By Salbinous Saribun

TUESDAY, 05 JANUARY – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Marine Aquarium and Museum recorded 39,029 visitors in 2015.

According to the museum curator, Flora Anne Asalin, the number reflected an increase of 4,625 visitors compared to 34,404 visitors last year.

“Of the number, 33,171 were Malaysians, 5,232 international visitors and the rest were official guests of the university, people with disabilities (OKU) and UMS staff and students itself,” she said when contacted by UMS media.

She added, the increase in visitors showed that UMS Marine Aquarium and Museum continued to be the choice tourism destination when visiting Kota Kinabalu.

“The museum also generated income of RM177,772.49 compared to RM149,416.00 the previous year through collection of entrance fees charged to every visitor,” she added.

The museum operated by the Borneo Marine Research Institute (IPMB) is open to the public every day except Sundays and Public Holidays, from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm. – (fl)

TUESDAY, 05 JANUARY – Efforts to expose Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) student leaders to foreign culture should be intensified to instil creative as well as critical thinking and with foresight thus responding the call to internationalise university students.

Recognising this, UMS recently sent 18 Student Representatives Council (MPP) of the 2014/2015 Academic Session to Beijing, China for a High Performance Leadership Tour.

The group leader, Mohd. Al-Farid Abraham said, the tour was also a platform for sharing of knowledge between Malaysia and China covering many areas and aspects of student leadership.

“We were also exposed to the academic system and patterns of student leadership in Beijing besides learning the Eco-Tourism system in that country that could be applied by UMS to streamline the EcoCampus concept,” he said.

Al-Farid, who was also the MPP President for the 2014/2015 Session also accorded his gratitude to UMS and described the visit as very timely and beneficial.

The seven-day tour included a visit to Beihang University and Beijing University of Language and Culture, China. – SS (fl)

Source: Masnahneh Masdin, HEP

WEDNESDAY, 23 DECEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) participation in the Malaysian Universities Cultural Council Theatre Festival (MAKUM) brought home three awards this year.

The six-day festival finally picked UMS student, Shahril Latief as the winner for the Best Promising Actor through ‘Dewan Persidangan’.

UMS also received the Special Jury Award and Best Costume Award through its S.T.A.G.E Production.

Commenting on the participation in the festival, UMS Theatre Lecturer, Sharifuddin Zainal said, through the theatrical titles contested, it had indirectly provided some input to the audience especially university students who were the pioneers of the development of theatre arts in the universities in particular.

“Through these titles, it also acts as a branch of criticism and audience mind shift towards positivity,” he said.

The overall champion at the festival was Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), runner-up was Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) whilst University Malaya (UM) was third.

Besides UMS, UPM, USM and UM, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) and Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) also entered the Finals. - (fl)

Source: Norhana Nordin, HEPA
Photo: FKSW

TUESDAY, 22ND DECEMBER – Amat Jutrah Haji Musnih and Abdul Jalil Sapli maintained their position as the President and Vice President of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) General Staff Union (Kekaumas) for the year 2016-2017.

The recent Kekaumas election, held at the Banquet Hall, UMS Chancellor Hall, saw the results of Mrs Arnah @ Zubaidah Haji Sainudin was appointed as the Secretary while the Assistant Secretary position was held by Mrs Salmiah Haji Tertib.

Two new faces emerged: Rahmat Kasmin and Mrs. Zaitun Hj. Marjan, both respectively were elected as the union Bursar and Assistant Bursar.

Six old faces, Saidin Haji Marjan, Harun Tambiri, Danan Haji Masalleh, Mohd Faizal Marjus, Binik Haji Majuril and Julius Sokodor, are among the thirteenth new line-up of Kekaumas committee members for another two years.

Six new faces making the line-up are Abdul Nawi Ngeh, Othman Haji Rawi, Mohd. Ajirin Jail, Mokrin Haji Basrin, Machdi Wismajaya and Alimin Awang Ali.

During the election, two hundred members including the EXCOs attended Kekaumas 5th Annual General Meeting. The meeting was officiated by UMS Registrar, No’man Datuk Haji Ahmad. Amat Jutrah in his welcoming speech said that this year was considered as historic because of the large number of candidates competing for positions in the election of Kekaumas EXCO 2016-2017 session.

He also mention that the union’s achievement in implementing the management shown the sincerity of the members to work closely together and tries to increase the union’s activities in the future.

Meanwhile, No’man in his speech urged all elected EXCOs including Kekaumas members to propose the best suggestions to the university’s management.

He also added that since the EXCOs are among the chosen by members, they will, of course, play their role in thinking and giving out their best suggestions on making income generation so the university’s budget allocated to the union will be returnable. Furthermore, the union’s EXCO chosen by the members are intended to aid the President in voicing out the best opinions and suggestions that can be address to UMS top management.

“If choosing a union’s committee members are just based on friendship, well-known or just because of taking chances, or even because of they are the old-timer, but not choosing because of their commitment and fights for the union; thus, this will lead to weakening of the struggle even though the leadership have tried to work hard in implementing it,” he added.

No’man also mentions that the union’s strength is depended on with the commitment and cooperation among the EXCOs, in any consensus that will be carried out.

Source: Azri Onn Othman

TUESDAY, 22 DECEMBER – The university’s ‘Bakti Siswa’ Programme with the local community could help shape our students to be holistic in various fields.

According to the Deputy Minister of Higher Education Malaysia, Datuk Mary Yap Kain Ching, interactive programmes between university students and the community in particular the rural community not only promoted the spirit of volunteerism amongst students, but also establish a personal development through such activity.

“This programme would help prepare students to go down to grassroots level to have a first-hand experience of the life of the local community, instilling awareness amongst students on the impact of volunteerism on community and national development.

“This is in line with the Ministry of Higher Education efforts in producing holistic graduates through assessing all elements not in the form of academic but also inculcate values such as leadership, communication and problem-solving,” he said.

She was speaking to the media after the launching of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) ‘Perdana Bakti Siswa’ Programme 2015, at Kampung Bukit Quoin, Balung Tawau, recently.

She also hoped that UMS students who participated in the programme would gain knowledge and experience related to the culture and social life of the local villagers for their future benefit.

The two-day programme was participated by 100 UMS students and staff with various activities  done among them were cleaning and painting of surau and the religious school (SAR), repair works, medical check-up and blood donation, aerobics and football match including Sepak Takraw with the community.

Also present at the event were Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs and Alumni UMS, Associate Professor Dr. Ismai Ali; Director of UMS Alumni Centre, Mohd. Raffie Janau; UMS Sports Centre, Mohd. Asyraaf Fong and the Head of UMS Student Affairs Department, Azmi Jumat. – MA (fl)



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