mac1mMONDAY, 13 MAYThe Student Literature Club (KARMA) had organised an Appreciation Nite called Malam Apresiasi Cinta 1 Malaysia (MAC1M) at the Ahmad Nisfu Theatre, School of Arts Studies, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) recently. With the theme ’50 Years in the Formation of Malaysia,’ MAC1M whose aim is to increase the spirit of love for the country, was officiated by the Head of Chancellery Department of UMS, No’man Hj. Ahmad.

In his speech, he said as believers students should increase the spirit of love for the country as whosoever confess that he is a believer should love his or her country too.

“The new generation is easily swayed thus history continue to penalise them because of their ignorant in history. Because they are not keen in history, do not want to keep abreast with history then they are cheated with false information. Being manipulated was the result of information whose rationality can be opposed through electronic medium such as Facebook, Twitter, blog, etc.,” he said.

He added that without taking into account certain information, society could be influenced even though it is purely rumour and propaganda. These could erode one’s love towards his or her nation and negative elements planted on their minds.

“Intellectual uses brain to assess and not simply storm their way in where the wrong becomes right and the right becomes wrong. This is a sign of destruction for human race,’ he said, citing the likes of Pak Pandir or ‘Father Folly.

Taking the example of the street demonstration which included students from higher learning institutions (IPT) against the Election Commission Sabah branch recently, No’man who also conducted public speaking for an hour said that the incitement from individuals and groups who wanted to see Malaysians divided was an act that should be avoided.

“IPT such as UMS is a tower of knowledge tasked to educate the young to be knowledgeable and to think rationally in whatever actions they are in. Do not act irrationally because at the end the young generation and future generation would feel the consequences,” he stressed at the event attended by 120 students wearing red as a symbolic act to be true believers.

Meanwhile, the programme director Astuti Asnawi said, the aim of the programme will not stop at just this event but will continue until state level to symbolically express the young generation’s desires the importance of blissfulness, harmony and peacefulness. Besides that, the theme ’50 years in the Formation of Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak’ will be the main strength and commitment to all UMS students and staff and the people of Sabah on the importance of sustaining the love for our country.

At the function, visitors were also entertained by poetry recital, songs and dikir barat. Among those who were invited were Awang Karim Kadir and Ampuan Awang with his presentation of a poetry entitled ‘Jebat Maafkan Aku’ (Forgive Me Jebat). Among the UMS students who collaborated in the poetry recital were those entitled Cinta Watan Tanda Iman, Bangsaku, Kitalah Tuan, Di Halaman Kembang Sepatu Ini, Selamanya Sejahtera Warga, and a song ‘Warisan’ popularised by Sudirman and Dikir Barat 1Malaysia. – FL

Source: Massaliniri Mohd. Tahir

                                                                                                                        Information and Media Section, Corporate Relations Division

UMS LogoUniversiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) is not involved with any gatherings or street demonstrations of any kind organised by anyone pertaining to the just concluded election results announced recently.

I, as the Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) hereby stressed that the use of UMS logo on any banners, posters or social network is done without the approval of the university. As such, the university will be doing a thorough investigation to identify those who had used the university’s logo irresponsibly for their own intended purposes.

I strongly prohibit any involvement of our students in such gatherings and demonstrations. My advice to our students is that they should concentrate on their original intention upon admission to the university that is to search for knowledge tirelessly as entrusted by their parents who hopes to see them graduate with pride.

The Vice-Chancellor
Universiti Malaysia Sabah

                                                                                                                        Information and Media Section, Corporate Relations Division

spu3WEDNESDAY, 08 MAYTo increase awareness and exposure to calamities and emergency situations that might occur at the university, the School of Medicine (SPU) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) held a one day workshop on Awareness on Disaster and Emergency Management Day 2013.

UMS Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah when officiating the programme said that the workshop gives opportunities for UMS students and staff to share their expertise and knowledge to understand the safety procedures in managing any disaster or untoward incidences.

“Workshop such as this would be able to give exposure to UMS students and staff on the ways to control emergency situations through early response whenever emergency situations occur especially within the university compound,” he urged.

According to him, UMS students and staff need to always emphasise on safety aspect while executing their duties everytime and to be actively involved in the awareness of disaster and emergencies management in the university.

