaya Sri Pengkalan, Kuala Lumpur. - (fl)

Source: Norhana Nordin
Photo: Culture and Arts Division, Student Affairs Dept.

WEDNESDAY, 21 SEPTEMBER – The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FPSK) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) recently organised a Public Health Forum on Zika Virus, which aimed to disseminate information to the general public on the prevention of the virus.

According to Deputy Dean FPSK, Professor Dr. Ahmad Faris Abdullah, this forum could provide a clearer picture on the role of the Health Department and UMS’ position as an institution of knowledge in addressing issues related to infectious diseases.

“UMS is sensitive to current issues, especially on life-threatening cases such as the Zika virus.

“Thus, the opportunity to mobilise experts from UMS and the Health Department in one forum could be used as a platform for the sharing of knowledge and expertise between these two sides, thus benefitting the local community,” he said.

He was representing UMS Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah when launching the forum held at the Main Auditorium of FPSK.

Meanwhile, Kota Kinabalu District Health Officer, Dr. Jiloris F. Dony said, a comprehensive and indepth study were needed to identify the severity of the Zika virus infection in Sabah.

He said, collaboration with such institution like UMS was able to open up opportunities for more specific research conducted on the Zika virus.

More than 500 people attended the one-day forum. – (fl)

TUESDAY, 20 SEPTEMBER – The Daycare and Transit Centre, Pusat Minda Lestari (PML) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) organised a trip to the Sabah State Museum, recently.

The visit was participated by 52 children aged 4 and 6, accompanied by 8 teachers including the supervisor of the Daycare and Transit programme, Jaini Sapirai.

According to Jaini, this visit aimed to foster the spirit of patriotism amongst children on the history of the country.

“They get to see for themselves the history of the nation besides developing their socio-emotion, cognitive and gross motor movement in helping the development of early childhood,” he said.

According to him, the children had the opportunity to explore the historical artifacts found at the museum, besides getting a close look at animals that had been cured, and hands-on experience with game-related science activities.

“PML actively carry out outdoor activities during the school holidays as an effort to help increase the knowledge and intellegence of the children under PML,” he said.

Source: Pusat Minda Lestari

TUESDAY, 20 SEPTEMBER – The Student Welfare Committee (JAKMAS) Residential College, Kolej E took the initiative to introduce the college in general to the new intake of 2016/2017 academic session by organising the “Seerat Salam” programme, yesterday.

According to the President of JAKMAS, Nurul Syazwani Mohamad Ghaazali, this programme was conducted to introduce the Residential College, Kolej E and the management as well as the administrators of the college closer to the new residents of the college, and to share the University and University College Act (AUKU) practiced at the university.

“Indirectly, this programme can strengthen the relationship  between the management such as JAKMAS, Council of Block Leaders (MKKB),  and Council of Club Heads (MKKK) and the new intake,” she said.

Held at Anjung Perdana, Kolej E, an introduction of the college was given by Nurul and said that such programme would facilitate the new students well in starting their life as a university student.  She also briefed them on the facilities available besides advising them on the list of individuals to contact should the need arise.

During the “Seerat Salam” programme, an introduction of Clubs involving 12 clubs registered with Kolej E was done besides Maghrib Programme, Megarewang, Group Training, and ended with ‘A Night of Thousand Stars’ on 25 September.

During the College Introduction  Night, more than 2,500 students including 2,424 new intake swamped the Kolej E Anjung Perdana that was attended by the College Principal, Dr. Syahruddin Awang Ahmad, Deputy Principal, Mohd Hilmey Saili, and Sepanggar Jaya JV Sdn Bhd Operations Manager, Maximillian N. Lidong. – (fl)

MONDAY, 19 SEPTEMBER – 19 international students registered at Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) under the Student Mobility Programme.

The students originated from South Korea, Indonesia, Germany, Brunei Darussalam and Thailand.

According to the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah, the involvement of the students in the programme at UMS not only provide classroom lessons to them but also share their skills with the local community.

“We hope that you would make UMS your choice university to further your studies to Master’s and PhD levels in future,” he said, during the handing over ceremony of the students at Café D’Sireh, today.

Datuk Harun also advised the students to learn the culture and language of the locals to add value to their learning experience during the next six months at UMS.

Four faculties were involved in the mobility programme; Faculty of Computing and Informatics (FKI), Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy (FPEP), Faculty of Psychology and Education (FPP) and Faculty of Science and Natural Resources (FSSA).

UMS so far has 713 international students pursuing diploma, bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree and practical training at its campus. – (fl)

Photo: Suzeanywati Gasinin



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