THURSDAY, 15 SEPTEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah encouraged all staff working at the Chancellery Department to be involved in planting at the premises of the building.

 According to him, this effort was  aimed at supporting the implementation of EcoCampus to preserve the natural environment of the campus.

“UMS has now become one of the tourist destinations in Sabah.  Its beautiful landscape has made it becoming more attractive especially when the flowers start blooming along the pathways in the campus, thus becoming a picturesque view to visitors who would capture this moment,” he enthused.

He added, planting activity should be made a hobby by UMS staff as the results would be enjoyed by the campus community.

Some fruit trees and vegetables were planted during the launching such as durian, spinach, water spinach, brinjal, and ulam raja (Cosmos caudatus).

 Also present were the Principal and Senior Officers  of the University, including staff and students of UMS. – ZMD (fl)

Photo: Musaab Umair

THURSDAY, 15 SEPTEMBER – The Collaboration between Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) and Special Olympics Sabah (SOS) would be further intensified with the involvement of students and community-based programmes, said the Vice-Chancellor of UMS, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah.

He said the cooperation between UMS and Special Olympics Sabah would also improve the teaching and learning especially in promoting volunteerism amongst students.

“UMS not only intend to produce graduates who are intellectual, knowledgeable and versatile, but also able to contribute their service and time to society after they graduate,” he said.

He was speaking at the launching of Fun Fitness 2016 and the Signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between UMS and Special Olympics Sabah.

Datuk Harun said, this collaboration was a commendable effort by the Sports Science Programme, Faculty of Psychology and Education (FPP), UMS in bringing in industry into the campus.

“This would certainly bridge the gap between higher education institutions and external parties that are directly involved with the community, and in providing employment opportunities.

“This collaboration marks the starting point of the struggle in providing equal opportunities  in sports for the underpriviledged,” he added.

Touching on the Fun Fitness 2016, Datuk Harun said that this was a physical fitness assesment programme and an exercise programme for the disabled with different needs.

He added, the purpose was to educate the disabled athletes, families and coaches on the importance of each physical fitness component.

“I was made to understand that the establishment of the Fitness and Rehabilitation Centre, Faculty of Psychology and Education would make UMS the pioneer in Fun Fitness Programme in the Asia Pacific region,” he said.

The launching ceremony was officiated by Youth and Sport Sabah Minister, Datuk Hj. Tawfiq Hj. Abu Bakar Titingan, and was also attended by the Operational Director of Special Olympics Asia Pacific Region, Simon Koh.

Datuk Tawfiq also witnessed the signing of the MoU between Datuk Harun on behalf of UMS and the President of Special Olympics Sabah,Datuk Haji Safari Manan. – (fl)

WEDNESDAY, 14 SEPTEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) through its Faculty of Psychology and Education (FPP) recently sent six students to the Credit Mobility Programme to Universitas Mercu Buana (UMB), Indonesia.

Deputy Dean of Student Affairs (HEP) and Alumni FPP, Dr. Getrude Cosmas said, all the students involved were those under the Industrial and Organisational Programme, Youth and Community Development Programme and the Child and Family Psychology Programme.

“They will be in the programme for one semester or six months before returning to UMS,” he said in a statement.

He also led the group to Jakarta and shared his experience, where they were warmly received by students of UMB who had participated in the same programme at UMS.

“We were warmly received by them and was given a detailed briefing about UMB campus at the handing over session of UMS students to UMB there.

”We are very grateful to UMB and were warmly welcomed by six principal officers of the university led by the representative of the Rector of Institutional and Resources Discipline, Dr. Purwanto SK,” Dr. Getrude added.

The UMS students  in the group were also brought around the UMB campus, including to the Faculty of Psychology, Library, Student Training Centre, Research Centre and other places of interest within the campus.

Also joining them in the delegation to UMB Jakarta was the Assistant Registrar of FPP, Jamal Atong.

Meanwhile, Dr. Getrude also said, the collaboration between UMS-UMB through the credit mobility programme provided an opportunity for students in the Psychology programme to gain new experience and knowledge, which may vary with the environment in UMS.

“There are some courses in psychology that are not offered by FPP but are offered at UMB such as Forensic and Learning Difficulties Analysis Psychology,” she added.

Six UMS students have so far been selected to attend this mobility programme namely, Chiew Hing Chun, Noor Syazlin Noh, Nurul Nabila Burhanuddin, Dhasni Chander, Ruvina Indran and Herdanarena Samsuddin. – (fl) 

Source: Faculty of Psychology and Education

TUESDAY, 13 SEPTEMBER – A total of 10 cows were slaughtered by Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) in conjunction with Hari Raya Aidiladha.

Five cows were slaughtered at UMS Mosque this morning, whilst the rest were slaughtered in the compound of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences UMS, UMS Mosque and at Kampung Giling, Tuaran on the morning of Aidiladha, yesterday.

According to UMS Islamic Affairs Senior Officer, Ustaz Razali Saibin, the slaughtering of cows this morning involved more than 50 UMS staff that began with a briefing by the Halal Slaughtering Consultant, Ustaz Sablee Abdul Rahman.

“The briefing  was given earlier to remind those involved on the easy slaughtering method taught in a series of course held earlier.

“The involvement of youths in this occasion is very encouraging this year, and this is a positive development as their involvement are needed in the slaughtering of cows,” he said.

Meanwhile, Ustaz Sablee hoped that the youths would continue to be engaged in the slaughtering and Qurban as this activity is closely linked with daily consumption of the public.

“The youths should learn simple and halal techniques of slaughtering of animals to ensure a continues source of halal meat source.

“Children as young as 12 can begin to learn the methods of slaughtering, starting with chicken and goat, as this is a skill that can be practiced anywhere,” he said. – (fl)

TUESDAY, 13 SEPTEMBER – Almost a thousand students joined in to celebrate Hari Raya Aidiladha held at the Student Residential College, Kolej E, recently.

According to the Deputy Head of Kolej E, Mohd Hilmey Saili, the event was organised by Nur Eman Club and the Exco of Personal and Human Capital Development of the Student Welfare Committee (JAKMAS) of the college.

“Besides helping themselves to the various food prepared, the celebration also had Lafaz Takbir Raya, a video presentation and Raya songs sung by the students.

“The event, which started from 8.00 am until 10.00 pm was also participated by students of Residential College Tun Mustapha and Residential College Tun Fuad,” he said in a statement today.

Mohd. Hilmey said the programme aimed to celebrate the occasion among residents of Kolej E who were not able to return to their hometowns to celebrate Hari Raya Aidiladha with their respective families.

“Programmes such as this would also be able to foster closer relationship amongst the college administrators and students especially those staying at Kolej E, UMS,” he further added.

The event was also attended by Fellows, JAKMAS, Council of Block Leaders (MKKB) and Council of Club Heads (MKKK) of Student Residential College, Kolej E. – (fl)



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