MASKUM 1 webFRIDAY, 26th DECEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) become the host in conjunction with the Varsiti Volunteers 2014 seminar held at Gallery recently.

The one-day-seminar was held aiming to give information and training to the university volunteers as their preparation to handle volunteer activities.

According to the statement from UMS Department of Student Affairs, the seminar also giving opportunities to the participants to plan and implement volunteer activities.

The opening ceremony was officiate by Chairman of the Malaysian Universities Volunteer Commission (MASKUM), Prof. Dr. Mohamed Fadzil Che Din and participate by 300 participants from various Higher Learning Institution (IPTA).

There are six modules in the seminar; among them are basic voluntary, types of activities in voluntary and planning a voluntary project. The seminar was presented by experienced speakers.

Present at the seminar was UMS Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ismail Ali, and Universiti Teknikal Melaka (UTEM) Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni), Prof. Madya Dr. Izaidin Abd Majid. –HH–

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

Source: HEP

1MCATWEDNESDAY, 24th DECEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) through Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW) will be organizing Melakar Wajah Landskap UMS programme and Ta’ Tamu II exhibition in conjunction with 1Malaysia Contemporary Art Tourism (1MCAT) 2014 on this Saturday, 27th December.

The programme is among the university activities in conjunction with the celebration of UMS 20th years of anniversary, aim to sketch, capture UMS landscape and environment in visual and also promoting Sabah and especially UMS to the visitors and tourist through the writers’ exhibition.

Meanwhile, a dinner reception will also be held to celebrate the participations of fifty artists from the organiser, twenty local artists, ten writers and another ten photographers.

The dinner reception will took place at Anjung Siswa, UMS Student Affairs Building at 7.30 in the evening on the same date of the exhibition.

This programme is also collaborations among Persatuan Seni Visual Sabah, the National Visual Arts Development Board (BSVN), Sabah Cultural Board, Ministry of Tourism and Culture Malaysia, Gabungan Persatuan Pelukis Se Malaysia (GAP’s) and the Institute of Language and Literature, Sabah.-HH (JA)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

Pesta Krismas 2014WEDNESDAY, 24th DECEMBER – Living in harmony, even between multiracial and believes, among the Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) managements and students will be able to develop and strengthened further through their involvement in the diverse celebration celebrated in the country.

This was mentioned by Sabah Minister with Special Tasks, Datuk Teo Chee Kang, while opening the 2014 Christmas Festival held at UMS Chancellor Hall recently.

According to the Minister, this practise should continue to be practised to ensure the people’ unity can be maintained.

“We are fortunate to be able to experience the ethnic diversities in Malaysia. This opportunity should be taken advantages of because through celebrations, we will be able to open up our mind set on how the other races or religions celebrate their celebrations,” he said.

He also added that the success of organizing this festival have shown the cooperation of an organisation in realising the harmonious environment. This also proved UMS students capabilities in organizing this celebrated-by-many celebration.

Around 3,000 peoples, from the university staffs and students and also the local communities, attended the 2014 Christmas Festival celebration.

Also present was the Tuaran Member of Parliament cum the Acting President of United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (UPKO), Datuk Wilfred Madius Tangau.-ZMD (JA)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

Menang MotorWEDNESDAY, 24th DECEMBER – A student of Faculty of Computing and Informatics (FKI), Ang Ling Jun has won the grand prize in the Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) 1 Malaysia book voucher lucky draw event which held at Anjung Siswa Building, Student Affairs and Alumni Department recently. The student brought home a Honda motorcycle worth RM 5,000.

According to UMS Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ismail Ali, the book voucher can be said as pennies from heaven, given from the government through the Department of Higher Education to UMS students.

 “All university students are very fortunate to have been chosen to enjoy the facilities provided by the government. The students need to choose the books wisely and buy the relevant books needed in their current teaching and learning process,” he said during the officiating ceremony.

Apart from the Honda motorcycle as the grand prize, other prizes won during the event are 4 Samsung S3 smartphone, 3 Samsung Mega smartphone, 4 ASUS laptop and 30 consolation hampers.

The event which was organized by UMS Cooperative (Koperasi UMS) was also attended by the Honorary Board Chairman of UMS Cooperative, other board members and also UMS officers.-HH (JA)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department
Source: Student Affairs Office

Nobuyuki Tsuji 1TUESDAY, 23 DECEMBER – While Malaysia is still struggling with its recycling awareness campaign, Japan has been way ahead in instilling the recycling habit through the ‘mottainai’ concept among its community.

In essence, the mottainai concept is a way to discourage people from wasting food and other resources.  The term can be defined as a way the Japanese reflects their strong sense of regret and dislike in wasting food, time, etc.; a concept that has been deeply rooted in their culture.

The introduction to the mottainai concept was presented in a talk by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)-Sustainable Development for Biodiversity and Ecosystems Conservation (SDBEC) Sabah’s Chief Advisor, Dr. Nobuyuki Tsuji in his address held at the Faculty of Sustainable Agriculture Hall, UMS Sandakan Campus recently. The talk was organised in conjunction with UMS EcoCampus Sustainability Week held from 8-12 December 2014.

Nobuyuki stated that the Japanese recycled almost everything and wasted almost nothing, which captured the late Wangari Maathai’s attention, founder of Africa’s Green Belt Movement and also the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.  In 2005, Wangari went on to promote the mottainai concept to the wider world to inspire people to protect their environment. 

The mottainai concept is now practiced at the Sandakan Campus. –FL

Source: Faculty of Sustainable Agriculture, UMS Sandakan Campus

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department



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