menara jamFRIDAY, 12 SEPTEMBER – Through a smart-partnership with a local construction company, UMS Clock Tower is now being build without using the university’s allocation, thus saving the university’s existing financial allocation.

According to the Head of Chancellery Department, No’man Hj. Ahmad, the university was indeed lucky as the local construction company was previously involved in the construction of a building in UMS and consider this as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in UMS by contributing to the construction of the clock tower according to the concepts set by the university.

“UMS is indeed lucky as the company helps finance 100% of the cost in constructing this clock tower. This means UMS would have a Clock Tower standing majestically in its campus without the need to spend anything.

“Even though the company is willing to consider this as part of their CSR, the concept, quality and construction planning will always be monitored by both sides,” he clarified.

He also denied that this is unethical act, in fact UMS gave the construction company to do their CSR as a way to show their support towards UMS aspiration that had been doing many local and national community development.

“To prevent from being bound to any agreement through the construction of this clock tower, UMS has taken the approach to choose the company that meets the criteria set,” he added.

UMS Clock Tower was initiated by the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah, and scheduled to be officiated in November, the highlight of the 20th anniversary celebrations of UMS. – (fl)

Photo: Ernest Berinus

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department


Bola SepakTHURSDAY, 11 SEPT – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Sports Centre invited football teams to participate in the YTL Cup Open Football League that will start this coming October.

The tournament coordinator, Azman Soaibah said that, the tournament is organised in conjunction with UMS 20th years anniversary, is open to all interested teams.

“Interested teams are advised to register early. There will be only 24 teams competing in the championship,” he said when contacted by the Chancellery Media.

Every team need to pay RM2,000 for registration fee and the closing date is on the 30th of September.

“The champion, 1st runner up and the third place will receive cash prize of RM5,000, RM3,000 and RM1,500 respectively along with medals, cups and the sports goods sponsored by Carino,” he added.

The tournament will be in a league format; the participating teams will be divided into several groups. This tournament is expected to begin in October until this December.

Every team participated in this tournament will be automatically in for FA cup try out. It will be a knock-out games format to compete for the Carino cup.

The best two teams in a group will be going to the next level and competing in the First Division on the same championship for next season.

The participation form can be obtained at UMS Sports Centre and Ararat sport stores in Alamesra.

For more information, please call the secretariat, Andrew Majanggim (016-8441631) or Azman Soaibah (016-8207479). –HH (JA)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department 


Photo: Google


Semakan KemasukanTHURSDAY, 11 SEPT – STPM/equivalent leavers will be able to know their status on their appeal to the Public Higher Learning Institution (IPTA) or Universiti Malaysia Sabah from 15th September.

The result and offer letter can be obtained online through UMS Academic Service Division (BPA) website at from 12.00 noon until 11.59 midnights 23rd September 2014.

The registration date for Universiti Malaysia Sabah main campus students will be from 17th until 23rd September 2014. Students registering on the 17th until 19th September need to register at the Department of Information Technology and Communication (JTMK) or goes to One Stop Centre Building, UMS Students’ Affairs Department for those who registered on the 22nd and 23rd September.

For UMS Labuan International Campus (UMSKAL) student, the students are asked to register from 15 until 23 September at Academic Service Division Office, Bangunan Menara UMSKAL.

Student registration at Faculty of Sustainable Agriculture will be held at main office, Faculty of Sustainable Agriculture, Sandakan at the same date as the UMSKAL students.

For further inquiries about e-appeal admission registration, please call Promotion, Student Intake and Admission Section, BPA UMS at 088-320000 extension 691350. -ZMD (JA)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

Ayuh Menyampaikan Cenderamata kepada Dr. Ismail sambil disaksikan oleh AsmarahTHURSDAY, 11 SEPTEMBER – The Youth Council and Officers of Felda Sahabat Territory paid a courtesy visit to the new Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs and Alumni (HEPA) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ismail Ali.

The visit headed by Youth and Sports Officer, Felda Sahabat Territory, Ayuh Husain was aimed at introducing leaders of the Youth Council and Youth Officers of Felda Sahabat Territory.

According to Ayuh, it was also as an effort to strengthen strategic ties in the education and social agenda especially in realising the National Agenda particularly to the settlers and community of Felda Sahabat Territory.

“Various collaboration will continue to be carried out with UMS such as those through PeRsada that has become ambassadors to Felda children in this university,” he said.

He also congratulated Dr. Ismail on his appointment as the new Deputy Vice-Chancellor HEPA UMS.

Meanwhile, Dr. Ismail explained that UMS through HEPA Department would continue to support Felda Sahabat through their programmes. Also present was the Sabah Publicity Department Head, Asmarah Rikun. – SS (fl)

Media and Citra

Chancellery Department


SLE picWEDNESDAY, 10 SEPT – Probability for women to suffer from Systemic Lupus Erythematosus or SLE is eight time higher than men within the range of 15 until 45 years old.

It is estimated that more than 10,000 people in Malaysia have been diagnosed with SLE over the past thirty years; 90 percent of them are women while 10% are men and children.

According to Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Faculty of Medicine and Health Science Senior Lecturer, Dr. Malehah Mohd Noor, SLE or Lupus is an immune system disruption where the body immune system to attack certain parts of the body when the system supposed to protect it.

“There are two types of lupus, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) which can affect any parts of the internal organs and Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) which only affects to the skin,” she said.



She added that SLE can affect parts of the body including joints, skins, kidneys, lungs, blood vessels and the brain.

“At the moment there is no specific test to diagnose Lupus. It is not impossible to have the symptoms for years before diagnosed to suffer from Lupus,” she added.

The most common SLE symptoms are arthritis, often accompanied by fatigue and fever.

Realising the danger of SLE diseases, UMS and together with Persatuan SLE Malaysia (PSLEM) and Kota Kinabalu Queen Elizabeth Hospital collaborate to make an awareness campaign walkathon ‘Walk-a-Payung’.

The campaign will be on the 20th September 2014 where the participants will walk for 1.5 kilometres starting from UMS Chancellor Hall.

For more information and further inquiries about SLE or PSLEM, please browse (JA)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department





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