ShireenFRIDAY, 19 SEPT – More than 200 Visual Arts students from Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW) presents to listen to an art historian, Shireen Naziree’s lecture.

The programme, held at FKSW Ahmad Nisfu Theatrette, is in conjunction with Galeri Petronas Kuala Lumpur’s ‘Pertumpuan: Senusa Sejiwa’ exhibition held at Sabah Art Gallery, and co-organised by UMS. The visual arts exhibitions start today.

According to Shireen, it is not an easy task to find a gifted artist, with a high quality artwork, even though there are a lot of people becoming artists.

“An artist must have their own signature idea. The idea must keep on expanding, in every piece of work,” she added.  

An artist must have the ability to accept critiques and see the benefits form others point of views on your personal artwork. Having the ability to criticize your own self is a plus.

“Either as a writer or an artist, you must always communicate and ask yourself. And then the answers will be translated to a piece of art,” she said.

Also present, FKSW Deputy Dean, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hj. Baharudin Arus, Prof. Dr. Siti Zainon Ismail and Datin Maimun Pg. Bagul. –ZMD

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

ums gtg rygFRIDAY, 19 SEPTEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Student Affairs Department (HEP) organised a ‘Gotong Royong Perdana’ programme in all UMS college residence recently.

According to the UMS Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs and Alumni, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ismail Ali, the programme is one of the efforts to instil the students’ sense of belonging and love to UMS Campus.

“In line with the Vice-Chancellor Message, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah wants every student to have a sense of belonging. He also urges the students to create a conducive and harmony campus,” he said after the programme.

According to Ismail, what they have done in the programme is to clean out the college surrounding area including the drainage and water reservoir.

He also said that they are also concentrating on the cleanliness in every level and block of the college residential especially the toilet.

This programme involved 4,000 students as part as an awareness on the dengue situation and as a support to the campaign against dengue,” he added.

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

Permohonan PascasiswazahTHURSDAY, 18 SEPT – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Centre for Postgraduate Studies (CPS) is now opening their application for Master and Doctor of Philosophy studies semester 2, 2014/2015 academic session.

According to the statement by CPS, the closing dateline for the application is on the 30th November 2014.

The application can be submitted online through

For more information on the postgraduate programmes, please call CPS line 088-321316 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

A total of 677 successful UMS students continue their Master and Doctor of Philosophy studies in various fields for semester 1, 2014/2015 academic session.-ZMD (JA)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

konvensyen rasuah1FRIDAY, 19 SEPT – It become complex issues which hit our country when almost every day corruptions are involved in every stratum of society, either the blue-collar or the white-collar workers. Hence, efforts to prevent corruption must begin from an early stage.

According to Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs and Alumni (DVC HEPA), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ismail Ali, the efforts in preventing corruption is one of important agendas in the national agenda towards Vision 2020.

“IPTA graduates are the accurate agents in reducing corruption and changing the mind-sets. Early exposure on the dangers of corruption must begin even when they are on their studies.”

“This is because the students are the one who are going to enter the job market and holding the professional job later on. They are the persons exposed to the activities which involved corruption,” he said after the launching ceremony of the convention ‘Malaysia Bebas Rasuah bersama Badan-Badan Pelajar IPTA Seluruh Malaysia’ held at UMS Gallery.

“The convention, organised by UMS Anti-Corruption Secretariat, is perfect in giving awareness to the students on the corruption adverse impact on the community and nation’s administration.”

The three day convention gathers student’s leadership line from other IPTAs including Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Universiti Teknologi Mara Sabah Campus, Kota Kinabalu Polytechnic and UMS, as the host. -MA-

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

DR.AZANTHURSDAY, 18 SEPT – The fallen soldiers, sacrificed while defending the country to achieve independence need to be honoured.

According to Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Centre for the Promotion of Knowledge and Language (PPIB) language lecturer, Dr. Mohd. Nor Azan Abdullah, without their sacrifice, the community in this country will not have the pleasure to enjoy living in harmony.

“I believe that every soldier have a high patriotic spirit. They are also self-discipline and practised good moral values,” he said during the talk in appreciation for the country’s independence. The talk is held in a program called ‘Libatsama PPIB bersama masyarakat Lohan dan SMK Lohan, Ranau’.

Dr. Azan invites the audience to follow the European example, whom always emphasizing knowledge sharing. He also invited locals to strive diligently to succeed in life, thus, contributing to the nation’s development.

The positive attributes; diligent, persevere, and never give up hope should be instilled in every individual especially to the students. Those attributes, added with high desire to succeed, surely will yield success,” he said.-HH (JA)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department



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