bola jaring kokum. JPGTHURSDAY, 06 JUNE – The UMS Netball team emerged as champions at the recent Open Netball Championship held at Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Sports Complex. The championship which was organised by the Netball Semester 2 Cocurriculum Club (Kokum) was participated by four teams comprising students and staff of this ecocampus university.

UMS Netball team had earlier trounced MASCOM team with a score of 18-1 followed by a win of 14-1 to Kokum team before defeating G-United with a score of 14-3. Armed with a winning streak, UMS Netball team which consist mainly Sports Science students was declared the overall winner. First runner-up was Kokum team and Second runner-up was G-United team. All winning teams received medals, a hamper each and certificate.

Meanwhile, UMS Netball cocurriculum coach, Fauziah Janau said she was satisfied with the smooth running of the programme organised by students under the netball course. She said it was a good start in increasing human development skills for their future.

The director of the programme, Nurul Ashikin Razak said that all efforts by the committee members who had worked tirelessly in making this championship a success had taught them invaluable experience in organising an event. She said this experience will be useful in facing a more challenging future.

The open netball championship is done at every end of semester in UMS. Its aim is to encourage students to make sport a culture and a healthy practice besides being a platform to nurture new talents for various championships such as the Malaysian University Sports Council (MASUM) and the Asean University Sport. – FL

Source: Nurmasaini Mazlan & Mollyanna Peter

                                                                                                                          Information and Media Section, Corporate Relations Division

shootingTHURSDAY, 06 JUNEUniversiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) continues to be the centre of attraction by foreign and local visitors including a Peninsular Malaysia based film production house. This EcoCampus University was the location site for a film by renowned national film director, Bade Hj. Azmi.

The film which features famous actresses like Liyana Jasmay and Sharifah Amani, covered some interesting locations in UMS which are normally visited. Among them was the library which is well-known for its beautiful landscape besides the 1MegaLab which is fully equipped with 500 thin client computers.

When met by newsman, Bade expressed the reason he chose UMS as the location for his latest film was because he was synonym with the university through close cooperation with some UMS lecturers, and students who went through internship at his production house. Besides, he added, the university which is environmentally friendly are complete with interesting facilities which are suitable with the scenes of the new film under his direction.

“I am thankful to the university for the opportunity given to us for this shooting. We might be coming back to UMS in future as there are many more interesting places which are seen to be appropriate for filming locations,” he added.

Besides UMS, the action film entitled ‘Sindiket’ had also chosen Semporna and Tawau to be included in their shootings. - FL

By: Salbinous Saribun
                                                                                                                            Information and Media Section, Corporate Relations Division

4MONDAY, 03 JUNEUniversiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Sepak Takraw Championship 2013 was successfully held recently under the UMS Sepak Takraw Club. Its championship director, Shariff Md Idris Md Sani said that the championship was a continuous project of the club under the supervision of an officer from the Student Affairs and Alumni Department, Ahirunnisham Ahmad especially in their efforts to popularise the sepak takraw game in Sabah.

A total of 30 teams including two from Negara Brunei Darussalam took part in the championship which was held at the Main Lecture Hall A1, UMS. The opening ceremony was officiated by the President of the Sabah Sepak Takraw Association (ASTAKA), Datuk Hj. Awang Sham Hj. Amit. Also present were the Director of UMS Sports Centre, Mohd Asyraaf Fong Abdullah and the Supreme Council Members of ASTAKA.

In his speech, Datuk Hj Awang Sham praised UMS’ initiative in organising this championship which managed to attract local heavyweights and also from Brunei. He believed that with UMS’ participation, this sport would receive great interest and that it would produce more good players in future.

“With UMS as the premier public institution of higher learning in Sabah, it acts as the main catalyst to other public higher learning institutions to introduce this traditional sports not only among students but also all age levels in the state,’ he added.

In this championship, Papar A emerged champion when they defeated Brunei 88 B in a stiff fight which continued until the third set. Brunei 88 B which was represented by former Sea Brunei Sports player relented and accepted their defeat with an aggregate of 15-12, 9-15 and 9-15 and settled at the second spot. Meanwhile Kota Belud A and Sahabat Masjid Nabawan were each declared as the 2nd Runner-up.

