FRIDAY, 4 DECEMBER – Each employee of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), especially those under the Management and Professional category should have at least one area of expertise in their respective scheme.

This was said by the Registrar of UMS, No’man Ahmad in his inaugural speech to staff recently, at the Gallery.

According to him, staff must understand and learn in more in-depth every aspect relating to their job scope so that they could be an individual who would be consulted for any advices.

“Take the example of the scope of a Finance Officer, they can become experts in the fields of income-generation, investments, acquisitions and so on.

“If every employee has a subject of expertise in their own right, Insya-Allah UMS would continue to forge ahead rapidly in tandem with the ten shifts emphasised in the Malaysia Education Development Plan (Higher Education),” he said.

He added, every UMS staff should check their function and responsibilities besides instilling in themselves the intention to produce good works, and increase their credibility by adding knowledge of their work and for general knowledge.

No’man also explained that every employee must understand the direction and work in tandem for the success of the university, he chose the word INSAN, which stands for Integrity, Sense, and Needs as the basic model of identity and power in strengthening human resource the movers of the university.

“Each staff of the university should practice KSA that is Knowledge, Skills and Attitude,” he added. – (fl)

FRIDAY, 4 DECEMBER – The settlement of regional issues in East Asia and Southeast Asia on the causes of conflict must be made through discussions based on academic research.

This was said by the Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah in his opening speech at the the International Workshop on Peace Resolution and Regional Issues in East Asia and Southeast Asia.

“Countries in this region have been trying to negotiate in a bilateral way with China on the issues of South China Sea for a long period of time.

“These discussions are very difficult but for the sake of peace in the region, it must be held,” he said.

His speech was read by professor in the International Relations Programme, Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage, Professor Dr. Kamarulzaman Askandar.

He added, these discussions must not end here, but should be held and widely disseminated to society especially policy makers and the next generation.

The five-day programme organised by UMS International Relations Programme in collaboration with the North Asia History Foundation and the Southeast Asia Conflict Studies Network among others aimed at analysing and understanding the issues on regional peace, sharing of territorial and maritime experienced by Korea and Malaysia, study on a peaceful solution and promote academic exchanges between East Asia and Southeast Asia. – (fl)

WEDNESDAY, 2 DECEMBER – The government should formulate a policy to select one or two public universities in Malaysia and make those universities amongst the top 10 or 20 best in the world.

This was said by the Chairman of the Board of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Tun Zaki Tun Azmi when delivering his speech at the Chairman of the Board of Directors Council Conference (MPLPU) at the Pacific Sutera, Sutera Harbour, yesterday.

He said, if we looked at those developed countries such as United Kingdom and United States of America, not all universities in those countries share the same standards.

“What if we select one or two public universities in Malaysia and develop them to become the best.

In addition, a university should not be an expert in all areas, but only choose one or two fields and keep on ‘soaring upwards’ in that field,” he said.

Citing the example of the National Heart Institute (IJN) that is famous among heart specialists in the world, Malaysia has only one heart institute and the government has always been chanelling financial resources to make it the best heart hospital.

“If the government set up another three or four IJN, we might not necessarily achieve our direction and in the end the institute woould not be able to leap forward,” he added.

The ceremony was officiated by the Deputy Secretary (Development), Ministry of Education (MoE), Datuk Nik Ali Mat Yunus, who represented the Secretary General of the ministry, Datuk Seri Ir Dr Zaini Ujang. – (fl)

WEDNESDAY, 02 DECEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) through its Visual Arts Technology Programme (PSTV), Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW) won 5 film awards in its maiden participation of the 12th Malaysian Students Creative Contents organised by Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) and the  National Film Development Corporation Malaysia (FINAS) on 28 November 2015.

UMS’ two entrants through the films ‘Slayer’ and a documentary entitled ‘Angkiluang’, both directed by Mohd Syaiful Reezal Harith when he was in his final year at UMS, turned out to be a meaningful one as both films grabbed the grand prize and other prizes contested.

Slayer, a sci-fi genre film uses computer generated technique and attracted the judges where the film won four awards; best script, best actor, best graphics and Semantic & Symbiosis Innovation.

The film Angkiluang, a documentary featuring a Murut hero and features a nonconforming narrative that combines documentary and drama, grab the grand prize as overall best documentary.

Saiful expressed his gratitude as both his works caught the attention of the jury and proceeded to win several main prizes.

“Both films were produced with the intention to feature different works of movie production by using computer-generated feature and the stories of the people of Sabah as something unique compared to other films.

Slayer won the Best Visual Effects at the 11th Mini Film Festival organised by Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) and the victory in this festival for Best Graphics Category proved that computer –generated feature films has its own specialty,” he said when contacted by media.

Sharing his experience about both films, Syaiful related that the most challenging part in making this film was the budget, where he had to think more creatively himself and the post production such as editing and special effects.

He added that his coursemates assisted in being his production crew in an effort to reduce cost.

The short film Slayer was a group project that was produced with a cost of RM2,000.00 and had used graphics element and computer-generation produced by Syaiful himself.

While Angkiluang was  a final year project with a total cost production of RM4,000.00.

“I am very  lucky as my coursemates and lecturers helped me a lot to improve my work resulting in both films being successfully done and subsequently won awards at the Student Film Festival,” he said. – CD (fl)

Source:  Associate Professor Dr. Anuar Md Zairul Dawam, FKSW

TUESDAY, 1 DECEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) students recently visited theTambunan Orphanage Home and spent some time with the 120 inmates of the home.

The programme was organised by the ‘Seni Khat’ Course of the Curriculum and Development Centre for Students (PKPP) iin cooperation with UMS Islamic Centre involving 80 students of UMS headed by the course lecturer, Jimmis Jumaat.

According to Jimmis, the programme was among others to foster relationship between university students and inmates of welfare homes such as the Tambunan Orphanage Home.

“This programme puts the five soft skills into practice; communication skill, critical thinking and problem-solving, teamwork, professional moral and ethics and leadership skills,” he said.

He added, several activities that were based on team-building were carried out with the orphans ranging from young children to adolescents could also enhance creativity thereby uncover the talents of the children.

Besides organising activities with the inmates of the Tambunan Orphanage Home, he said that UMSdelegation also presented cash donation, sports equipment, books and pencil cases in preparation for the coming school next year.

“It is hoped that with UMS’ efforts in bringing its students to actively conduct community activities such as this would be made an example to the public especially government and private agencies in promoting awareness of theplight and challenges of the less fortunate,” said Jimmis. – (fl)



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