csr gantisanMONDAY, 29 SEPTEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Library in collaboration with the Malaysian Group of Librarians Sabah (PPM), Sabah State Library, PetroSains, Tun Haji Mohd Fuad Stephens Borneo Research Library and the Library and Club of Pustaka Polytechnic Kota Kinabalu recently organised a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Programme at SK. Gantisan, Sepanggar and special contributions to the fire victims at Kg. Gantisan.

According to Senior Deputy Head Librarian who is also the Chairman of PPM, Haji Zawawi bin Tiyunin, the programme was one of the efforts to close the gap and to socialise with the local community through this activity and corporate contributions.

“I hope with programmes such as this, we would be able to motivate students to be more excellent and be competitive,” he said when met at the programme.

A few activities were carried out, among them were improving of classrooms, Resource Centre, Surau and health checks by the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, UMS.

A total of 200 people were given the chance to gain more knowledge through quizzes and mental tests conducted by PetroSains staff.

The programme ended at Kg. Gantisan Multi-purpose Hall with a presentation of daily basic needs to the fire victims who were putting up there.

Also present were the Director of Politeknik Kota Kinabalu, Roslee Yahya, representative of Sabah State Library Head, Chong Mei Ling and Politeknik Kota Kinabalu Senior Librarian, Al Rashid. – SM (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

20k likesFRIDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER – 'Likes' for Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) official Facebook page has now reached 20,000 since yesterday.

The total was seen to have increased rapidly since the results of the Higher Learning Institutions (IPTA) were announced by the Ministry of Education Malaysia (KPM) in the middle of the year.

Besides providing information on campus activities, the social website also share collection of photos on UMS campus environment and landscape.

Facebook is one of the communication medium between the university and students including community who need further information on education in UMS.

UMS known to have an ecocampus environment celebrates its 20th anniversary this year since its inception in 1994. – (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

ismail tvalhijrah1THURSDAY, 25 SEPTEMBER – Small Islands Research Centre (SIRC) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) will ensure the small islands’ ecosystem sustainability, especially around the waters of Sabah.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs and Alumni, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ismail Ali said the setting up of such research centre was the first of its kind in Malaysia initiated by UMS Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah in ensuring that research be done on the small islands.

“SIRC not only adds more research associated to it in its collection, but also ensures that all information be shared with government agencies for the purpose of enforcement,” he said.

He said this at the talk-show ‘Assalamualaikum’ on AlHijrah TV.

SIRC he said would be launched on 30 September in a ceremony. – MA (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

MOU AEONFRIDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with AEON Co. (M) Berhad (AEON) at UMS Chancellery Building today.

UMS was represented by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs and Alumni (HEPA) UMS, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ismail Ali whilst AEON was represented by its Human Resource Division General Manager, Etsuko Eto.

The MoU opened opportunities for students of the Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition (FSMP) UMS to undergo industry training under the Sustainable Supplier Development Programme (SSDP) under AEON.

According to Dr. Ismail, the involvement of industries in providing training would sharpen the professionalism of our students in acquiring entrepreneurship skill, good communication and effective problem solving.

“Producing graduates with great potential in industry is something subjective, it comes from experience and individual understanding on the needs of the world of industry,” he said.

He also added that the MoU hoped to bring about benefit especially to UMS community and the community of Sabah generally.

For the record, there are a total of ten clusters under the Industry Centre of Excellence (ICoE) introduced by the Ministry of Education Malaysia (KPM) and UMS as the spoke university for four clusters which are Wholesale & Retail, Hospitality & Tourism, Oil & Gas and Biotechnology.

The Memorandum of Understanding was witnessed by the Registrar of UMS, Datuk Abdullah Hj. Mohd. Said, AEON Quality and Risks Management, Lt. Col. Yaacob Mahmud, Senior Officers of UMS, representatives of AEON and Universiti Utara Malaysia. – ZMD (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department


alhijrah ismailTHURSDAY, 25 SEPTEMBER – The islands in Malaysia, especially those located close to the border need to be gazetted so as to avoid a struggle on the rights to the islands.

This was stated by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs and Alumni, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ismail Ali in a talk-show programme entitled ‘Discovery and Conservation of Islands in Sabah’ with hosts Fadzli Aziz and Amin Idris at AlHijrah studio this morning.

In the programme ‘Assalamualaikum’, Dr. Ismail explained that all the islands on the East Coast of Sabah have been gazetted. Thus, the country will not face any problems such as those claims made on Sipadan Island and Ligitan Island some time ago.

“Occupation of the island is also important in proving that the islands belong to the country,” he said.

‘Assalamualaikum’ is a talk-show segment broadcast live on AlHijrah TV at 8.30-10.30 am daily. – MA (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department



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