mooc 2014TUESDAY, 24 JUNE – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) is actively building and developing skills related to e-learning in response to the goals and initiatives outlined in the National e-Learning Action Plan Policy (DePAN).
Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah said the Ministry of Education had embarked on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) in a large scale since January this year, which among others were aimed at promoting internationalisaton and publicising Malaysian universities courses to the whole world.
“UMS is proud to be among the universities involved in the production of MOOC courses to be uploaded and used by UMS students next semester. For a start, 20 courses had been selected for this MOOC initiative.
“UMS’ involvement in this project would improve its presence in the global arena as well as improving the ranking of the university in terms of internationalisation,” he said. He was speaking at the official closing ceremony of the 20 MOOC Courses e-Content Development Retreat at the Berjaya Palace Hotel, Kota Kinabalu recently.
He added, MoE would be implementing the e-learning method in the form of blended courses with 50% of the courses offered by all Public Higher Learning Institutions (IPTA) be in blended mode by 2015.
“For that, the university has created UMS E-Learning Unit in May this year to achieve the aspirations set by the MoE.
In future, more courses in UMS would use this e-Learning method and would be made compulsory to all lecturers. If this programme proved successful, UMS will introduce open long distance learning mode (Open Distance Learning) for Masters and Doctorate programmes soon,” he said.
A total of 20 lecturers from various UMS faculties, centres and institutes had been involved in the three-day retreat to complete the contents of UMS MOOC. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education I, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin were expected to launch MOOC in a big scale this coming September. – MA (fl)

Photo: Ernest Berinus

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department



wanita iktirafTUESDAY, 24 JUNE – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) has always been heeding the government’s call to promote 30 percent of its female staff as decision-makers in the public sector.

Recently, UMS promoted some of its staff who had shown outstanding leadership qualities and productivity of work.

Of the 66 total of staff promoted, 12 were female employees under the Management and Professional group.

They were Norti Hj. Sirin, Saima Ismail, Kamisah Husin who were promoted to Grade 52, while Noor Hapipah Samat for Grade 48.

For the promotion to Grade 44 the shortlisted recipients were Majlimawati Abdul Majid, Hayati Salleh Baihaki, Mashilla Nilus, Stella @ Nurul Martini Gontol, Ainun Jamil, Zaiton Mohamad, Molly Donna Datuk Awang Sham and Suzie Mohamad.

The rest were male employees and support staff of UMS.

The Promotion Letters were presented by UMS Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah.

Earlier in his speech, he reminded the newly-promoted employees to continue intensifying their daily work in accordance with the new position held and together undertake the administration of the university. Also present was UMS Registrar, Datuk Abdullah Hj. Mohd. Said. – SS (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department


bengkel naratifMONDAY, 23 JUNE – The National Film Development Corporation Malaysia (FINAS) and Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) jointly organised a Narrative Editing Workshop at the Che Zulkarnain Laboratory, Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW) recently.

The workshop aimed to expose participants on the role of an editor in ensuring the end result of a video and film can effectively convey the story to the audience.

In addition, the workshop conducted by Isazaly Isa also revealed the technical aspects of the latest video software namely Final Cut Pro X which is now been widely used by editors involved in the local and international filming industry for cinemas and television shows.

Isazaly who had extensive experience in the film industry said that the important aspect in editing was not only technical proficiency in the use of software, but an editor should also be able to understand the narrative the director was trying to convey through the shots and footage recorded.

“Selection of good shots and footage will successfully convey the story more effectively and make the reaction and movement of the actors in the scene be better shown and more appropriate.

“When narrative editing is done, an editor must select and delete certain shots such as the reaction and action of an actor which are unnecessary and inappropriate in terms of continuity and storytelling,” he said when met at the workshop.

A total of 25 participants comprising UMS undergrads and outside participants atended the workshop which was held for five days.

The workshop was one of several film workshops conducted by FINAS and UMS to further develop the film industry in Sabah especially to train skilled manpower in various related fields.

It was also part of the agreement signed in the Letter of Intent between UMS and FINAS last February to conduct a series of filming workshop in Sabah with UMS becoming the workshop or training centre with easy accessible of filming equipment and facilities provided by the university. – MA (fl)

Source: Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage, UMS

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

Pengisahan UMSMONDAY, 23 JUNE – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) has always been playing a role in honing the talents of students.

Recently, UMS through the Student Affairs and Alumni Department had sent three of its undergrads to the 1Malaysia Nationhood Narrative Competition organised by the Information Department of Sabah.

Located at Mara Junior Science College (MRSM) Sandakan, the competition required participants to be engaged in the art of acting and understanding of script which saw UMS represented by the West Coast Division facing a stiff fight with five other groups.

UMS was represented by Mohd. Nor Sabri Sarih, Risi Maran Subramaniyam and Abdul Manan Perman where they each made their debut in this contest.

When contacted by Chancellery Media, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs and Alumni, Assoc. Prof. Datuk Dr. Kasim Hj. Md. Mansur said, although UMS did not manage to defend the champion title this time round, the participation itself was enough to hone the students’ talent and increase their level of confidence.

“More importantly the undergrads are closer to the community through this leadership narrative and the struggles of local figures presented through this competition,” he said.

With the group aptly named Trio’s Anak Kinabalu (Sons of Kinabalu Trio), the group presented ‘Commitment of Struggle’ which recounted on the leadership of Malaysia’s Prime Minister, Dato’ Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak.

The opening ceremony was officiated by the Assistant Minister of Housing and Local Government and Member of the Legislative Assembly (Assemblyman) for Gum-gum, Datuk Hj. Zakaria Hj. Mohd. Edris. Also present was the Chief of Information Department Sabah, Hj. Almain Ajirul.

For the record, UMS held the title champ of this competition before for two consecutive years. – SS (fl)

Source: Student Affairs and Alumni Department

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

PPUMS2MONDAY, 23 JUNE – The recently concluded Kinabalu Management and Professional Conference themed ‘Memperteguh Ketahanan Modal Insan, Memperkasa Tadbir Urus’ (Strengthening Human Capital Resilience, Intensifying Governance) organised by the Management and Professional Officers (Non-academic) Association (PPUMS) had attracted about 200 participants from within Malaysia, comprising managers, administrators, medium and high-ranking officers from the public and private sectors, academicians and others.

The event was officiated by the Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah at Promenade Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, the venue of the two-day conference.

Six topics were individually presented and some were discussed by invited panellists; among them were former State Secretary of Sabah, Datuk K.Y. Mustafa; Chairman of UMSLink Holdings Sdn. Bhd., Datuk Awang Buhtamam Awang Mahmun; Director of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency (SPRM), Datuk Haji Mustapha Ali; Senior Assistant Director of the Malaysian Integrity Institute (IIM), Harisham Ibrahim and Director of ESSCOM, Datuk Mohamed Mentek.

In his speech, Datuk Harun said that human capital was the strategist factor in carrying out any tasks in an organisation and that it was closely related to individuals.

“Good governance is not only necessary in an organisation but more importantly it should be absorbed by all levels to achieve an excellent level in future,” he added.

Earlier, the President of PPUMS, Hj. Zawawi Tiyunin who is also the Senior Deputy Head Librarian with UMS mentioned that the process of good governance should be well practiced, this included the elements of accountability, integrity, transparent, responsive, effective and efficient, fair and impartial, and upholding the rule of laws.

Meanwhile, in her closing remarks, Chairman of the conference and Senior Deputy Bursar of UMS, Zallifah Shadan urged that the theme of the conference be made the basis in developing the management and professional level of an organisation, including implementing it into our everyday lives. – FL

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department



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