WEDNESDAY, 20 JANUARY – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) this morning held a New Refunding Formula and Key Performance Indicator 2016 Talk to its campus community.

Held at Dewan Canselor (Chancellor Hall ) UMS, the talk was presented by the Director of the Centre for Strategik and Academic Management (PPSA), UMS, Professor Dr. Marcus Jopony.

The talk was aimed at sharing information regarding the reduction on operating expenditure (OPEX) for 2016 and the new refunding formula, two important aspects for Public Universities (UA) starting this year.

The briefing was in line with the need to share the current status and future scenario related to budget allocation of the university as a preparation for UMS staff to meet the challenges and responsibilities that lie ahead starting this year.

Meanwhile, the Vice-Chancellor of UMS, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah in his keynote address said despite facing financial contraints, UMS would remain committed to its obligation as a respected higher education provider and ensure the success of the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) set by the Ministry of Higher Education.

“Therefore, I urge all members of UMS to take the change and change, both in terms of mindset, attitude, habit and work practice.

“Let’s join hands and work towards UMS’ financial sustainability, productivity and excellence,” he said. – MA (fl)

Photo by: Ramdan Saleh Nain

WEDNESDAY, 20 JANUARY – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) today strengthened its industrial network and international cooperation through the signing of an agreement with two agencies namely Yun Fook Resources Sdn. Bhd. and Zunyi Medical University, People’s Republic of China.

Through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Yun Fook Resources Sdn. Bhd., both sides would collaborate in dairy teaching farm, food handling training safety, internship and industrial attachment, research and consultation, exchange of staff and students, academic programme among others.

The MoU was signed by UMS Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah representing UMS, whilst Yun Fook Resources was represented by Datuk Yap Yun Fook.

Meanwhile,  a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with Zunyi Medical University, People’s Republic of China saw a collaboration in the establishment of the International Joint Laboratory for Ethnomedicine.

Through this collaboration, both sides would focus on cooperation on international scientific research, international science and technology training, the creation of an international academic team, establishment of the top management system and serving the economic development of Guizhou province and Malaysia by recruiting international resource.

The MoA was signed by Professor Lu Yuan Fu, a representative from Zunyi Medical University. – MA (fl)

Photo by: Musaab Umair

MONDAY, 18 JANUARY – The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FPSK) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) invites the campus community to participate in the Car Boot Sale scheduled to be held on 25 January.

According to a statement issued by FPSK, the programme, which is expected to be a hit will be held at the parking lot of the faculty between 8.30 am and 2.30 pm.

Goods are to be placed inside the vendor’s vehicle, and rent is chargeable at RM20 per participant.

For more information, please call Nurul Izza Md Nordin at 013-8500362.

All are welcome.


MONDAY, 18 JANUARY – The agenda on publications, industry networking and research grants should be strengthened to ensure the Borneo Marine Research Institute (IPMB) achieve its own excellence status.

This was stated by the Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah during his recent visit to the institute.

He said the government had spent millions of ringgit to set up a research institute, the institute must therefore exhibit their contributions to the public and the nation through various excellent achievements.

“IPMB must monitor each Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of their researchers and the research grants achieved, while ensuring that each lecturer produce an article,” he urged.

Earlier, the Director of IPMB, Professor Dr. Rossita Shapawi briefed on the continuous improvement achieved by IPMB in the areas of publication, research and innovation, enrolment of postgraduate students, industry networking and collaboration the last five years.

She said that by increasing the number of things such as facilities and human resources, IPMB potential as a Higher Education Centre of Excellence (HiCOE) in the context of aquaculture will remain relevant. – MA (fl) 
Photo by: Ernest Berinus

FRIDAY, 15 JANUARY – Her article on “Darfur, Sudan Humanitarian Issue” brought luck to Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) student, Siti Nur Zulaiha binti Lailee @ Azman when she was adjudged the first prize winner of the ‘Young Humanitarian Writers Competition 2015’ for the Non-journalist (Malay language) category.

The competition jointly organised by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and National Press Club Malaysia, in cooperation with the Malaysian Red Crescent saw the article of International Relations programme third year student being the best among all participants.

Her writings emphasised on the conflict situations in Sudan and how humanitarian aid to the people of Sudan was blocked by the government, had enabled her to take home the prize money of RM1,500 and an electronic gadget.

The prizes were presented by Head of ICRC Sabah, Dominique Earnshaw at an awards presentation ceremony held at the Gallery, UMS this morning.

UMS also won other prizes in the competition; third prize went to Mohd Ariff Mohd Noor, including two finalists namely Audrey Michelle Peter and Zaenushan Adrizan bin Zubir.

The competition themed “Respecting Life and Human Dignity” among others aimed to encourage young people to understand and discuss matters relating to international law, action and principles in humanitarian issues.

Also present at the ceremony was the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Academic and International, Prof. Dr. D Kamarudin D Mudin. – MA (fl)



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