usahawan rasmiTUESDAY, 16th DECEMBER – Entrepreneurship and innovations activities are crucial in increasing the nation’s economics level and competitiveness.

Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah said that with the progressive national economic development, the government efforts in eradicating poverty indirectly will be achieved.

“At the same time, the unemployment rate can be decreased through employment offer produced by these entrepreneurship and innovations activities,” he said in his opening speech for the UMS 2014 Entrepreneurship and Innovations Conventions held at the Recital Hall earlier this morning.

His speech was delivered by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International), Professor Dr. Shariff AK Omang.

Prof. Datuk Dr. Harun said that as one of the national public institutions, UMS is also supporting the government’s efforts in achieving a developed nation with higher incomes by the year 2020.

“Among UMS efforts, is the establishment of the Entrepreneurship Research and Development Centre (ERDEC). One of the centre’s key activities is instilling innovative and entrepreneurship skills among the UMS communities especially the students,” he added.

Present during the ceremony were D’Herbs Founder, Dato’ Aliff Syukri, and ERDEC Director, Dr. Ramraini Hassan. –SS
Photo: Ramdan Salleh Nain
Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

iktiraf kebangsaanMONDAY, 15th DECEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) send five of their students to participate in the National ‘Himpunan Ikatan Hati Warga Felda (IKTIRAF)’ programme helda at Dataran Pancarona in Putrajaya, recently.

The students delegations, led by the Chairman of UMS ‘Permuafakatan Siswa Siswi Felda‘ (PERSADA), Datu Rosman Datu Ahir Zaman who are also a member of Felda Sahabat Lahad Datu Region.

He and another four students are also participating in the various programmes during the three day event was held.

The other delegations are Nur Fatihah Abd Halim, Hasbullah Abd Samat, Ahmad Khusairi Abd Jalil-Feld and Mohd Khairul Ariffin Uding.

According to Datu Rosman, they have gained new valuable experiences while taking part in the whole programme. The programme was also joining in by more than 25,000 Felda communities from across the nation.

“During the event, we also attend the Premier Forum, a Night with Ustaz Kazim Elias, ‘Malam Cinta Rasul’ and also New Felda Generations Conventions,” he added when contacted after the event.

He also said that the opportunity to take part in a forum slot titled ‘Social Empowerment and New Felda Generations Communities’ at Dataran Pancarona, Putrajaya was also meaningful and informative. The panellist for the panel was prominent figures and one of them is a member of Felda Board of Directors, Datuk Ehsanuddin Mohd Harun Narrashid, who are also the Chairman for National Service Training Council.

The highlight of the event shows the sweetest moment for Datu Rosman together with the contingents from Felda Sahabat 2 Youth Association (MBFM), Felda Sahabat Region, Sabah come forward to the stages, for winning the Malaysian Felda Youth Premier Cup.

The opening and prize-giving ceremony was officiated and presented by the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato’ Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak. –SS

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

UMS KML KALFRIDAY, 12th DECEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Labuan International Campus (UMSKAL) undergraduates shared their knowledge and experiences with Labuan Matriculation College (KML) students in conjunction with the Sharing to Success 2014 programme.

The programme was organised by UMSKAL Student Peer Club (PRS), was held yesterday at Seminar Room, Menara Building and guided by Nur Iman Reedzal, a Psychology and Counselling Officer.

A total of 40 KML students who are members of the Mentor Mentee Head Committee (JAKTEE) presents to join in the programme, and were accompanied by the Student Affairs Assistant Director, Zaemah Suhaili and two Counselling Officers, Sadiah Jakob and Hajah Kamsi @ Kamsiah Adil.

According to Sadiah, the programme gives KML students opportunities and a platform for the students to interact with UMSKAL undergraduates; to share the university students’ experiences in academic, teaching and learning and also their lifestyle on campus.

“The programme should inspire and motivate KML students to be perseverance in their studies in order for them to get excellent results before continuing their studies to the higher level,” she said.

Meanwhile, Nur Iman representing UMSKAL Director, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murnizam Haji Halik, welcomes the visit and KML cooperation in co-organising the programme organised by the university Students Peer Club.

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

UMS LInk -KALMONDAY, 15th DECEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) subsidiary, UMS Investment Holdings Sdn. Bhd. offered twelve courses to be taken for the staffs and officers in the private and government departments in the Federal Territory of Labuan area beginning next year.

UMS Link Group General Manager, Ramlan Ag. Ali said that various programmes and courses prepared for the staffs and officers of the government and private sectors in the territory. The courses are prepared with UMS Kampus Antarabangsa Labuan (UMSKAL) collaboration.

“Among the courses offered are human resource, information technology, financial management, team building, and also professional and technical courses,” he said.

He mentioned the statement after the courtesy visit to the Director of UMSKAL, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murnizam Haji Halik at his office, recently.

Meanwhile, Dr. Murnizam commented that they are always welcome UMS Link readiness to cooperate with both private and government agencies and departments in this territory.-SS

Media and Citra Division

Chancellery Department
Source: Azri Onn

ecocampus be changeFRIDAY, 12th DECEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Ecocampus Sustainability Week 2014 ‘Be the Change’ programme have come to an end in a closing ceremony held at Auditorium, Biotechnology Research Institute (BRI).

According to UMS Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah, this was the first organised event was held and aimed as an effective platform to every faculties, institutes and residential colleges to put forward ideas related to the environment and sustainability.

“Challenges in the environmental issues are now increasingly wide spreading. Therefore, innovative ideas are needed to handle the issues without affecting any organisations productivity,” he said in his closing ceremony speech. His text was read by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International), Prof. Dr. Shariff Abd Kadir Shariff Omang.

Prof. Datil Dr. Harun said that UMS community need to keep on striving to excel and active in their action in achieving the goal to make UMS as an EcoCampus status.

Earlier, Ecocampus Management Centre Director, Dr. Awangku Hassanal Bahar Pengiran Bagul informed the media that a few projects have been sent to the Ecocampus Challenges Competition to be competed at the international level next year.

The five-day programme received an encouraging respond from departments, faculties, centres, instittues and units in UMS.

Photo: Johaidi Ismail

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department



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