tctp monyet belandaTHURSDAY, 14 AUGUST – The opportunity to witness first hand the Proboscis Monkey (Nasalis larvatus) at Padas Damit Forest Reserve provided an invaluable experience for participants of the Third Country Training Programme (TCTP) 2014.

They were brought down the Garama River at the Garama Base Camp Beaufort, the group were excited with the existence of the species.

A participant from Cambodia, Pang Phanit said, the experience of seeing the monkey species living in their natural habitat was a precious gift for him, being this was his first visit to Malaysia.

“I did not think Malaysia is rich with diverse population of forest wildlife. This is one of the most extraordinary experiences for me,” said this officer with the Cambodian Forest Management Office.

The group also had the opportunity to get a closer look at fireflies (Lampyridae) along the mangrove swamp of the Garama River at night.

For Forest Conservation Unit Chief of the Natural Resources and Environmental Division, Laos, Kanyasone Vilaphong, seeing fireflies is an experience he cannot forget.

“The lights illuminated from this insect is totally mesmerising. I believe, besides me, other participants are also delighted to see it,” he added. – ZMD (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

eksplorasi depilahTHURSDAY, 14 AUGUST – The Student Welfare Committee (JAKMAS) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Labuan International Campus (UMSKAL) will be having an info-sharing session with prospective tertiary students on 15 August.

The programme called Eksplorasi de’ Kuala Pilah will be held at Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan as a platform for sharing of experience with the prospective students who will enter into life in the university soon.

According to the Programme Director cum Exco for Academic, Personality and Spiritual Development JAKMAS UMSKAL, Yong Zong Xian, a few UMSKAL lecturers would also be involved in the programme to provide more information on the courses offered at UMS.

In addition, he said the participants will also have the opportunity to learn more about the business of education loans and the payment for the National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN).

“PTPTN will provide booth for prospective undergrad students to enquire on related information and apply for the National Education Savings Scheme (SSPN-i), as well as a special session with the officer of PTPTN Negeri Sembilan branch to answer questions pertaining to PTPTN,” he said.

The closing ceremony is expected to be formalised by Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism minister, Dato’ Seri Hasan Malek. Residents staying around the vicinity are also invited to attend the function. – (fl)


Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

merdeka benderaWEDNESDAY, 13 AUGUST – The spirit of celebrating the Merdeka Month continues among the plural society of this nation.

In Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), the response can be seen by the flying of the Jalur Gemilang and Sabah flags around the campus ground.

Chancellery Media survey found the flags, a pride of the state have been placed strategically at the fences of the campus since early August.

The flags were also seen on lamp posts around the vicinity of the main route in the University that included Jalan Perdana Puncak Ilmu, Jalan Samudera and Jalan Canselori.

Several vehicles belonging to UMS staff were also bedecked with stylised flags portraying patriotism to the country’s independence day, celebrated for the 57th time come 31 August. – SS (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

logo umsTUESDAY, 13 AUGUST – Students with Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) results or its equivalent for the 2014/2015 academic session who chose to continue their studies at Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) can check the results starting today.

According to a statement from the Academic Services Division (BPA) UMS, checks can be made online at their website,

Prospective UMS students who are eligible can also print their letter of offer to study through the same link.

For students who are not selected, an appeal can be made via website starting 12-24 August 2014. Results of appeal will be announced on the 3rd week of September.

Registration for new undergraduates for the 2014/2015 session can be made online at starting today until 24 August, while residential college enrolment will be held on 1 and 2 September at UMS campus, followed by the Orientation Week (MSM) that will start on 3-7 September. - (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

Simposium KembojaWEDNESDAY, 13 AUGUST – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) through the Department of Student Affairs and Alumni (HEPA) had sent two students to participate in the 5th University Scholars Leadership Symposium in Phnom Penh, Cambodia recently.

President of the Student Representatives Council (MPP), Fandyi Sanizan Jurup and MPP Exco for Student Welfare and Service, Mohd Rizuan Jamri were sent to participate in the programme organised by the Humanitarian Affairs United Kingdom in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism of Cambodia and the Cambodian Youth Association.

The seven-day symposium among others seek to create young leaders for future generations besides providing opportunity for all participants to exchange knowledge and experiences from different countries.

In addition, it also act as a platform in learning the skills to interact and experiences from the speakers who had vast experience in the field of humanities.

The programme was participated by 700 participants from 47 countries and was officiated by the Cambodian Prime Minister, Samdech Hun Sen. – SS (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department



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