Host UMS A, was defeated in the grouping level by a thin margin even though they recorded two wins and one defeat only. UMS also sent another three teams comprising UMS students who will be representing the university in the forthcoming championship among public higher learning institutions. Even though they lost, this championship evidently had given them useful experience and exposure with the good performance shown by all participating teams.

The champion, first and second runner-up each brought home cash prize of RM1000, RM600 and RM300 and trophy. Best player went to Papar A tekong, Rozmie Mat Yassin who had shown an excellent performance throughout the championship thus winning him cash prize of RM100 and a trophy. – FL

Source: Jakaria Dasan & Muhammad Faiz Hizami Mohd Ismail
                                                                                                                       Information and Media Section, Corporate Relations Division

Majlis ppiTUESDAY, 04 JUNESome 20 Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) researchers were feted to a luncheon today held at the Café D’Sireh, Chancellery building, UMS.

The function which was organised by the Research and Innovation Centre (PPI) among others was aimed at recognising researchers who had made a name for UMS at the Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE) 2013 and International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition (ITEX) 2013. The function which was also covered by the electronic and print media was attended by the Vice-Chancellor of UMS, Prof Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah and the Director of PPI, Prof. Dr. Felix Tongkul.

Earlier in his speech, Datuk Dr. Harun said the achievements displayed by our researchers were in line with the Strategic Plan 2013-2017 launched by UMS recently with the theme ‘Sustaining Excellence Towards International Prominence’. He said, there were seven UMS-KRA which were inserted into the Strategic Plan where one focussed on research and innovation.

It was found under UMS-KRA 2: to increase excellence in Research and Innovation. One of the targets under the UMS-KRA 2 was 50% increase in the number of awards gained in exhibitions and competitions either at national or international levels.

“Because of that, exhibitions such as these are very important in helping us realise this UMS-KRA 2 besides positioning UMS at international arena. This criteria is also included in the MyRA evaluation: Malaysia Research Assessment which is the priority for the university to achieve five star rating by the Higher Education Ministry,” he urged.

He added, research were done not only to gain awards but should also be commercialised after achieving various awards.

“Efforts and energy should be mobilised by all in UMS so that the university will not be left behind in commercialising innovation products. This is in line with the needs for the university to generate income through fees, licences, royalties and the like,” Datuk Dr. Harun further added.

At the ITEX 2013, UMS gained 13 awards which was six gold, seven silver and a certificate. Whilst at the MTE 2013, UMS obtained three gold, one silver, nine bronze and a certificate. Besides that, one special award ‘Women Inventor of the Year’ was given to a researcher from the School of Arts Studies (SPS), Jinky Jane C. Simeon through her innovation entitled U9 Xylophone.

By: Salbinous Saribun
Photo: Suzeannywatie Gasinin
                                                                                                                                         Information and Media Section, Corporate Relations Division

spps kualitiMONDAY, 03 JUNEThe School of Education and Social Development (SPPS) organised a seminar on MS ISO Quality Management at the Postgraduate Studies Auditorium recently. The seminar which was organised through the Educational Management Programme Masters Students was headed by the Senior School Assistant and a representative from the District Education Office Kota Kinabalu besides students from the Education Management Programme itself.

The aim was to expose participants towards the characteristics of quality management. It was designed especially to cultivate quality management habit in participants and to give a positive outlook on quality management focussing on MS ISO which will be able to raise their knowledge on management.

The official opening and closing ceremony was done by the Dean of SPPS, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ismail Ibrahim. In his speech, he hoped that these efforts will create awareness to participants on the importance of quality management based on the principles found in MS ISO.

The Director of SIRIM Sabah and the Federal Territory of Labuan, Tuan Haji Khairan Untoh was also invited as the speaker to this programme focussing on the Standard Quality (MS ISO), Standard Elements (MS ISO), Basic Principles (MS ISO) and the Implementation of ISO in schools. Also present was the Senior Lecturer and Advisor of the programme, Dr. Mohd. Khairuddin Abdullah and the Director of the Seminar, Madrashid Muhammad. – FL

Source: School of Education and Social Development, UMS
                                                                                                                             Information and Media Section, Corporate Relations Division



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