sk lokubSATURDAY, 26 APRIL – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) continues to play its important role in raising public knowledge to all corners of the state.

Recently, UMS through its Media and Citra Division, Chancellery Department paid a courtesy call to Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Lokub located in the district of Ulu Kiulu, Tuaran.

The division was represented by its Publication Officer, Che Hasruddin Che Hassan; Salbinous Saribun, Assistant Information Officer; Feria Lee, Programme Producer and Senior Driver, Ahmad Ramlee Abdullah were warmly welcomed by the school’s Principal, Subin Kitang and other teachers.

A discussion focussing on several partnerships between UMS and the school was made.

Among them were SK Lokub to be made the hub for a variety of scholarly activities such as UPSR Motivation Camp, etc.

UMS is ready to play its role as the centre for knowledge and to ensure every participation by the rural communities and the rural areas.

The trip which took nearly two hours by road which were partly gravel was seen to have given a different experience for the group who had recently visited Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Tamparuli.

Subsequent visits planned by the Media and Citra Division included SMK Tun Fuad Stephens; the only secondary school in Kiulu which began operating since 1968. – SS (fl)


Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

Makan BersyariatFRIDAY, 25 APRIL – The Student Welfare Committee (JAKMAS), Islamic Association Sabah (USIA), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) will hold talks on ‘Indahnya Makan Bersyariat dan Berkhasiat’ this Sunday.

According to the programme director, Nurzeehanis Ismail; the talk will be held at the USIA Hall 1Borneo and will feature the School of Food Science and Nutrition (SSMP) lecturer, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hjh Marian Abdul Latif as the speaker.

“A total of three slots will be featured; ‘We Are What We Eat’, Nutrition and Food Module of the Prophet S.A.W.,” she said when contacted by UMS Chancellery Media reporter.

Nurzeehanis added that a total of 150 participants are expected to attend the talk which are also supported by the State Haj Fund Board.

“The programme will be officiated by the Deputy Director of the State Haj Fund Board, Hj Ismail Kamal,” she added.

The public especially UMS staff and students are invited to attend the talk which will start at 8.30 am.

Participation is free and interested individuals are urged to register themselves by contacting the secretariat at 019-5080628 / 013-5021798. – ZMD (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

apums 2013FRIDAY, 25 APRIL – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah called on all Schools, Centres, Institutes and Units (SPIU) in UMS to strive towards increasing their research based on the Malaysian Research Instrument outlined by the Ministry of Education (MoE).

He said, through the seven main criteria outlined in MyRa such as the quantity and quality of researchers, quantity and quality of education, quantity and quality of postgraduate students, number of innovations, income generation through commercialisation and professional services, network and research network, and accredited laboratory and library facilities, UMS scored a three star rating in the self-assessment last year.

“This is the highest achievement so far, and if every SPIU cooperate and work hard to plan and execute research activities, we could then achieve a five star rating in the MyRa score, which would contribute towards excellence in research and innovation of the university,” he said. He said this when officiating the UMS Researchers Awards 2013 at Dewan Bankuasi (Banquet Hall).

He added that with the establishment of three new units; the Food Safety and Technology Unit under the School of Food and Nutrition (SSMP), Energy Research Unit under the School of Engineering and Information Technology (SKTM), and the Borneo Archeological Research Unit under the School of Social Sciences (SSS), which added to 18 research units in UMS that would encourage research and innovation efforts.

At the award ceremony, SKTM lecturer, Kenneth Teo Tze Kin was declared the winner of the Researcher Award in the Science Category for the year 2013, whilst School of Science and Technology (SST) lecturer, Dr. Chong Khim Phin was awarded the Young Researcher Award for the Science Category 2013. The School of Psychology and Social Work lecturer, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Balan A/L Rathakrishnan was awarded the Hopeful Researcher for 2013. – MA (fl)


Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

karnival spe2014FRIDAY, 25 APRIL – The School of Business and Economics (SPE) Business Carnival 2014 which was held for two days starting yesterday was aimed at instilling entrepreneurial skills in our undergrads.

Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah said such programmes also supported SPE’s niche area since its establishment 20 years ago, and was synonymous in the field of entrepreneurship that had produced graduates to meet with industry needs.

“I believe SPE will continue to produce graduates who are capable of displaying an effective intellectual integrity with a high level of knowledge, which directly contributes to an increased level of graduates in the working world,” he said when opening the carnival at the Lobby of SPE.

SPE Business Carnival 2014 held in conjunction with UMS 20th year in establishment, served a variety of activities throughout the two days including a career talk, stock market simulation, exhibitions, colouring competition etc.

Also held was the opening of SPE Stock Trading and Gallery and SPE’s The HotelLab. – MA (fl)


Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

rekreasi sppsTHURSDAY, 24 APRIL – A total of 34 undergrads of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Sports Science Management underwent a sports and recreational activity recently at Kiulu River Bug and Zip Borneo. Under the supervision of Sports Science lecturer, Hasnol Nordin; the group under the Sports and Recreation subject encamped for two days and underwent various fun filled activities such as Flying Fox, Abseiling and Water Rafting.

 In addition to gaining experience and increasing knowledge, the programme aimed to provide opportunities for undergrads to interact and appreciate the surrounding natural beauty.

The first day started at Zip Borneo with the undergrads preparing their military-style camping ground pitching their camp beds as their resting place. They were then given a briefing by Hasnol and the management of Zip Borneo.

They then started their activity by doing abseiling, followed by flying fox. Armed with good safety precaution, every student showed their dedication in every assignment and challenges given.

On the second day, the undergrads had their experience in water rafting at Kiulu River. They were earlier given a briefing on the safety aspects, handling methods and ethics before being divided into six groups. Each boat used were supervised by the Kiulu River Bug supervisors as a safety precaution.

The undergrads were seen to have enjoyed all the activities. They described them as healthy which gave them an exciting experience and fostered closer rapport among themselves. – (fl)

Source : School of Education and Social Development

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department



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