Public Speaking Group Focuses On CSR For UMS-Sprint

WEDNESDAY, 18 DECEMBER - A group of 85 Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) students of the Public Speaking Class under the Centre for Co-Curriculum and Student Development (PKPP) visited ‘Sekolah Dalam Hospital’ (SDH), Hospital Wanita dan Kanak-kanak Sabah (HWKKS), Likas recently as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility Programme under UMS Siswa-Siswi Prihatin (UMS-SPRINT).

Consisting mainly Year One students who were undertaking their co-curriculum subject this semester; the undergrads learned to draft Working Papers and performed related tasks leading to the programme.  They donated textbooks and workbooks for primary and secondary students besides decorating the classroom, wrapping of text books, making and gifting of handmade keychains and fruits with motivational quotes attached for children at the paediatric ward of the hospital.

The visit started with a briefing and a Question and Answer session by Asfar Abdul Hamid, the first teacher posted to teach at SDH, HWKKS. 

“The main reason SDH was formed is to give opportunity for the children who could not attend normal school session to have an education like normal children do”, he said.

For Mohd Shah Mizal bin Mohd Sharizal, 20, who is taking Sociology and Social Anthropology Programme at the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW), UMS, this visit was a first for him and commented that the children were delighted to spend time with them.

“Despite their health condition, the children at the ward were active and excited to interact with us,” he said.

This visit was also joined by UMS international undergraduates from Gabon, Japan, Korea, Pakistan, and Timor-Leste.

An international student from Pakistan, Hafiz Abdul Rahman s/o Muhammad Mushtaq, 21, who is studying Mechanical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering, UMS had mixed feelings about the children at the ward.

“I enjoyed the short but quality time with them and getting to know them better”, he expressed.

The visit was led by instructors of Public Speaking, Mohammad Norazmi Haris for Section 1 and Feria Lee for Section 2.


By: Mohamed Nasseir Bin Mohamed Hamzan & Abdul Qawi Bin Kamran (Year 1 students)



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