Earlier, the Dean of SPU, Prof. Dr. D. Kamarudin D. Mudin said that they would send volunteers from the university to visit victims of the recent Lahad Datu intrusion from 10 – 12 May.

“We will be having talks and counselling to the affected community and at the same time handing over contributions of daily rations to them,” he said.

Also present was the Head of Department of Selayang Hospital, Datuk Dr. Mohamed Alwi Abd. Rahman who was the invited speaker.

By: Faezah Mohamad Dun/Feria Lee
Photo: Musaab Umair

                                                                                          Information and Media Section, Corporate Relations Division

Pasukan Ragbi Wanita Sains Sukan UMSTUESDAY, 07 MAYThe Student Representative Council (MPP) and the Sport Science Programme students of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) in collaboration with S. M. La Salle had recently organised Contact Rugby Championship for the first time.

The Championship themed ‘How Far Can You Go’ was held at S. M. La Salle field and had attracted 12 entries with six women teams and the rest were men teams.

The women teams were divided into two groups; Group A consisted of Sains Sukan (SS) UMS A, Michaelian Bulldozers and IPG Keningau whereas Group B consisted of SS UMS B, Penampang Pengait and SMPO II. For the men’s teams, Group A comprised SS UMS A, Ranau Titans and OSCA whereas for SS UMS B, KK Sharks and IPG Keningau were in Group B. Seven referees were engaged in the championship and were headed by International Rugby Board (IRB) evaluator Dr. Mohamad Nizam Nazarudin who is also a lecturer with Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS).

The Women’s Bowl Category saw a stiff fight between SS UMS B against Michaelian Bulldozers. However, SS UMS B emerged the winner with a 2-1 aggregate win. Ranau Titans took the lead for the Men’s Bowl Category with an aggregate win of 2-0 against SS UMS B. As for the Plate Category, the women’s team Penampang Pengait lost to IPG Keningau with 0-1. KK Sharks however trounced SS UMS A thus grabbing the champion title with a 1-0 win in the final Men’s Bowl Category whilst SMPO II emerged the winner for the Women’s Cup Category and IPG Keningau for the Men’s Cup Category.

Meanwhile, Senior Assistant of S. M. La Salle, Safri Jeffri said that the combined efforts of La Salle and UMS had successfully inculcate a strong friendship among the players and helped enliven the event. He added that the cooperation had helped to revitalise the rugby sport in the state. The prize-giving ceremony was done by the Sports and Recreation Exco of UMS MPP, Pang Ngiap Ting. – FL

Source: Dr. Mohamad Nizam Nazarudin, SPPS

                                                                                             Information and Media Section, Corporate Relations Division

gimFRIDAY, 03 MAYThe Gym Instructor Level 1 course was successfully conducted at the School of Education and Social Development (SPPS) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) recently with the involvement of 50 Sport Science Programme students. The course was led by Fiji Low Wei Hoong, a certified instructor from the Ace American Council on Exercise, and aided by his assistants Mohammad Faizah Apdal and Mohd Fakhri Omar.

According to Low, this course was not only meant to be as a facilitator in a gym but also as an advisor to gym equipment use, physical alertness and to be fit. He said this in his talk during the course to the participants.

Meanwhile, the Head Project, Dr. Mohamad Nizam Nazarudin said that the idea of organising this course came about when a study had found that there was a high demand for personal instructor services and the mushrooming of fitness centres. As such, he said the course TC30003 under Pathmanathan K. Suppiah was seen as giving opportunities to Sport Science students to be familiar with the proper handling of gym equipment and able to apply their knowledge gained through all sports fields.

“I hope that this gym instructor course will have a continuation so as to improve the individual’s skills especially Sport Science students who will be coaches after they graduate,” he added.

In the meantime, an international student from Brunei, Hj. Yaardy Hj. Karim said that he had benefitted from the course and described the skill to manage a gym as an added value to the learning of Sports Science in UMS. He said, managing a gym properly would indirectly help to avoid and lessen injuries to the body system.

“Apart from that theory, this course also included practical module and written test. In fact, participants were also brought into a gym to have hands on experience with the machines and gym equipment besides conducting practical session based on the rules and protocol of this course in gym practices,” he added.

The course ended with a presentation of gifts to all gym coaches by Dr. Mohamad Nizam Nazarudin. – FL

Source: Sports Science, SPPS

                                                                                                                       Information and Media Section, Corporate Relations Division



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